In order to deepen the students’ understanding, Professor Flitwick gave an example of a spell that went out of control.

A witch tried to use a cleansing spell to remove the hair on her legs, but the spell was too powerful and all the hair on her body was wiped out, including her hair.

After hearing this example, all the young wizards, both men and women, were horrified, and some of them gave up some bold ideas.

There was no way, not only witches love beauty, but British wizards are also often troubled by baldness.

After talking about the example of failed spells, Professor Flitwick patiently and carefully explained the key points of casting the [Cleaning Spell].

“Okay, that’s enough of the theory.” Professor Flitwick announced,”Next, we’ll move on to the practical part.”

“”Oh! No, no, no! Mr. Weasley, put down your wand!” The professor suddenly shouted.

Ye Ting turned his head and saw Ron pointing his wand at Harry, urging Harry to take out his wand.

Obviously, he couldn’t wait to get rid of those annoying fertilizer marks on his body.

“Listen carefully, everyone,” Professor Flitwick said with an extremely serious expression,”Until you can master the [Cleansing Spell], you must not use this magic on others, understand?” As soon as he finished speaking, Professor Flitwick waved his wand.

A box flew out from the desk, flew between each little wizard, and then sprinkled a small pile of sand in front of each person’s desk.

“Now, your goal is to use the Cleansing Spell to remove the sand. Let’s get started, children!” Professor Flitwick announced.

“Clean up!”

“”Clean it up!”

The classroom was filled with spells.

Ye Ting looked around and found that no one had successfully cast the spell.

“”Clean it up!”

Hermione chanted softly, and with a wave of her wand, the sand on the table disappeared instantly.

“”Great, Miss Granger!” Professor Flitwick said happily,”Gryffindor gets two points for this!”

Hermione’s face flushed slightly, she glanced at Ye Ting secretly, and raised her chin even higher.

Ye Ting smiled faintly and said nothing.

He looked at the sand in front of him, without chanting a spell, or even taking out a wand, but just snapped his fingers lightly.

The next moment, the sand on the table disappeared without a trace.

“”Oh my God! What did I see?” Professor Flitwick exclaimed,”A wonderful silent and wandless spell!” Professor

Flitwick was so excited that he seemed to be about to faint. Ravenclaw really found a treasure this year.

He looked at Ye Ting, his eyes full of unprecedented admiration.

He had heard before that Ye Ting made a big splash in the Transfiguration class, but he didn’t expect that he was so good at spells.

It can be said that Ye Ting’s outstanding performance and talent far surpassed other young wizards.

He couldn’t help but think that Ravenclaw had always been suppressed by Slytherin and Gryffindor, and this year there was finally hope of a comeback.

“”Five points for Ravenclaw!” Professor Flitwick announced excitedly.

At this moment, all the young wizards present stopped their wands.

What did they see?

A boy of the same age as them had already mastered the skill of casting spells without a sound or a wand.

This skill was difficult to master even for many experienced wizards.

Some young wizards who had just entered the magical world did not understand what was going on, but their classmates would immediately help them.

“You… can you really cast any spell silently and without a wand?” Hermione looked at Ye Ting in shock.

“How can it be so magical?”

Ye Ting spread his hands and said,”I can only do this with the simplest magic.”

Of course, he would not tell you about the magical effects of the Eye of God.

“Even so, it’s still very impressive.”Hermione praised sincerely,”At least, you’re ahead of me.”


The two were whispering to each other when a deafening explosion suddenly sounded in the classroom.

Ye Ting reacted quickly and waved his hand. A transparent shield immediately blocked them, isolating the splashing smoke and shock waves.

Hermione looked at Ye Ting in astonishment.

Didn’t we say that only the simplest magic could be cast silently and without a wand?

【Obstacle Spell] It’s not that simple

“……Well, as a wizard, it’s normal for me to have practiced the [Barrier Spell].”Ye Ting touched his head awkwardly.

Hermione bit her lip and swore secretly:”If I believe you again, I will be a fool.”

The two turned their heads and saw a young Gryffindor wizard standing there awkwardly, his face covered in black and gray, and the tip of the wand in his hand was blooming.

Obviously, he was the initiator of the explosion just now.

This sudden explosion was so powerful that it was comparable to a firecracker.

Ye Ting recognized this young wizard at a glance. It was Seamus Finnigan who accidentally blew up the fertilizer barrel in the Herbology class.

He felt that if Seamus focused on wizard duels, he might be able to shine.

Imagine that when dueling with him, no matter what spell he recited, it might end up with the effect of the [Explosion Spell]. I just want to ask you if you are afraid.

An hour and twenty minutes passed in a blink of an eye. At twelve o’clock, the bell for the end of the spell class rang.

Through this class, Ye Ting had an intuitive understanding of the level of this class of young wizards.

Until the end of the class, only a few little wizards were able to reduce the sand on the table, while most of the little wizards’ spells were completely ineffective.

The herbology class in the afternoon seemed relaxed and enjoyable.

At least they didn’t have a Seamus who would blow up the fertilizer barrel.

Although Lisa’s talent in herbology was not as good as her attainments in magic, the first-year knowledge was easy to understand after all, and Ye Ting was able to cope with it with ease with her intelligence.

In addition, Ye Ting also obtained Amber’s talent, and his physical fitness was much better than that of the generally powerless little wizards, so he successfully impressed Professor Sprout in class.

The professor praised him highly, praising him for being”born to study herbology.”

However, Ye Ting felt that this compliment was not worth being happy about. He always felt that he was”born with a holy body for civil engineering.”


After a few days of performance, Ye Ting’s excellence has been recognized.���Unanimous recognition by Hogwarts teachers and students.

Now everyone knows that there are two top students in this class of freshmen – Hermione Granger from Gryffindor and Ye Ting from Ravenclaw.

These two are simply answering machines in the classroom. No matter what questions the teacher throws out, they can answer them fluently, complete classroom tasks easily, and their homework is perfect.

With their blessing, the scores of Gryffindor and Ravenclaw’s houses have risen like a rocket, and

Hufflepuff and Slytherin can only watch them being left behind.

However, there are also differences between top students.

Hermione is very self-aware of this.

From the surface, the two are actually similar, but as the little wizard who spends the most time with Ye Ting, only Hermione knows that this person’s genius is not comparable to that of ordinary people.

When the two were in the library, Hermione never saw Ye Ting preview or review his homework. He never took more than half an hour to complete his homework, and the rest of the time was spent flipping through those various miscellaneous books.

On Thursday night, he even skipped the library and went somewhere else.

Such a casual attitude towards learning and such outstanding performance really amazed her.

In the Transfiguration class, he showed his skills in transforming large objects, and

Ye Ting’s various silent and wandless spells were even more despairing.

Hermione knew very well that she could perform so well now because of her hard work and good memory.

But facing Ye Ting, who was so talented, she still felt deeply frustrated.

If she wanted to catch up with Ye Ting, she had to study harder.

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