"I was just looking at the crystal ball, oh~" Trelawney walked to the dining table, bulged her eyes and scanned around, muttering something in her mouth, as if she was counting, "Thirteen? Thirteen! Too unlucky!"

Three first-year students, Harry and Ron, four deans, a headmaster, a Defense Against the Dark Arts assistant, plus Nietzsche himself, exactly twelve.

"What's wrong?" Nietzsche moved his seat to the side.

"Whenever thirteen people eat, the first person to stand up will be the first to die." Trelawney said nervously, with her hands in her pockets, "No, I must go against fate... I want to go back to eat!"

Just because of this?

Nietzsche glanced across and found that Ron was using a spoon to put something on a small plate for his pet Scabbers. He and the headmaster looked at each other.

"Maybe you counted wrong." Dumbledore pursed his lips and chuckled, "You forgot Remus."

"Professor Lupin? But I didn't see him." Trelawney breathed a sigh of relief.

"He was not feeling well and left earlier... You know, the potions prepared by Severus, although they are not very tasty, are still effective very quickly."

How could there be thirteen people?

Next to Ron, isn't there a Peter Pettigrew lying on the table eating~

Volume 1: Chapter 189 The sound of gunfire on Christmas

Harry was the happiest during the Christmas holiday. In fact, as long as he could avoid going back to the Dursleys, it was enough to celebrate, not to mention that the Christmas gift was a Firebolt.

The price of a Firebolt was enough for an entire Quidditch team to replace the new Nimbus 2000 and waterproof and windproof cloaks and other equipment.

The person who gave Harry the gift was Sirius Black. He paid for it and asked Dumbledore and Grindelwald to pass it to Harry.

"Is he very happy?" Sirius greeted him immediately after seeing someone coming in. "Great, he is even more talented in Quidditch than James, I really want to see him riding it."

But Nietzsche was in no mood to chat with him about Harry Potter, because Granger was about to leave.

On Monday morning before the end of the holiday, Nietzsche was dragged to the edge of the Forbidden Forest by the other party. No one dared to guarantee that her return would have much impact, so she could only choose a place with few people.

Granger hung the time converter around his neck and opened the lid.

"I'm leaving...haha." Her complexion was better than when she first came, no longer so thin, and her eyes were full of victorious vitality. She squatted down and held Crookshanks' persimmon face and said.

This farewell, I don't know if it was said to it, or to Nietzsche, or perhaps to the professors he missed.

Nietzsche and her didn't hug each other like friends, nor did they look at each other reluctantly, but they both endured everything that happened in reality.

"Crookshanks, protect her for me..."

"Hey~ It's just my cat, did you say something wrong?" Nietzsche tightened his school robe too tight, and the cold wind made the snake-scale breastplate inside even colder.

"You're really a bummer." Granger turned his head, his eyes flickering, "Holmes, the development of each parallel universe will have different changes, and you are the most different. I hope you can learn from my mistakes."

She waved the pointer on the dial, her body began to become blurred, and her voice was unusually ethereal.

Sometimes, Nietzsche had to admit the experience brought by age-Granger analyzed those stubborn wizards very thoroughly, they would not sink, and the rise and fall of the family was already part of their glory.

Hogsmeade before Christmas has already proved this point very well.

"You said I would see you again, when is it?!" Nietzsche couldn't help but take a few steps forward, and a gust of wind began to sound in his ears.

"The time is determined by you, not me."

The converter in Granger's hand began to spin frantically, and she disappeared in just a moment.

No one except Hermione and him knew of her existence, not even Professors McGonagall and Flitwick who had visited her after she drank the shrinking potion...

But what does this mean?

Will he look for Granger in the future?

With all kinds of questions, Nietzsche returned to the castle, and kept thinking until noon, when Astoria Greengrass suddenly broke his thoughts.

"Something happened. Have you read the latest Daily Prophet?" Her eyes were full of panic, and before Nietzsche asked, she continued, "Ministry of Magic personnel were attacked, and Lucius Malfoy is dying."

She stared at Nietzsche, her voice was very low, as if she thought he did it.

"Mercury was taken home by Hermione, and I haven't read the latest daily..."

"It was Malfoy who reported Sirius. My sister told me that because of this incident, the minister decided to reduce Lucius's sentence and changed the prison sentence to monitored travel, but he was attacked as soon as he was released from prison."

Nietzsche thought it was a dream. Logically, he should be the happiest when something happened to the Malfoy family.

But this matter is not that simple, because the minister has changed Lucius's "travel monitoring" to that of others, so there will be several wizards from the Magical Law Investigation Team accompanying him, who will be responsible for supervising and protecting the safety of the prisoners at the same time.

As expected, two of the three members of the Magical Legal Investigation Team died and one was injured, and many reporters and onlookers were also injured.

In one of the photos, Lucius, who was seriously injured and unconscious, was half buried in the debris, his face covered in blood, and was then carried on a stretcher by the St. Mungo's healer.

"What...what happened?" Nietzsche's voice was muffled.

"Someone saw the attacker rushing out of the crowd, holding a...a weapon..." Astoria said worriedly, "Daphne said that the 'magic wand' looks very similar to the one you used before."

Gun---this weapon is nicknamed 'Muggle's wand' by wizards.

It is obvious that the attacker is a Muggle... Even if the Ministry of Magic itself thinks it is ridiculous, the evidence is here.

"Where is the attacker?"

"Dead!" Astoria turned a page of the newspaper, pointed, and continued, "He tried to kill Lucius Malfoy, and after killing the first executor, he was controlled by others, but he suddenly exploded in the end..."

Nietzsche didn't even need her to finish the rest of the words.

The Magic Law Enforcement Investigation Team is only responsible for ordinary routine law enforcement. Unless a vicious dark wizard is caught, the Ministry of Magic Enforcement will send Aurors.

The reason for the casualties of the crowd was because of his final explosion.

"They said it was the Purgers..."

Astoria heard laughter at the door of the auditorium. Obviously, Harry and Ron also saw this overwhelming news.

"Purgers?" Nietzsche asked.

"A group of people who hate magic, but they disappeared a long time ago when Europe immigrated to North America... Some are bloodthirsty dark wizards, and some are brainwashed Muggles." Astoria looked at him and said.

He paused and shook his head.

You know, he didn't even know what the relationship between the 'Purgers' and wizards and Muggles was. How could this matter have anything to do with him... If Malfoy was just seriously injured, he wouldn't have time to laugh.

Nietzsche flipped through the pictures broadcast on the newspaper and didn't get any useful information.

"I don't know what's going on..."

"Are you sure?" Astoria's eyes were full of doubt. She hesitated for a moment before saying, "My sister said that the Purgers scared many wizards. They were worried that they would be exposed and planned to stay away from Diagon Alley."

Oh no, once the wizards in Diagon Alley planned to move away, what would happen to his factory?

'Is Lucius Malfoy alive or dead? Is this incident related to his old rival Arthur Weasley? '

Nietzsche looked at the title above and sighed heavily.

The damned man was assassinated, but he couldn't laugh.

Volume 1: Chapter 190 School starts, which means fighting

Nietzsche never thought that someone would take action before him, but this matter was too strange, and coupled with the relationship of the Purgers in the wizarding world, the entire British wizarding world has become a mess.

Many young wizards who were born and raised in the wizarding world are not very happy.

However, because this incident was only reported in the wizarding world, those Muggle wizards and half-blood wizards living in the outside world were quite happy.

Among them, Draco changed the most. On the day before Hogwarts opened, he found Nietzsche.

"What is your relationship with them?!" Draco was shaking all over after seeing him. He didn't know whether he was angry or because of some fear. "Holmes, you want to kill my father! Right!"

After the holiday, Malfoy no longer had the "aristocratic style" he once had. He yelled in the corridor like the Gryffindor he once despised, and his eyes were a little red. He must have just cried.

His facial muscles twitched unconsciously. Obviously, this was his limit and he was on the verge of collapse at any time.

"Where is the evidence?" Nietzsche crossed his arms and stared at his movements.

"Haha... Good, good, you are also playing this trick." Malfoy was overwhelmed by anger and forgot the gap between him and the other party. He walked forward with his arms swinging, "The gun is the evidence! Because only you can do this!"

However, Goyle and Crabbe were still discerning people. They quickly stopped him with their sturdy bodies.

But there are always people who don't mind making trouble, especially those who have a bad relationship with Malfoy. They gathered at the door of the hall, and those mocking and joking eyes passed Nietzsche's shoulders and stabbed him directly.

"Who knows, your father used to be a Death Eater. Maybe this time it's just someone's revenge in private." Ernie from Hufflepuff spat.

Under his lead, many people echoed:

"That's right~"

"Maybe it's just a person who is tortured crazy by hatred."

"The Purgers were controlled as early as the end of the 17th century... So, Malfoy, you deserve it!"

"Did you hear that?" Nietzsche stood in the words and chuckled, "Who knows how many people Mr. Malfoy offended back then? Maybe a wizard bought a gun and secretly modified it with magic for today?"

Facing the cold eyes of many people, the other party didn't even have the courage to raise his head.

Lucius was seriously injured and unconscious. After a while, the Queen of England and the Prime Minister will cut down the royal family again, so what will they have left?

But Nietzsche thought about it and found that it didn't matter whether Malfoy was alive or dead. What mattered was that the timing of his attack was really bad, and the location of the attack happened to be in the gathering place of wizards...

Is this a warning from Moriarty?

"You forced me to do this, you forced me to...shattered to pieces!!"

It turned out that when Draco was stopped by Goyle and Crabbe, he had already secretly held the wand in his hand.

Even though he was almost roaring, the speed of the Shattering Spell was faster, so fast that Nietzsche had no time to recite the Barrier Spell or the Shield Spell, but he did not dodge, and just stood there like he was scared.

The moment the light red spell hit his chest, it was reflected to other places by the snake-scale plate armor under the school robe, and a statue on the wall was blown to pieces.

"You dare to do it!" Warrington was the first to stand up.

"I dare!" Draco shouted with red eyes, "You stepped on my family to climb up and took everything away...I will never forget it, even if the Malfoy family has no descendants!"

Under the marble stairs of the hall is the lounge of the administrator Filch. This quarrel attracted him here, and Warrington, as a class leader, could only put away his wand temporarily.

"You are not allowed to use magic in the public areas of the castle, do you hear me?" Filch ran over angrily, holding Mrs. Norris.

However, Draco's spirit had begun to gradually collapse, and he continued to attack Nietzsche in front of Filch.

"Disarm you!"

"There are many obstacles." Nietzsche pointed forward and stopped the opponent's spell in the air.

"Crazy... Malfoy, Holmes, I'm going to tell your professor!" Filch looked at the disarming spell that was stuck in the air, swallowed his saliva, and hurriedly ran to the second floor yelling.

He, a squib, couldn't stop the fight between wizards.

Seeing the two people fighting, the others didn't stop, and drew their wands one after another. The two sides pointed at each other from a distance of more than ten meters---one group stood at the door of the hall, and the other group stood on the marble steps.

When Nietzsche blocked the attack, Draco seemed even more hateful.

"Quickly repel." Warrington took the initiative and used the repelling spell very skillfully to knock back Goyle's volley of bullets.

Then, Nietzsche cooperated with him, pinched the throats of the two fat followers, lifted them above his head, and slammed them into the ceiling - whether in terms of numbers or combat power, he obviously occupied the high ground.

When Malfoy was pinched by the throat and watched people around him fall one after another, he realized how powerless he was.

"How dare you?" With a roar, Nietzsche's control over him was immediately broken.

It was Professor McGonagall who rushed over. When she found the students lying in the hall, she was very angry and glared at the group of people who were slightly panting on the side - basically all Slytherin students.

Maybe during the chaos, more Hufflepuffs and Gryffindors intervened.

"Mr. Holmes, do you want to break his neck!" She stepped forward quickly and stood between the two of them, "And Malfoy, I understand what happened recently, but please don't bring your emotions to your classmates."

But Malfoy just looked at Nietzsche with hatred, and the voice squeezed out from between his teeth.

He said resentfully: "If I make a deal with you to exchange our positions, you won't think so."

At this time, Dean Snape rushed over from the basement, followed by Filch who was shouting that he wanted to whip people.

He brushed past Nietzsche and walked to Malfoy's side and patted his shoulder. Although his face was still calm, Nietzsche could still hear his whisper of comfort.

"Okay, the rest of you go back to the hall. It's just a small friction..." Then, Snape waved his hand and let these students go.

"You call this a small friction?!"

"What's the problem? I think Gryffindor's previous "little jokes" are worse than this." Anyway, no matter what, Professor McGonagall didn't deduct points, and finally pulled Malfoy to the underground.

But he looked very reluctant, his body was stiff, and he was pulled hard by the professor every two steps.

But Nietzsche knew that the professor was trying to help him out, so he simply rudely characterized the conflict as a "minor friction" and took the other party away under the pretext of comforting Malfoy.

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