This is a skinny cat with a medium-wide head, a square-shaped mouth, and a sharp chin, which forms a straight line with the upper lip and nose. The ears are big and furry, the eyes are like deep lakes, the tail is long and flexible, and the dark gray hair covers the whole body.

This is a Maine Coon cat.

But normal Maine Coons are tall and furry, but this cat is very thin and gloomy. The big bulging eyes stare straight at Ye Ting, or more accurately, at Linnet.

This is the pet of the administrator Filch – Mrs. Norris.

In the mouths of seniors, Filch and Mrs. Norris are simply one of the three evils of Hogwarts!

Filch is fierce, and Mrs. Norris is his right-hand man, often helping him to search for students’ violations.

Ye Ting wanted Linnet to pay special attention to her, but Linnet slowly walked over and meowed at Mrs. Norris.

The two cats meowed at each other.

The tone was like a quarrel.

Then Ye Ting saw that Linnet slapped Mrs. Loris on the face.

Even though Mrs. Loris was a Maine Coon cat, she could not resist the power of the Eye of God holding a cat, and was immediately knocked to the ground.

Then she was scared and simply lay on the ground, exposing her belly to show her submission.

In this way, Ye Ting witnessed the whole process of Linnet recruiting a younger brother.

No, when I was not around, you always play like this?

For the first time, Ye Ting discovered that Linnet, who usually acted coquettishly in front of him, had such a domineering side.

Then, Linnet meowed at her new younger brother.

Mrs. Loris got up when she heard the sound and walked towards a corridor without saying a word.

Linnet turned around and”meowed”, jumped back into Ye Ting’s arms, blinking her purple eyes, urging him to catch up.

What is this for?

Although Ye Ting was confused, he had to follow Mrs. Loris at Linnet’s insistence.

After passing through several remote corridors, they finally arrived at their destination – the auditorium on the first floor.

Ye Ting suddenly realized that Linnet had brought him here for breakfast!

He was a little amused. It seemed that he had made Linnet wait so long that he even asked for help for a meal.

But since he had already arrived here, he just went with the flow and finished his exploration.

To express his gratitude, Ye Ting took out a small dried fish from his hat and handed it to Mrs. Norris.

Mrs. Norris did not dare to accept it, but looked at Linnet tentatively until she nodded, and then she happily left with the dried fish in her mouth.

Great little cat, you have to approve others’ gifts.

At this time, many students were enjoying breakfast in the auditorium, and Hermione was among them.

She arrived early and had finished her meal. At this moment, she was concentrating on flipping through the”Beginner’s Transfiguration Guide” for review.

That’s right! Reading the same book is a preview for other little wizards, but for Hermione it is a review.

Really hard work!

Ye Ting sat down next to Hermione with ease, picked up a croissant and took a bite, while greeting her:”Good morning!”

“Good morning!” Hermione replied without even looking up.

“”Haven’t you memorized all the textbooks?” Ye Ting asked curiously,”Why are you working so hard so early in the morning?”

“That’s right!” Hermione raised her head and looked at Ye Ting seriously,”Today is the first Transfiguration class. I think we’d better review the textbook again to deepen our understanding.”

Ye Ting admired Hermione’s learning method.

Academic masters are all like this.

But the academic gods above academic masters are another matter.

“Okay, then keep up the good work!” Ye Ting continued to enjoy his breakfast.

Hermione glanced at Ye Ting and asked curiously:”Aren’t you going to preview it?”

“I have read it once before going to school, that’s enough.” Ye Ting swallowed the food in his mouth and said,”I prefer practical operation. Instead of spending time reading books, it’s better to try it myself.”

Hearing this, Hermione immediately asked:”What was the result of your attempt?”

“Of course it worked!”Ye Ting smiled and snapped his fingers. The red ring on his finger glowed slightly.

The knife and fork in his hand instantly turned into a pair of chopsticks.

Hermione immediately shut herself off.

She had also tried Transfiguration during the holidays, but she found that Transfiguration was much more difficult than ordinary spells.

She had already learned several spells from the Standard Book of Spells, Elementary, but she had tried so many times to get started with Transfiguration, and Ye Ting not only completed the transformation easily, but was also able to cast spells without a wand. The gap was really…

It seemed that if she wanted to stand out in Hogwarts and win the first place, she had to work harder!

Hermione read the book even harder.

Seeing that Hermione ignored him, Ye Ting also enjoyed himself and focused on the food.

Although today’s breakfast was not as luxurious as yesterday’s dinner, it was also different. The flavor was far beyond his usual stereotype of British food.

Presumably, the house-elves in the Hogwarts kitchen had learned a lot from other magic schools.

Look at the dazzling array of delicacies on the table – the charred and fragrant German long grilled sausages, the runny fried eggs, the perfectly toasted bread slices, the sizzling bacon… In addition, there were as many as six kinds of sauces spread on the bread alone.

Ye Ting tasted them one by one, especially the grilled sausage. The meat was tender and juicy, paired with spicy black pepper. It was so satisfying when you took a bite.

He and Linnet both praised it.

As the little wizards came to the hall one after another, many of them began to chat.

Not far away, a group of little girls gathered together, talking excitedly about something, and pointing at him from time to time.

“Hey, look, that person is the freshman who took the longest time at the sorting ceremony last night!”

“Where is it? Show me!”

“The one sitting over there, isn’t he super handsome?”

“Oh my god, he is so handsome! Look at the way he eats, that’s called”chopsticks”, it’s so elegant”

“Stop being such a fangirl, okay?”

“Am I the only one who thinks the kitten next to him is super cute?”

Ye Ting knew very well that these whispers were directed at him.

After all, who else could be more suitable for the title of”most handsome freshman” except him?

But this also made him more cautious.

Boys should also protect themselves when they are outside.

Who knows if there will be some infatuated little witch who secretly gave him a love potion?

About half an hour later, Ye Ting’s three roommates finally stepped into the auditorium belatedly.

Anthony Goldstein, Michael Corner, Terry Boot, and himself, were the only four boys in Ravenclaw this year.

They originally planned to sit with Ye Ting, but when they saw Ye Ting and Hermione sitting side by side, the three of them showed ambiguous smiles on their faces.

Ye Ting waved to them from a distance, and he had no intention of going over.

How can a stinky man be as interesting as a little loli?

Another ten minutes passed. Hermione gently closed the”History of Magic” in her hand, looked up and said to Ye Ting:”Class will start in ten minutes, do you still plan to continue to be in a daze here?”

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