After all this trouble, Ye Ting completely gave up the idea of buying collections through Taobao.

He realized that if he wanted to get truly valuable rewards, he had to find truly precious collections, such as Voldemort’s Horcruxes, the Deathly Hallows, or the relics of those legendary wizards in history.

As for these collections and rewards, Ye Ting stuffed them all into his beret, leaving only two things to carry with him.——【Lucky Green Flower] and [Amulet of Narukami Taisha].

The former can bring him a little bit of good luck, and as for the latter, Ye Ting can feel that there is indeed a protective power on the amulet, and the son of God is not cheating.

If you carry it with you, it is estimated that it can resist certain curses and black magic.

After packing up the collection and props, Ye Ting came to Flourish and Blotts Bookstore.

The bookshelves here are densely packed with all kinds of books, even to the ceiling.

Among them, there are huge leather-covered books as thick as slates, and small silver-covered books the size of stamps. Some books are printed with strange symbols, while some are blank and wordless books.

Ye Ting compared the book list and quickly bought all the necessary books for the first grade.

Of course, he would not buy only so few books.

Apart from the content described in the original book, Ye Ting’s understanding of the magic world is blank, and the magic world is obviously not as simple as mentioned in the original book. This is a rare learning opportunity. Extraordinary wisdom is the greatest wealth of mankind, and books are the faithful recorders of this wisdom.

As a successor of communism who has received more than ten years of scientific education, Ye Ting suddenly came to this magical fantasy world, and his thirst for knowledge was far beyond that of ordinary people. Coupled with the talent and wisdom given to him by Lisa, he couldn’t wait to explore the secrets of this world.

In addition, just as people who study antiques must be proficient in history, if Ye Ting does not understand this magical world, how can he accurately judge which things are worth collecting?

If it were not for limited funds, Ye Ting really wanted to move the entire bookstore back home.

Seeing Ye Ting after picking out the books and the counter piled with books, the manager of Li Hen’s Bookstore was stunned. He had never seen a freshman purchasing like this.

At the checkout, Ye Ting generously paid more than two hundred Galleons and naturally became an intermediate member of Li Hen’s Bookstore.

The manager enthusiastically recommended:”Mr. Ye, we provide book delivery services. As long as you need, we can send an owl to deliver the books to your home for free within three days.”

“No, this weight is nothing to me.”

As soon as he finished speaking, he swept away such a large pile of books and put them all into his hat to the shock of the manager.

After leaving Flourish and Blotts, Ye Ting continued to stroll leisurely in Diagon Alley.

In the”Magic Zoo”, he selected a variety of magic cat food for Linnet to change her taste.

Since he was not sure which one she liked, Ye Ting simply bought some of each.

In the potion material store, he purchased a large number of commonly used potion materials. The Rose Witch also had a high level of attainment in alchemy and potion making. Ye Ting also wanted to see how the potions in this world were different from those in Teyvat.

Before leaving, Ye Ting passed by the Quidditch boutique again.

After hesitating for a long time, he finally spent 300 Galleons to buy a Nimbus 2000, intending to try and see if he could trigger the collection system.

This was the biggest investment of his trip. Three One hundred Galleons is almost one-third of his total assets.

Adding the previous miscellaneous expenses, after buying the 2,000 Nimbus, Ye Ting only had less than three hundred Galleons left, and only a small half of the gains from the previous”bumping into porcelain” remained.

The risk of this expense is also very high. After all, first-year wizards are strictly prohibited from bringing flying brooms into school.

Although Ye Ting can use the magic bag to secretly bring the broom into Hogwarts, if he cannot take it out openly, there is no difference between bringing it and not bringing it.

What if he guesses wrong, the flying broom cannot trigger the collection, or the collection that is triggered is of little value, then the money is almost equivalent to a waste of money.

Fortunately, his guess was verified.

Like the magic wand, the flying broom also contains special meanings for wizards.

At the moment of buying the broom, a crisp reminder sound rang in his mind:

【Ding! Detected that the host has collected the first flying broom, reward God’s Eye·Rabbit Seat】

The next moment, a fiery red God’s Eye fell into his hands.

Well, it is reasonable to collect the flying broom and win the God’s Eye of the flying champion.

Ye Ting chose to bind without hesitation.

With the completion of the binding, he not only obtained Amber’s general attack, combat skills and elemental burst, but also felt that his body seemed to be reborn.

He became as light as a swallow, and his eyesight, agility and sense of balance were unprecedentedly improved. A lot of knowledge about flying, wilderness survival and reconnaissance emerged in his mind.

Now he has become the best scout and wilderness survival expert.

If he rides this flying broom, he is confident that he can also become the best rider.

Amber, the little angel, is so awesome.

It’s a pity that in terms of magic, Amber, the little angel, didn’t give him any help, except for one aspect, [Revitalization Spell], in simple terms, it is the magic that makes dead things alive and moving.

Amber can make Count Bunny move, and has the most basic intelligence to act as a taunting meat shield, relying on this ability

“Well, this Eye of God is pretty good.”

Just like that, Ye Ting left Diagon Alley with a lot of harvest and returned to his apartment in London.

At the same time, in Trafalgar Square, there was a girl wandering around, looking for someone.���

After returning from Diagon Alley, Ye Ting moved out of his original apartment and rented a small house in a remote suburb of London.

He easily did this with the help of the [Confusion Spell]. Here

, even if he made a big noise, he didn’t have to worry about the neighbors upstairs and downstairs knocking on the door to complain, let alone someone secretly calling the police and causing unnecessary trouble.

Now, he can study and try all kinds of magic as he pleases, and he doesn’t have to be bound by his hands and feet.

So, in the last month or so before the start of school, Ye Ting gave up magic performances and devoted himself to the world of magic.

Except for the necessary outings, he spent almost the whole day in the small house.

Since trying Lisa’s talent, Ye Ting finally understood why some people like to read and study so much.

For geniuses, acquiring knowledge is addictive.

Everyone knows that as long as they persevere and use the right methods, everyone can learn anything.

But people are emotional animals, not completely rational. Various difficulties and failures in learning can easily make them accumulate a lot of anxiety, self-doubt and frustration, which leads to giving up learning.

Because of this, perseverance is a rare quality. But geniuses are different.

They can learn any knowledge once. As long as they keep learning, they will continue to succeed and feel positive feedback.

This feeling is even more addictive than taking drugs.

Thanks to Lisa’s talent, he absorbed magic knowledge like a sponge absorbing water in just a few days, and recited magic spells like crazy. In just two days, he mastered all the spells in the first grade. In less than a week, he had learned all the spells before the third grade!

Lisa’s talent also brought him another surprise.

When reading books, he found that he could almost remember everything he read. As long as he read the content once, he could remember it in his mind. The efficiency was so high that it was frightening!

It can only be said that the genius witch changed the world and was still a genius witch. Even if the magic rules of the two worlds were different, she could still easily surpass most people with her innate talent and unique insight and ability to use knowledge!

Soon, he began to study the nature of magic in this world in depth.

Ye Ting found that the magic rules of this world were very interesting. Standardized spells, precise gestures, and firm intentions, combined into one, would allow anyone with magic power to release magic effects through a magic wand.

Although this method of casting spells is very different from the technique of controlling elemental forces with the Eye of God, upon closer examination, they are similar in nature.

This made Ye Ting gradually addicted to it.

In addition to studying magic, Ye Ting also took the time to practice potions on his own. The first-grade potions were very simple to learn, and Ye Ting’s main focus was on how to restore the potions of Teyvat in the way of this world.

This directly led to one or two explosions being heard in the cabin every day.

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