Ye Ting and Hermione passed through the stone pillars one after another and came to the real Platform 9 3/4. What came into view was a deep red steam locomotive, as if it had walked out of an old Victorian photo.

The bronze plaque on the body of the locomotive read:”Hogwarts Express, departing promptly at 11 o’clock.”

The thick smoke from the locomotive filled the sky above the platform, and the crowd below was bustling with little wizards rushing to get on the train and parents seeing them off.

Hermione dragged her luggage with difficulty, thinking back to her self-righteous analysis just now. Her ears and neck were stained with the red glow of the sunset, as if she could dig out a new Platform 9 3/4 on the platform with her toes.

She glared at Ye Ting and couldn’t help asking,”Did you know that the wall could be passed through?!”

“No, I just discovered it too. Maybe it takes a little bit of talent.”Ye Ting smiled and said,”Hey, can’t you see it? Then I guess you will be rated as unqualified by the school.”

Hermione’s cheeks puffed up slightly when she heard this, and she muttered angrily,”You lied to me again!”

It seemed that because she had been alone in the cabin for a long time and hadn’t seen anyone for a long time,

Ye Ting felt very cordial when he saw an acquaintance all of a sudden, and he always wanted to tease her.

Looking at his watch, he found that the departure time was almost up, so Ye Ting stopped teasing the little cat with its fur standing on end, and reached out to take the heavy object in her hand:

“Okay, okay, no more jokes, we have to get on the bus quickly and not miss the departure time.”

When they boarded the carriage, it was already bustling with people. Students were either leaning out of the windows to say goodbye to their families, or playing and joking inside the carriage.

There were not many empty seats left in the carriage.

Ye Ting led Hermione all the way and finally found an empty compartment near the back of the train.

It was called an empty compartment, but in fact there was already a girl sitting in it.

This was a Chinese girl and Ye Ting was stunned at the first sight.

Her eyes were like autumn water, her eyebrows were like distant mountains, her lips were like cherries, her skin was whiter than snow, and her black hair was casually draped over her shoulders like a waterfall. Although she was still young, she already revealed some of the charm of a classical beauty.

In terms of appearance, she was even better than Hermione – of course, this might also be the result of Hermione not dressing up on weekdays.

Ye Ting’s heart moved. This was the first time he met an Oriental person of the same age in the UK, especially on the train to Hogwarts.

The girl also saw Ye Ting and immediately waved to him enthusiastically. She seemed very happy to meet a member of the same race on the train.

Ye Ting walked in and asked,”Are there any seats here? The girl shook her head:”The seats here are all empty.”

“That’s great.” Ye Ting happily took Hermione to a seat and put the luggage on the shelf.

After settling everything, he turned to the oriental girl opposite and greeted her enthusiastically:

“Hello, my name is Ye Ting, and I am a freshman this year.

He said this in Chinese.

The girl’s eyes flashed with surprise, and she also responded in Chinese:

“Hello, Ye Ting, my name is Zhang Qiu, I am a second-year student, and I was sorted into Ravenclaw College… I didn’t expect you to speak Chinese.”

It’s Zhang Qiu… That’s right, in the whole Hogwarts, there is no other good-looking Chinese except her.

“Who says it’s not true?” Ye Ting shrugged and sighed,”I’ve also been to Chinatown, where many of the new generation can’t even speak Chinese.……”

The two looked at each other, and it was like fellow villagers meeting each other, with tears in their eyes.

Seeing that the two of them were talking in encrypted form, Hermione felt that she was being excluded, and said angrily:

“I’m really sorry, but could you please say something so I can understand?”

“”Sorry, sorry!”

The two apologized quickly and switched back to English.

But this brief exchange in Chinese had already created an indescribable tacit understanding between the two compatriots.

As the steam whistle blew loudly, the train started slowly.

It galloped through the streets of London like a dragon, but strangely, like the Leaky Cauldron, passers-by outside ignored the train. The scenery outside the window passed by quickly, and half an hour later, the bustling London had been left behind, replaced by a green farmland and rolling hills.

Ye Ting observed it for a while and understood the uniqueness of this train-in order to avoid being discovered as much as possible, this car was planning its route. When traveling, they deliberately avoided densely populated areas.

But this also brought an unexpected surprise, that is, the beautiful natural scenery along the way, which is absolutely not seen in the city.

In the carriage, the three little wizards began to chat about everything under the sun.

In fact, it was mainly Hermione who was talking. She asked Zhang Qiu about Hogwarts with great interest.

Ye Ting also wanted to chat with them, but he stayed up too late last night experimenting with magic, and now his eyelids were fighting.

So, he leaned on the cushion and fell asleep quickly.

After an unknown amount of time, Ye Ting was awakened by a loud noise.

He wiped the corners of his mouth in a daze, and asked sleepily:”Are we at school?”

But no one answered.

The noise around him became sharper and sharper, with cries, screams, and heart-wrenching shouts intertwined together, forcing him to open his eyes.

Then he saw that at the door of the carriage, three teenagers were fighting fiercely.

To be more precise, two short and fat guys were unilaterally beating up a round-faced teenager.

The round-faced boy was obviously at a disadvantage in terms of size and number, and was pinned to the ground, unable to move.

He had tears in his eyes and looked like he was about to cry.

But even so, he still gritted his teeth stubbornly and refused to beg for mercy.

Hermione was so anxious that she turned around and around, and kept shouting,”Stop! Stop it!”

As for Zhang Qiu, she had already drawn her wand and was ready to take action.

“What’s going on?”Ye Ting was confused.

“When those two guys came in, they insisted that we get out and give them the carriage.”

Hermione saw Ye Ting wake up and quickly complained to him,”They also cursed Longbottom’s parents, and then they started fighting.”

Ye Ting nodded slightly, then pressed down Zhang Qiu’s wand,

“Let the boys handle the fighting. Watch me.”

“Yeah.” Zhang Qiu obediently put away his wand.

Hermione was a little worried:”You won’t get yourself into trouble, will you?”

“Don’t worry, I will convince you with my virtue.”

Ye Ting’s attitude was very casual, he didn’t even take out his wand, he just stretched it forward:

“【Fingertip Thunderstorm】!”

With a”sizzle” sound, a stream of electricity shot out from Ye Ting’s hand and accurately hit the two little fat guys.

The two little fat guys were punching and kicking Neville, and suddenly their whole bodies were paralyzed, and their hair stood on end.

They just maintained the posture of stretching their hands and kicking their legs and froze in place, shaking like sieves, as if they were having an epileptic seizure, and it took them a long time to recover.

“What on earth did you do to us?”As soon as they recovered, the two little fat guys were furious, abandoned Neville, and rushed straight to Ye Ting, the instigator.

But just as they took a step, Ye Ting stretched out his hand again.

“【Fingertip Thunderstorm】!”

The two guys started shaking again.

Then, Ye Ting continued to release weak electric currents to the two of them, just like controlling a puppet.

The two little fat guys completely lost control of their bodies, sometimes trembling, sometimes pausing, shouting and yelling, as happy as two 200-pound children.

After a while, Ye Ting stopped the electric shock.

The two of them were no longer able to stand up in front of him. They just looked at him, trembled subconsciously, and quickly took two steps back, obviously knowing who was the boss.

Ye Ting sighed, helped up the round-faced boy who was beaten, and then slapped the two fat guys’ shoulders with both hands.

“We are all classmates. If there is any conflict, why can’t we sit down and talk it out?”

Ye Ting said earnestly,”Fighting at every turn is not what a wizard should do. Remember, strength is not used to bully the weak. Get along well with your classmates in the future, understand?”

Feeling the weak current coming from Ye Ting’s hand, the two little fat guys were so scared that their noses and tears were running. While crying, they apologized to the round-faced boy, saying that they regretted it very much and vowed never to bully their classmates again.

“Only those who know their mistakes and correct them are good children.”

Ye Ting nodded with satisfaction and let them go.

Seeing Ye Ting let go, the two little fat boys ran away and disappeared at the end of the carriage.


Pictured: Zhang Qiu

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