Until the day before school started, Ye Ting was still immersed in the study of magic and potions, and he reluctantly lay down to rest until late at night.

The next day, Ye Ting was woken up by Linnet, otherwise he might even sleep until noon.

Fortunately, his luggage was packed early in the morning – the magic bag still contained everything, but in order not to appear abrupt, he still symbolically brought a suitcase.

After a quick breakfast, Ye Ting set off with Linnet. They hurried and finally arrived at the London Railway Station before half past nine, passing through the bustling crowd and coming to the platform between platform nine and platform ten.

Then, his sight was attracted by a familiar brown color.

It was a brown-haired girl, standing alone in front of a wall, with large and small bags of luggage surrounding her, blocking the entrance to the platform.

The girl stared at the wall with a confused look on her face. After a moment, she took out a wand, waved it in the air a few times, and muttered something.

“”Alaho! Open!”

The wall did not change at all.

The girl was not discouraged and quickly chanted other spells, but none of them had any effect.

She was so angry that she scratched her hair fiercely. She was so angry that she scratched her head, and her fluffy curly hair was even more messy. This look made Ye Ting laugh out loud.

“Are you performing a play?”

A familiar voice suddenly sounded in her ears. The girl was stunned for a moment, turned her head and saw a familiar handsome face looking at her with a smile.

She had been thinking about this face for the whole summer vacation!

“You…are Ye Ting?” she asked tentatively

“”Hmm?” The boy crossed his arms and nodded slightly.

The girl couldn’t believe her eyes. She hesitated for a moment and asked again to confirm:”You… are also a wizard?”

“That’s right,” Ye Ting nodded again,”This year’s freshmen”

“Oh my god!” the girl exclaimed,”So… all those magic performances you performed before were actually magic?!”

“”Part of it is,” Ye Ting nodded for the third time.

Seeing the girl’s trembling mouth, Ye Ting felt that the situation was not good, and immediately added:”But a large part of it was completed by my magic skills.”

However, the girl could no longer listen to his explanation at this moment.

After getting three affirmative answers, the girl gradually understood everything.

She recalled all the efforts she had made during this holiday. She studied the other party’s magic principles day and night, bought books and consulted, and spent a lot of effort.

And now, the truth is revealed, everything is actually! Magic!!!!

She suddenly felt that she was a big fool and was deceived by others.

“How can you…how can you use magic to pretend to be magic,” the girl turned her head away angrily,”You also encouraged me to figure out the secret by myself. Do you know how long I have been thinking about it? Do you know how many nights I have tossed and turned, unable to fall asleep? This…this is so unfair!”

Listening to Hermione’s words, Ye Ting realized that he seemed to have accidentally tricked the other party.

But he immediately thought of a way to deal with it.

Facing Hermione’s words pouring out like a machine gun, he only used one sentence to make Hermione speechless:

“I did suggest you find the truth yourself, but didn’t I also say at the end,” Ye Ting spread his hands,”‘If you really don’t understand, then maybe I really can do magic? ‘Well, you see, I didn’t lie to you.”

“Ah… this……”Hermione thought about it and realized that Ye Ting did say something like that at the time, but she thought it was just a joke.

It turned out that the other party was indirectly revealing the truth.

“But…but……”Hermione hesitated,”It’s always wrong to lie.”

“Hermione, I had no choice.”

Speaking of this, Ye Ting sighed, looked up at the sky at a 45-degree angle, his face full of vicissitudes and helplessness,”I have no parents, I grew up in an orphanage, and after I finally ran away, I could only depend on Linnett. Apart from this, I really can’t think of any other way to support myself.”

“Meow meow——”

Linnet also cooperated and got out of Ye Ting’s cloak, making a pitiful meow.

At this moment, Hermione seemed to hear the background music of”Anhe Bridge” in her ears.

It must be said that the acting skills that Ye Ting got from Linnet were still very lethal, coupled with Linnet’s cooperation, which made Hermione feel sympathy and self-blame in her heart – sympathy for Ye Ting’s life experience and experience, and self-blame for revealing his scars.

“……I, I don’t know your situation, I’m sorry, I shouldn’t blame you in this regard.”

Two consecutive accusations were resolved by Ye Ting. Hermione had completely lost her momentum and could only say weakly:”But…but you can’t stand me up…I have been looking for you in Trafalgar Square for several days.”

“This is even more force majeure.”

Ye Ting showed a wronged look,”In fact, the day I met you, I just received the admission letter from Hogwarts. The next day, Professor McGonagall took me to Diagon Alley to prepare for admission. After that, I had to stay at home to practice magic and prepare for the next semester’s courses. I couldn’t go to the performance at all.”

“This this……”

Hermione was completely speechless. As a freshman, she certainly knew the importance of going to Diagon Alley, and practicing magic and preparing for lessons were natural to her – because that was what she asked of herself. What else could she say at this moment?

After all this time, none of her accusations were established, and all the accusations seemed to become pale and powerless.

She thought she was wronged, but she didn’t expect that after she finished speaking, Ye Ting was even more wronged than her, and she became the villain.

So, she had to hold back her emotions in her heart and felt very uncomfortable.

Ye Ting was relieved.

He admitted that he did cheat others.

But, as the saying goes, there is no acquaintance without fighting. Sometimes cheating each other can be regarded as the beginning of friendship.

Good friends shouldn’t care so much.

Thinking of this, Ye Ting, who had gotten away with it, took advantage of it and immediately changed the subject:

“By the way, I just saw you waving your wand at this wall. What are you doing? Experimenting with new spells?”

Ye Ting kept talking about something else, and Hermione’s face turned redder.”I’m casting a spell to find the entrance to Platform 9 3/4.””


Ye Ting hurriedly apologized,”Sorry, I thought you were performing some kind of… um… street art performance.”

Hermione glared at him angrily. When she was at home, she practiced the casting movements according to the standard, but it was regarded as a performance!

“”Have you found the entrance?” Ye Ting asked curiously again.

Hermione hesitated for a moment, then raised her fair chin and nodded slightly:”Almost.”

Ye Ting glanced at her suspiciously, thinking:

You have been waving your wand there for a long time, looking like you were directing traffic, have you really found the entrance?

“Give me some more time, I will soon be able to locate the entrance.”

Hermione was no longer sleepy when she said this. She lowered her voice and revealed mysteriously:”Let me tell you a secret. I speculate that the entrance to Platform 9 3/4 is deliberately hidden by the school. To get in, you have to pass a series of tests.”

At this point, her eyes flashed with confidence, as if Sherlock Holmes was possessed.

Hearing this, Ye Ting was confused.


He was stunned, and looking at Hermione’s appearance, he himself became a little unconfident.

Did he remember it wrong?

Can’t you just go through this wall to reach Platform 9 3/4?

“So… why does the school do this?” Ye Ting asked tentatively.

“Of course it’s to test us freshmen,” Hermione analyzed seriously, seeming to have seen through the school’s intentions,”and then we will be divided into houses based on our performance.”

Hearing this, Ye Ting almost couldn’t help laughing out loud.

The little girl’s imagination was extraordinary! Ye Ting almost believed her.

Seeing her like this, Ye Ting really couldn’t bear to let her go further and further on the wrong path, so he carefully questioned:”Are you thinking too much?”

“What are you overthinking?!” Hermione turned her head away dissatisfiedly,”I bought a lot of magic books during the holidays, and I have memorized all the textbooks!”

“”Wow, that’s awesome!” Ye Ting exclaimed, then changed the subject,”But what does this have to do with the platform entrance?”


Hermione was speechless, and her whole body was swollen with anger, and her hands were clenched into fists.

This tone of voice really makes people want to hit her!

Seeing that she was really angry, Ye Ting quickly changed the subject:”Ahem, that… I think I found the entrance.”

Hermione looked at him with disbelief, thinking that he was just arguing with her.

“I’m telling the truth, how about we make a bet, one Galleon?”

He looked around and saw that no one was paying attention to this side, so he slammed his head against the wall.

Hermione’s scream came from behind him, and when he came to his senses, most of his body had passed through the wall and entered another space

“Look! That’s how you get through it.” He quickly came out of the wall again and looked at Hermione,”You lose, remember, it’s one Galleon.”


Hermione pouted helplessly. Although she was unwilling, she could only accept the defeat.

——Today’s win: Ye Ting wins


Pictured: Hermione

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