Ye Ting’s first class at Hogwarts was History of Magic, and Ravenclaw happened to be in the class with Gryffindor.

When Professor Binns’s pearly white figure penetrated the blackboard and floated into the classroom, everyone was startled.

——Professor Binns is a ghost.

Professor Binns looks very, very old, even older than Dumbledore.

There are many versions of why Professor Binns, a ghost, can be a professor on campus.

The official version is: One morning, on the way to the classroom, Professor Binns accidentally left his body in the armchair in the staff lounge, while his soul went to the classroom to teach as usual.

Since then, his life seems to have been frozen at that moment, repeating the same lectures day after day, as if time has stopped in front of him.

However, Professor Binns knew nothing about this, and he still sticks to his position in education and continues to shine.

As the only ghost professor at Hogwarts, Professor Binns’s professionalism is really admirable.

He never cares about compensation, is indifferent to fame and fortune, and sticks to the podium for 365 days.

To be honest, there is no second such professor even if you search the wizarding world.

When they were students, the young wizards, regardless of their wealth, status, pureblood or half-blood, all hated Professor Binns’ History of Magic and wanted to change teachers as soon as possible.

But it was different when they grew up. Some of them became school directors and immediately fell in love with this old ghost.

This may be the growth of life!

When you are ignorant, you slander Binns, when you are mature, you admire Binns, and when you get paid, you want everyone to become Binns!

But a good employee in the eyes of the school directors is not a good teacher in the eyes of the students.

Professor Binns’ class is like a pool of stagnant water without ripples, so dull that it makes people drowsy.

It is no exaggeration to say that even those emcees who preside over funerals are more emotional than him; the Dementors in Azkaban are more energetic than him at the moment they suck away the souls of the prisoners.

“From the first sprouts of life underwater… to the giant beasts of the Stone Age… to the first human upright walk……”

Professor Binns used his low and monotonous voice to narrate the history of magic like chanting a mantra.

To the students of Ravenclaw and Gryffindor, this sound was just like the humming of an old vacuum cleaner, which had an excellent hypnotic effect. The whole class was drowsy, occasionally waking up, hurriedly writing down a name or date, and then quickly falling into a state of half-sleep and half-wakefulness. Just three minutes after the class started, Neville, who was determined to study hard, was defeated by sleepiness and fell asleep on his desk.

Without the company of his beloved Leif, his sleep quality was greatly reduced.

Harry was a different picture. His head was like a chicken pecking at rice. Those who didn’t know would think that he was so fascinated by the professor and agreed with him deeply.

Padma Patil tried to grab her braid to wake up, but her heavy eyelids still announced her failure, and she staggered and fell on the table.

As for Ye Ting, he wished he could draw Walnut’s Eye of God at this moment, rescue Professor Binns immediately, and send him to the afterlife.

Half an hour into the class, almost all the students from Ravenclaw and Gryffindor fell asleep;

Hermione was probably the only student awake, but in order to force herself to be alert, she moved her chair away and stood up to listen to the class and take notes.

Finally, the bell rang, and Ye Ting felt an unprecedented relief.

The second class of the day was Professor McGonagall’s Transfiguration class, which Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff took together.

Hermione’s Transfiguration class was in the next period, so the two of them separated quickly.

When Ye Ting slowly came to the classroom, he found that there were many little wizards from Ravenclaw.

As expected of the school’s paper king, some of them had even taken out their textbooks to start previewing.

In comparison, the little wizards from Hufflepuff were much more Buddhist.

Of course, there were exceptions.

Ye Ting looked at the first row, where the gifted girl with glasses, Susan Bones, was sitting there reading a book, but there were no students around her.

The reason was simple, a cat was squatting on the table next to her, it was an extremely beautiful black and white tabby cat with gorgeous fur and elegant body. But the most attractive thing is not the glasses-like pattern around its eyes, but the unique temperament it exudes.

Those cold eyes seem to hide the soul of a person.

Such a cat appeared in the Transfiguration classroom. Is it necessary to guess who the other party is?

Just as Ye Ting was about to find a place to sit down, Linnet, who had been following him, was faster than him. She jumped out and jumped directly in front of the tabby cat, meowing provocatively.

At first, Linnet had not seen the scene of Professor McGonagall turning into a cat, and she thought it was another pet in the castle.

Since they are both pets, they have to compete to see who is the boss.

However, the tabby cat just glanced at it lightly and ignored it.

This made Linnet angry.

She claimed to be the overlord of the pet world of Hogwarts. Now she has subdued four younger brothers under her command. How dare someone ignore her? How can she tolerate this?

If she can tolerate even this, how can she survive in the world and be the boss in the future?

She was about to give him a cat punch.

Then she was picked up by Ye Ting.

“Oh my cat ancestor, why did you have to mess with her when you can mess with anyone else? Aren’t you afraid that she will make things difficult for your master in class?”Linette was struggling and said,”Let me fight it, let me fight it.” Ye Ting hurriedly found a seat behind Susan to sit down, fearing that she would cause more trouble.

However, the brief scene just now attracted the attention of other little wizards.

“What a proud cat!”

Padma’s eyes sparkled with excitement. She had no resistance to the”intimate interaction” between the two cats and even took out snacks to try to lure the tabby cat.

Class was about to start, but Professor McGonagall had not yet appeared in the classroom.

While teasing the cat, Padma whispered to Lisa Dupin:”I didn’t expect that Professor McGonagall, who looks so serious, would be late.”

As soon as the words fell, the tabby cat suddenly trembled and immediately turned into a witch in an emerald green robe.

“You don’t have to worry about this, Miss Patil.” She said seriously.

Padma and her friends were stunned.

Other students also looked at her in shock, with the same thought in their minds:”Is this the legendary Transfiguration?……”

Even Linette in Ye Ting’s arms showed a shocked expression.

She looked at Mag, then at Ye Ting.

She actually found another creature like her master that could transform into a biped.

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