"I have never seen Gryffindor make such a joke..." McGonagall muttered a few words in a low voice, and then said to Nietzsche, "Principal Dumbledore is looking for you."

On the way, Nietzsche thought about many things.

He thought about what questions Dumbledore would ask. Like Draco Malfoy, he felt that he would be the instigator behind the assassination of Lucius; he felt that the Purifier attack was because he had exposed too much to the outside world. Already...

Nietzsche followed Professor McGonagall to the principal's office.

As soon as he opened the door, he could see a gun placed on the long table, and this gun was exactly the same as the Christmas gift he received last year.

Volume One: Chapter 191 The Unstoppable Train

"It's incredible...Abandoning all complex thoughts and emotions, turning the curse into a cold killing weapon, typical Muggle thinking, but for war, it is simply a work of art."

"Look at her streamlined body. Am I in the 21st century?"

Sorry, no one in the principal's office looked at anything that would cause malnutrition. It was purely Tom Riddle himself who marveled there.

"Okay, Riddle, I didn't ask you to come out here to praise this weapon." Dumbledore said, "We are trying to figure out how the Squib uses it to fire spells equivalent to Auror levels."

But Riddle ignored it. He and Grindelwald stood on the left and right, observing with interest.

Nietzsche knew about this 'cutting-edge technology', and was a little shocked when he learned from Principal Dumbledore that a squib that could not use magic could use it to cast a spell that was not inferior to an Auror.

Killing a member of the executive reconnaissance team on the spot, and breaking through the defenses of the other two and seriously injuring Lucius, this is no longer described as 'easy to operate'.

This means that a Muggle can kill a wizard from the front...

"Interesting, they made a vitality tonic for the weapon." Grindelwald roughly took out a tube from it.

The gun body has only a back stock and a handle. It looks like a British MkIV Stirling submachine gun, but the magazine design structure on the side has been changed to a push-type bolt, which stores energy.

The vitality tonic is used to replenish the wizard's magic power for a short period of time, so the entire gun body is the physical body - filling the energy, and then using the magic patterns to stimulate specific magic spells.

This design blueprint made Riddle's eyes shine.

"I wish I could have thought of it back then...throw it to the werewolves and vampires and pull the trigger..."

Nietzsche sat in his seat, drinking water to cover his heavy breathing.

You must know that wizards have a playful attitude towards any creature with little or no magic power. A thought or a spell can deform or petrify the other creature...

But now, this thing has smoothed the gap between Muggles, Squibs and Wizards.

"The people who make this kind of weapon are deliberately letting wizards know what they are capable of and deliberately provoking panic." Dumbledore smiled apologetically, "I hope this matter has nothing to do with you. After all, no wizard has a factory. "

"I am a serious businessman, principal~" Nietzsche raised his eyebrows.

"As far as I know, arms dealers are also serious businessmen in the Muggle world."

Dumbledore sat there blankly, but it turned out that there was an organization specializing in magic... This was not something a Muggle could do.

But Nietzsche is also helpless. In addition to Quirinas's research, there are many bribed wizards secretly working for Moriarty. Now there is another "Purge" composed of dark wizards and Muggle lunatics. '.

This kind of organization first appeared in Europe and originally originated from wizards.

"Yes, he is a businessman..." Nietzsche rubbed his face and was awakened by the principal, "Because he was on guard against me and wanted to delay my development, so he took action when Lucius was released from prison. "

"because of you?"

"because I."

When two celestial bodies collide, the impact will affect everything around them, and since Lucius is the closest, it will naturally be worse.

"The 'purgers' are a lie. They were just invested and then elected to take the blame." Nietzsche paused and fell into silence, no matter how the principal asked, he stopped speaking.

He suddenly realized how important the Purifiers were to the Ministry of Magic in various countries.

This was not just murder. While intensifying the war, Moriarty also restricted Nietzsche's development. But thinking about it carefully, he suddenly became excited... This meant that the other party respected him as a king.

White moved first and adopted a conservative blocking tactic.

So he quickly left the principal's office and returned to the auditorium.

Because Hermione only came back at night, she did not know what happened in the hall during the day, and many people believe that there are two main reasons why Lucius Malfoy was assassinated:

Either retaliation or the reappearance of the Purifier.

However, the first view has the most support.

"Those dark wizards must not dare to go out." Ron put his pet mouse in his hand and said happily, "Are you right, Scabbers... Anyone who has supported the mysterious man deserves it!"

Maybe his tone was too fierce, and the mouse was so frightened that it trembled.

Ever since Nietzsche watched Sirius Black's memories, he could no longer look straight at Ron's behavior - imagine a slightly bald middle-aged man being caressed by a little boy...

Sorry, he vomited for a while.

"But other people were injured at the time, and this was obviously a terrorist attack." Hermione retorted.

"But you have to know that there have been no scourers in the UK for a long time." Anthony Goldstein said, "Their origin is a group of dark wizards from different countries who make a living on bounties in the history of American wizards."

At first, they were illegal bounty hunters. Because they became more and more corrupt and brutal, they began to capture innocent Muggles and even betrayed their compatriots.

(Illegal---as long as they can exchange for bounties, it has nothing to do with the law, and some will become private killers)

The earliest scourers were subsequently expelled from the magic world and listed on international arrest warrants, but their hatred was passed on to the next generation: magic is real, and wizards should be eliminated once they are discovered.

Therefore, the scourers are different from the Puritans. They have never opposed magic because of religion and consciousness.

"But what if the Purgers from America come here?" Hermione said, "Perhaps their target is not Lucius, but the Ministry of Magic..."

"Don't be silly, Hermione, if Malfoy's father had not been under the custody of the three members of the executive investigation, he would have died long ago."

This incident shocked the entire British magic world, so there were only two voices in the hall of the dinner party-discussing learning and discussing the "cause of death" of Draco Malfoy's father.

Ah, Lucius is not dead yet, but they hope he is dead.

A loud "bang" suddenly came from the Slytherin table. Nietzsche looked over and found that Malfoy threw a bowl to the ground with force. He didn't mean to do it, because he fell twice when he stood up.

When he stood up for the third time, it was still Pansy who helped him up.

This year is really too unlucky for him, from Daphne's betrayal at the beginning of last semester to the assassination now.

Draco Malfoy walked out of the hall in a daze.

Mercury, who had just flown in from the window, had just landed on the Gryffindor table, intending to have a rich dinner, but before he glided to Hermione's side, a ginger cat suddenly jumped onto his back.

Then, Crookshanks gently bit his neck and dragged him to Nietzsche.

"Dine with me today, and after dinner, give this letter to Gilderoy Lockhart... Remember, make sure he opens the letter." He helped Mercury tidy up his feathers and said in a good tone.

But what could Mercury say?

He could only turn his head 180 degrees and look at Hermione behind him reluctantly.

And there was only one sentence for Lockhart: Protect Howard.

(It's not the Anti-Winter Soldier... What Winter Soldier? Sorry, I'm out of tune.)

Volume 1: Chapter 192 Black was accidentally injured

"We spent Christmas in Diagon Alley for a while, and then our parents dragged us to the Muggle world to play for a while... Don't mention how comfortable we were, our dad will be an engineer in the future!"

On the morning of the first day of school, George and Fred ran to the auditorium, dragging a lot of packages.

Nietzsche heard from others that they were all Christmas gifts for everyone - but they played too much during the holidays and forgot about it.

"Did Dad agree?" Ginny asked.

"Of course!" Fred rubbed his hands and said excitedly, "The Muggle introduced us to buy some fun things..."

They also took out a few flip phones. Although these electronic devices are useless in the wizarding world, they can play with them. They also want to make an anti-magic shield so that they can call home when they are in school.

But most of the gifts are for students who have never been to the wizarding world.

But Ron was not happy, because he saw that the Quidditch teams of Slytherin all got Coke and some toys, so he felt very uncomfortable.

"What about me?" He said with his eyes wide open, "I am your brother."

"No..." George saw his brother blushing, and suddenly said, "I mean we didn't give you a gift, but the Muggle did. He gave each of us an owl."

Fred and George, the two of them seemed to be waiting for Ron to get angry.

Under the latter's angry eyes, the two took out two cages, and these two owls were the gifts given to them by the Muggles, and they were also bought by Nietzsche for Lockhart---after all, Howard didn't know how to coax a serious "engineer".

"Fred, you have an owl!" Ron wrinkled his nose.

"Yes, so the extra one is for you." Fred thought for a while, and added regretfully, "So you owe me 15 gold galleons now."

It was a horned owl, small in size, and the feathers on its eyebrows were like a pair of long ears.

Ron couldn't wait to grab the bird cage. He had been waiting for this moment for too long... The sharp cry of the owl woke up the mouse Scabbers, and it stuck its head out of Ron's pocket.

"What about Mr. Weasley's work at the Ministry of Magic?" Hermione said.

"Who cares?" George and Fred were very angry. They said sarcastically, "Anyway, Dad has no real power in the Ministry of Magic. This is just right. You can get two paychecks for one day's work."

The important thing is that you can get more money for working for Muggles.

Nietzsche glanced at the mouse Scabbers. He found that the mouse did have less hair on his head, and then deliberately said, "Some people say that Lucius Malfoy was killed by Black..."

The mouse tugged at his clothes and pretended to look at the owl in the cage.

"But isn't Black the most loyal subordinate of that man?" Hannah held the soda bottle and hiccuped with her mouth covered.

"Yes, but Lucius betrayed the mysterious man when he was facing the verdict." Nietzsche calmly wove a half-true and half-false lie, "Remember the man who took Black from the professor? He might be a Death Eater."

Anyway, Granger was gone, so he could say whatever he wanted.

In this story, Granger became a crazy and vengeful Death Eater. This old subordinate of Voldemort believed that Voldemort's death must be related to the betrayal of many people, so he rescued Black from the professor and assassinated Lucius.

Because Peter Pettigrew, who turned into a mouse, was not avoiding Black at all, but more avoiding those Death Eaters who were not sent to Azkaban.

After listening for a while, the mouse Scabbers suddenly made a few quick "squeaks".

Obviously, Nietzsche's story was to make it (him) realize that there was another fanatic of Voldemort out there.

"But what about Scabbers?" Ron realized that he still had a pet. He picked up the birdcage and looked around. "Does anyone need a mouse?"

George and Fred said with disdain: "Well, we'll give you an owl."

As a meal for the owl after coming to Hogwarts, if Nietzsche doesn't mind, it's not impossible to give Crookshanks an extra meal.

Then the question is, if Peter Pettigrew died in the form of Animagus, will he change back?

"Although Scabbers is a little ugly..." Ron took a look and added, "and it's useless, but it's at least the second pet in our family that has lived longer. It was left to me by Percy."

"So you still want to keep this mouse?" Harry patted the cage, "Hedwig, this has nothing to do with you!"

Perhaps because they heard that there was meat to eat, their owls all tilted their heads and came over.

But Hermione quickly ended the farce, and she quickly made a suggestion: "If you must find a place for... uh... Scabbers, maybe you can give it to Hagrid, the current professor of Magical Zoology."

It was a good idea for both Ron and Scabbers, so he didn't even eat lunch and ran directly to the edge of the Forbidden Forest.

Nietzsche was stunned... You know, Hagrid is famous for being careful with animals. How can he get Scabbers in this way?

But Hermione cleared her throat, first pointed to Crookshanks in his arms, and then shook her head slightly. No doubt she had an idea in her mind, but she couldn't say it because of the people around her who were still chatting.

"That was Ron's old pet, Hagrid will protect it!" In the afternoon Potions class, Nietzsche whispered while the professor was making trouble for others.

"But it's just a mouse, and you don't know Hagrid." Hermione said confidently, "I took his class before, remember, he is indeed very careful in taking care of animals, but he is also very rough."

"What do you mean?"

From the tone, she seemed to have a complete plan.

And she seemed to have deliberately not consulted Nietzsche, just to avenge herself for being cheated before.

"Listen, Hagrid loves animals very much, but this love makes him deal with related aspects in a very rough way. In order to do this course well, he raised many magical creatures around his house..."

"You mean, we don't need to do this?" Nietzsche thought thoughtfully.

With so many animals, he certainly can't take care of them all at once. He is too obsessed with his hobby to ignore many objective factors---just like the hippogriff at the beginning.

Hagrid forgot that this is a level 4 dangerous animal, and it is safe for students.

Similarly, in that environment, let alone losing a mouse that lives longer, it is normal for Hagrid himself to lose a finger. After all, it sounds like something he can do.

"Why not let Crookshanks do this." Hermione rolled her eyes at him, "In Hagrid's house, it's normal for an animal to eat a mouse."

Nietzsche thought about it and found that this method is indeed the best and most perfect.

But looking at Hermione's pretending to be deep, he was unwilling to admit: "It's just because I haven't taken Magical Biology. This is normal. From my point of view, Hagrid is another factor."

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