Professor McGonagall looked around with a stern look, then walked to the podium, put her hands behind her back, and announced in a very serious voice:

“Transfiguration is the most complex and dangerous magic you will learn at Hogwarts. You should be thankful that it is no longer allowed to be used as a punishment.——”

She glanced at Padma Patil deliberately and said something more serious.

“——Anyone who makes trouble in my class will be asked to leave and will never be allowed to enter this classroom again. I have already warned you, so please respect yourself.”

Everyone unconsciously straightened their backs, not even daring to breathe.

“All right, students, let’s start the class.”

Professor McGonagall started the class with a show of strength. She waved her wand and the podium turned into a pink pig, which then returned to its original shape amid the exclamations of the little wizards.

This move immediately ignited the interest of the little wizards, but what awaited them next was a lot of boring theoretical knowledge.

“So, can anyone tell me what three conditions are necessary to successfully transform an object?”

In the classroom, the young wizards were eager to try and raised their hands. The Ravenclaw students were particularly active.

However, the Hufflepuff students were much worse. Almost no students raised their hands.

“”Ye Ting, you answer!” Professor McGonagall called him.

Ye Ting’s cat really impressed her.

“I.A.M.!”Ye Ting replied:”That is imagination, spells (abracadabra) and gestures (motion)!”

“Absolutely correct, two extra points for Ravenclaw.”

Professor McGonagall nodded with satisfaction and continued:

“Imagination is crucial in Transfiguration. We must have a clear mental image of the transformed form.”

“Beginners should recite spells clearly and accurately. Any mistakes or pauses may cause the transformation to fail.”

She paused and emphasized,”At the same time, accurate gestures are also essential. Do not swing or turn the wand when it is not necessary, otherwise the transformation will definitely fail.”

The students took out their quills and quickly recorded the professor’s explanation.

The whole classroom was filled with the rustling sound of writing.

Finally, after finishing the theoretical knowledge, Professor McGonagall picked up a match and gently pointed with her wand. The match instantly turned into a thin needle in her hand.

The little wizards were amazed and applauded.

“Now, it’s time for you to show your talents.”

Professor McGonagall began to distribute matches to the little wizards,”Your task is to turn this match into a needle before the class ends. Whoever succeeds can win five points for his own school!”

In the classroom, the little wizards began to challenge the transformation of the match with excitement.

When they saw Professor McGonagall’s relaxed demonstration, they all rubbed their hands, thinking that it was easy to do, but when they really started, they found that it was quite difficult.

The little wizards of Hufflepuff performed terribly. They either forgot the spell or couldn’t remember the waving movements of the wand.

Even if they remembered both, the match didn’t move at all, and even the color didn’t change.

After the little badger who claimed to have missed Eton College yesterday tried several times and failed, he began to become anxious and wanted to break the wand. Of course… it was to break other people’s wands!

“Ernie, lend me your wand.”

“No, the magic wand is like my girlfriend, how can I lend it to anyone casually?” Ernie, who was sitting in the last row, refused without even looking up,”Justin, are you willing to lend your girlfriend to someone else to play with?””

“Of course I’d love to.” Justin replied casually.

Ernie didn’t expect Justin to say such a thing.

He rolled his eyes and said,”Then I still refuse, because you don’t have a girlfriend. But I really have a magic wand! Besides, I still have to continue to turn matches.”

“Then you have changed!” Justin was a little speechless,”I saw you sitting there in a daze for almost five minutes, this time is enough for me to fail seven times.”

“I’m just looking for a feeling.……”Ernie scratched his head in embarrassment.

Susan was much more patient than Justin. She challenged forty-two times and failed every time. But she was not discouraged. She swung her wand again and landed on the match, but the match caught fire and almost burned her wand.

However, the performance of the Ravenclaw eagles was not much better than that of the badgers.

Many people misunderstood that being sorted into Ravenclaw meant that they had superior IQ, but in fact, many students met the characteristics of multiple houses when they were sorted.

Except for a few gifted wizards, such as Ye Ting, most people were ordinary people, and the difference in IQ was not obvious.

Those studious Ravenclaw students only previewed the theoretical knowledge in advance, but their performance in practical operations was not outstanding.

Padma held her wand and pointed at the match, her eyes wide open. But the match seemed to be integrated with the table and did not move at all.

Terry Boot poked the match hard, and the match broke with a sound.

He did not dare to ask for another match, and glanced at Professor McGonagall guiltily. Seeing that she did not notice, he pretended to be calm and continued to fiddle with the half match.

Michael Corner thought he was smart, and he had found out about Professor McGonagall’s teaching habits in advance, so he secretly brought a needle to make up for it, and his disguise was successful.

However, his cleverness did not escape Professor McGonagall’s eyes, and he was exposed on the spot. He was embarrassedly pulled to the corner and punished, and five points were deducted from the college.

After many failed attempts, Susan felt a little frustrated and planned to change her mood.

She turned around and saw Ye Ting leisurely teasing the cat. She couldn’t help but ask curiously,”Why don’t you do it?”

“We have to leave it to others in the world.” Ye Ting shrugged,”It would be bad if it scared others.”

“”Hehe, come on, don’t be shy.” Susan said with a smile, looking at Ye Ting expectantly.

Ye Ting felt that this girl regarded him as one of her own kind and thought he was just trying too hard.

“Uh… okay, now that you said so……”

Professor McGonagall seemed to be attracted by Susan’s words and turned her attention to this side.

Ye Ting reluctantly picked up the wand and pointed it at the match on the table.

“Alas, I am so stupid…really.”

Susan looked at Ye Ting, feeling melancholy in her heart. The words of comfort were like a mouthful of phlegm stuck in her throat, and she couldn’t say them at all.

In front of her, a cold steel needle lay quietly on the table. The steel needle was extremely sharp, and the tail was carved with exquisite patterns.

“Excellent Transfiguration!”Professor McGonagall walked over quickly, and her eyes hidden behind her glasses showed satisfaction when she observed the details of the steel needle.

The more complex the object of Transfiguration, the more difficult it would be to transform. She knew this very well.

“Mr. Ye Ting, your talent for Transfiguration is truly amazing.” Professor McGonagall adjusted her glasses and asked curiously,”Is this your first attempt at Transfiguration?”

“In fact, I have tried it several times at home, Professor McGonagall.”Ye Ting said lightly,”But after listening to your explanation, I think I can add some of my own ideas to the original basis.”

“”Very good attempt,” Professor McGonagall smiled with satisfaction,”Five points from Ravenclaw for your excellent Transfiguration.”

“Thank you very much, Professor.”

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