Ye Ting took out the parchment and began to concentrate on completing his homework.

Although the homework at Hogwarts sounds high-end, and students are required to write several-foot-long papers at any time, what is the reality?

The professors’ requirements for these papers are not strict. To put it bluntly, they just ask students to write book reviews and the like.

Come to think of it, you can’t really let a group of little wizards who are only eleven years old write some profound papers!

Their basic education level is not as good as that of Muggle children of the same age!

This kind of pediatric task is simply a piece of cake for Ye Ting, who has actually written a graduation thesis.

He finished an article in no time.

It’s a pity that there is no Chat-GPT in this era, otherwise he could save even this little effort.

After completing the homework, Ye Ting took out a rare book borrowed from the library, and took out an automatic feather pen to start copying.

Ye Ting had originally considered using [Copy in Pairs] on the books in the library, so that he could get copies in batches quickly, easily and economically.

But this idea was quickly overturned.

How could those who made books not think of this simple copying method? Therefore, most books will be cast with the [Anti-Copying Spell] during the binding process to avoid this kind of thing.

Therefore, if Ye Ting wants a book, his only choice is to copy it.

But as he copied, Ye Ting became impatient.

The principle of the automatic feather pen is to automatically record text according to the user’s thoughts.

In other words, if Ye Ting wants to copy a book, it is equivalent to silently reciting the book in his mind.

But with Ye Ting’s talent, reciting a book silently is basically the same as memorizing it. Why do you need to copy it specially?

What’s more, this efficiency is too low. Even if Ye Ting reads ten lines at a glance and reads fast, he can only copy one or two books in one night.

And the number of books in the library is counted in thousands.

With this efficiency, Ye Ting wants to read the library once, and it will take him forever.

These automatic feather pens are almost bought in vain. Afterwards, Ye Ting planned to throw these feather pens away.

But then he thought, why not recycle them?

It just so happened that Ye Ting had a new idea about the system recently.

So, after leaving the library, Ye Ting piled up a dozen automatic feather pens together, and after thinking about it, he piled up all the ink and ordinary feather pens he bought.

Since we want to recycle waste, let’s give it a try and take a big gamble.

Will bulk collection produce different effects?


Ye Ting stretched out his hands.

With a flash of light, the pile of feather pens and ink in front of him disappeared.

The system’s reward came.

It was a black, simple-looking typewriter with a pair of pink wings floating next to it.

“……This is the Paradise Magic Typewriter!”

Ye Ting recognized it at a glance. This is a prop from the Paradise of the Past in a certain game. In the game, the magic typewriter is actually the embodiment of the Paradise of the Past’s log system, which automatically records everything that happens in the Paradise of the Past.

In reality, its function is to record everything that happens in a designated space.

This ability does not seem to be as omnipotent as in the game.

But Ye Ting noticed another way to use it.

“What if… I use it to record the contents of the books in the library? After all, the contents of the books are also part of the space of the”library”.

Unfortunately, the library was closed now, so he had to go back to the dormitory to try.

When he got back to the dormitory, his three roommates were already fast asleep.

Ye Ting ignored them and turned on the typewriter, then made a request

“Typewriter, help me record the contents of all the books in this dormitory”

“”Got it, lovely human,” the typewriter said in a pink fairy voice,”I’ll record it for you.”

Then, Ye Ting watched the contents of the first-year Transfiguration textbook appear on the typewriter paper line by line. The printing speed was so fast that it was comparable to the Muggle photocopies.

But the clacking noise was a bit uncomfortable.

Ye Ting had already heard Michael turn over and was almost woken up by the noise.

“”Drowsy… Sleep peacefully!”

Ye Ting’s reaction was so fast that he immediately cast a [Hypnotic Spell] to make Michael fall asleep again.

Then, he cast a hypnotic spell on Anthony and Terry.

Then he realized the problem.

“……In this case, I should have silenced the typewriter.”

He slapped his thigh.

It was too hasty, or his reflexes were too fast, and his body made a choice before his brain.

It can be seen what position the three roommates have in his subconscious mind.

“Sorry, everyone, you should get some more sleep.”

Ye Ting touched his nose, and then used [Silent] on the typewriter.

The crisp typing sound disappeared immediately.

Within five minutes, Ye Ting picked up the typewriter and found that he had already printed out a whole book of”Beginner’s Guide to Transfiguration” and was now printing”Standard Spells”.

“Let’s stop here.”

Ye Ting stopped typing. The experiment was over. He had understood what he needed to understand. Typing further would only waste paper and ink.

“One book in five minutes means twelve books in an hour. If I stay in the library for a whole night, I can type at least forty books.……”

Ye Ting calculated,”If I hide the typewriter and put it in the library, letting it type automatically, it is not impossible for it to type all day long.”

“Even if I don’t take such extreme measures, it’s not impossible to copy all the books in the library within seven years with the time I have every night.”

Thinking of this, Ye Ting was finally satisfied and could sleep peacefully.

The next morning, as soon as Ye Ting arrived at the auditorium, he saw his roommate Michael Connor rushing mysteriously.���He waved:”Hey! Come this way.”

Ye Ting walked over and saw his three roommates gathered together, all of them looked sleepy. He asked knowingly:”What’s wrong? Why haven’t you woken up yet?”

“have no idea……”Michael yawned,”I slept so deeply last night that I almost couldn’t get up this morning. I’m still a little sleepy.”

Anthony also sighed,”I don’t know why, but I feel like I’ve never slept so well before.”

Then you have to thank me.

Ye Ting smiled secretly in his heart

“Okay, okay, let’s get down to business!” Terry Boot reminded

“Yes, business!” Anthony slapped his thigh, revealing a gossipy expression:”Ye Ting, tell me the truth, did you go on a date last night?”

“And Miss Granger from Gryffindor.” Michael said

“We fell asleep and didn’t see you return to the dormitory.” Terry Boot added


Ye Ting was confused. What on earth were these little wizards thinking?

He was only eleven years old. His hair hadn’t even started to grow.

Some girls at this age hadn’t even grown yet. How could they fall in love?

But then again, think about those elementary school students who fell in love prematurely in the past life. At the age of eleven, at least they were quite mature in their thinking.

Although it might be a little early in terms of law and physiology, it wasn’t completely impossible.

“Yeah, what’s wrong?”Ye Ting spread his hands and admitted it openly.

Choosing between”spending a whole night in the library” and”dating”, he decisively chose the latter.

After all, this would make Ye Ting look more face-saving.

Terry Butt was full of admiration,”That’s amazing, school has just started!”

Anthony also came up eagerly,”Ye Ting, you have to teach us a few tricks!”

“Actually, it’s not that difficult to date a girl.”Ye Ting smiled slightly, looking confident,”The key is to master the skills and know how to please her, so that you can easily get it done.”

“Could you please give us a live demonstration?” Michael suggested.

“This kind of thing…”

Ye Ting looked disdainful, and then turned to look at Susan, who was talking to Hannah at the Hufflepuff table next door:”Susan, do you want to go to the library together tonight? Hermione and I will go!”

“”Okay!” Susan turned her head with a bright smile on her face.

Ye Ting raised his eyebrows at his three roommates,”Do you understand? This is the technique.”

The three shook their heads.

They were all dumbfounded. It was obvious that Ye Ting had made an appointment with Hermione yesterday, but why did he change someone else today… and it was one to two.

“You have to be proactive and bold in this kind of thing.”

Ye Ting said with the tone of an experienced person,”For things like this between men and women, someone has to speak first. As long as you bravely take the first step, you may get unexpected surprises.”

Terry looked embarrassed,”But what if you get rejected?”

Michael and Anthony also nodded in agreement. It was embarrassing to think about this kind of thing.


Ye Ting looked at the three people as if they were maggots,”That’s because you are not handsome. Anyway, I have never been rejected!”

Hearing this, the three people made contemptuous gestures towards Ye Ting.

This morning, the little wizards of Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff were very excited because they were about to have the long-awaited Defense Against the Dark Arts class.

When Ye Ting stepped into the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom, he almost suspected that he had gone to the wrong place.

It is better to say that this is a haunted house than a classroom.

The windows are blocked by thick curtains, and the dim firelight sways on the walls, as if ghosts or monsters will jump out of the dark at any time. What is even more unbearable is that as soon as you step into the room, a pungent smell of garlic hits you in the face.

Due to the lack of sunlight for a long time, the humidity here seems to be able to erode In people’s bones. The humid air made the strange smell even stronger, almost suffocating.

Susan was one step ahead of them and was already sitting in the classroom.

Now she has become different from before.

It seems that because of Ye Ting’s encouragement, Susan has changed her original personality and become more active. She no longer plays badly with other little badgers.

Now every class, she comes to class early and actively sits in the first row. Since Ravenclaw often attends classes with Hufflepuff, she never forgets to save a seat for Ye Ting.

Seeing Susan waving, Ye Ting and his roommates walked over and sat down next to her.

As soon as Michael sat down, he covered his nose and complained:”What kind of hell is this place? Why don’t you open the window to get some fresh air? It’s so stinking!”

Susan turned her head to look at the window, and explained helplessly:”These windows are nailed tightly with wooden boards, and the curtains are sewn tightly, so they can’t be opened at all.”

Ye Ting, however, sat calmly in his seat as if nothing had happened. He took out an Introduction to Charms Analysis from his schoolbag and began to read it with great interest.

He knew Quirrell’s background well, and he knew that he would not learn anything useful in this year’s Defense Against the Dark Arts class.

In other words, if anyone could learn anything real in this class in the next seven years, it would be a miracle!

Therefore, he would rather spend his time on things that interest him.

But other young wizards were not as calm as him.

Justin from Hufflepuff was impatient. In a fit of rage, he picked up a stool and was about to smash the wooden board on the window.

“”Don’t… don’t do it! Don’t open the window!”

Professor Quirrell rushed into the classroom in a hurry and stopped Justin in time.

With his appearance, the smell of garlic in the classroom became stronger, as if hundreds of people who had eaten garlic were breathing out at the same time, which was unbearable.

“Professor, what are you talking about?” Megan Jones asked loudly,”Can you speak English?”

Professor Quirrell blushed and tried to make his pronunciation clearer:”……I…I speak…English, with a…a real…a real Cockney accent.……”

Unfortunately, his words were still stumbling, with a thick accent and a hint of curry, making people mistakenly think that he had just come from India.

Seeing that Justin was still unwilling to give up, he waved his arms and gestured anxiously:”I…I…I was…hurt by a vampire, and now I can’t…see the wind, and I can’t see…the light.”……”

Hearing this, Justin was so frightened that he dropped his stool and hid in the last row, fearing that Quirrell would suddenly turn into a vampire and pounce on him. Seeing this

, Professor Quirrell waved his hand and explained:”……No… It’s okay, don’t panic. I… I did some special treatment on the wound, I won’t turn into a vampire, don’t worry. That female vampire didn’t bite me.……”

He began to stammer about his thrilling encounter with vampires in Romania.

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