"Yes, yes, yes~" Hermione laughed sarcastically, "But you also learned the Defense Against the Dark Arts class."

This matter is unacceptable, right? !

Nietzsche puffed up his face and vented his anger on the floating mouse spleen.

Volume 1: Chapter 193 Peter's Bizarre Adventure

Peter Pettigrew has lived as a mouse for twelve years. He lurks in wizard families just to find out all kinds of information.

Although he stayed in the poor Weasley family the longest, fortunately he didn't have to worry about being discovered.

To be honest, he was scared when Black first broke into the school, because he knew Sirius Black was innocent, so he had been thinking about his future in those days.

But fortunately, he was driven away.

"Sure enough, Hogwarts is the safest place..." Peter Pettigrew lay next to Ron's pillow and talked to himself late at night.

But later he found out that it was not only Black who wanted to break into the school, but also another person.

It was not until after Christmas that he heard the Slytherin boy say that he immediately understood what was going on: the reason why Voldemort's old subordinates rescued Black was because of what happened twelve years ago.

After all, people in the magic world don't know the truth, and Sirius was the one who betrayed the Potters, even the Death Eaters thought so.

On the other hand, Peter Pettigrew also felt that he could not leave school anymore.

Now outside, in addition to Sirius Black who is thinking about him, there are also those Death Eaters who think he betrayed Voldemort. Look at what happened to Lucius! He must not leave Hogwarts!!

When Peter heard that he would be replaced by a new owl, he was very anxious.

"Don't leave me, I have lived in the Weasley family for so long, even if I have no merit, I also have... um... I also have a good impression, right?" He lay on the edge of Ron's pocket, pretending to be frightened.

Yes, that's right, he knew that Ron was a good boy and would definitely not feed himself to the owl.

"Good boy, I'm your mouse..."

But then, he heard Hermione's suggestion.

Hagrid? That silly half-giant?

Although it's not that good, at least he doesn't have to be fed to the owl, and he remembered that Ron and Hagrid had a good relationship, so he would definitely be taken care of.

The situation was as he thought. When Ron came to Hagrid's hut, he heard the conversation between the two.

"Little Ron, what's the matter?" Hagrid patted the mud on his hands and pinched a few sticky flobberworms.

"I have a new owl."

"Really? Congratulations... If you need the "Owl Training Manual", you need to wait, I don't remember where the book is hidden..."

"But I already have a mouse." Ron took Peter Pettigrew out of his pocket, "But I can't keep two pets, right, and owls eat mice, so I want to let you..."

He lied. If Hermione hadn't reminded him, he wouldn't have thought of Hagrid.

But does that mean that the other person is not important in his heart? Of course not, and it would make Hagrid sad if he had to be reminded by others.

"Of course, no problem, I'm a good pet owner!" As expected, Hagrid was very happy with his request, and put Scabbers in his broad palm, "If you miss it, you can come and visit it anytime."

Peter Pettigrew was reluctant to leave, and he stepped back again and again, away from those disgusting caterpillars.

"Don't worry, Scabbers, if you stay there, you will be eaten by an owl."

But this kind of words, in Peter's ears, became: Sorry, stay away from me, I'm afraid of misunderstandings.

After Ron left, he was thrown into a small cage by Hagrid casually. Looking at the feces and rough grains in it, he didn't know what kind of magical animal the last guest who lived here was.

It was only half an hour later, and Pettigrew began to miss the days in the Gryffindor common room.

"Eat something, little guy..." Hagrid turned over a few earthworms from the side and threw them into the small rice bowl with chopped plant roots.

"What is this?" Pettigrew kicked the bowl over. "No matter how poor Ron was before, he gave me some fruit and rice. I want to eat what you eat, you... As expected, people with giant blood are stupid."

Looking at Scabbers who didn't want to eat, Hagrid began to have trouble.

He remembered that mice were indeed omnivores, but on second thought, he turned around and went to the fireplace to rummage.

"I'm so stupid... Why would Ron take the time to find these meats for him to eat." Hagrid crushed a piece of the pie on the table and began to feel sorry for the picky mouse.

But for the sake of the smell of this pie, Pettigrew no longer cared about him.

No matter what, it was food for people.

But when he grabbed the rock pie and bit it hard, he immediately regretted it---a front tooth broke in an instant, and the bite force of the mouse didn't even make a mark on the rock pie, let alone powder.

"My teeth...Aaaaaah!"

However, his screams did not attract Hagrid's attention. He had already left the hut for the next magical creatures class.

"No, no, no, I can't stay here. I have to go back."

Peter Pettigrew covered his mouth and lay on the ground helplessly. There was nothing to eat, no soft bed, and the neighbor next to him still couldn't speak, just a dog rolling on the ground. What's the difference between this and Azkaban? !

Oh, yes, there are no Dementors.

The only difference is that this is 'Azkaban' guarded by giants.

He glanced at those hideous 'neighbors', but even in Azkaban, there are no wizards who want to eat him, right? !

At night, Pettigrew, who hadn't eaten for a day, was so hungry that he was dizzy. He really had no choice, but he couldn't bite the rock cake. He held it in his mouth for a long time but it didn't soften. He could only turn over the rice bowl and pick out the bugs.

Although it was just some vegetable stems, it was better than nothing...

Peter Pettigrew waited until late at night, and he opened his eyes after Hagrid, who was lying on the bed, snored.

"Alaho!" He raised his paw and aimed at the door of the cage.

Maybe it was because he hadn't used magic for too long, so he didn't succeed at first, but he didn't panic. He just patiently used the wandless spell repeatedly.

Finally! He escaped!

Pettigrew jumped down from the counter flexibly and squeezed out through the crack of the door.

The wind was strong and cold, but it was worth it. He blended into the night and faced the brightly lit Hogwarts Castle in the distance.

Goodbye, cage!

But can Peter Pettigrew really go home as he wished?

He didn't see a hunter squatting on the chimney of Hagrid's hut - Nietzsche's trump card, Hermione's cub, Granger's confidant. The night could not block its sight, and its fluffy hair made it patient.


A shrill scream scared Peter Pettigrew into a cold sweat.

His Animagus was a mouse, so he had done his homework and knew what the natural enemies of mice were.

But there was a big grassland ahead, where could he run to... Oh, the Forbidden Forest! After avoiding Crookshanks' attack, Pettigrew ran towards the bushes of the Forbidden Forest without looking back.

Although it was dangerous inside, he could use the terrain advantage to get rid of the cat.

So, Crookshanks chased into the Forbidden Forest.

(Ask for leave)

Volume 1: Chapter 194 White Album, but the heroine is a dragon

After the mouse Scabbers was sent away, Ron turned around and forgot about it. Nietzsche always saw him carrying a brand new birdcage and comparing the types of owls with his friends, as if he was looking at their differences carefully for the first time.

But Nietzsche did not receive any news from Crookshanks.

At the end of the spells class on Friday afternoon, he just walked out of the classroom and found a tall figure standing in the corridor. Hagrid's huge body almost blocked the entire passage.

"I'm here!" Hagrid tried to tuck in his stomach so that those students could squeeze through sideways.

Because he was much taller than the people in the corridor, Nietzsche was easily discovered. The other party stretched out his arm, pinched his clothes with two fingers, and dragged him to the side of the stairs.

At this time, Hagrid's eyes were dodging and his neck was shrinking... every time he thought he had done something wrong.

"What happened?" Nietzsche asked, "Aren't you usually preparing for the next magical animal class at this time? Or do you want me to convince Hermione to help you make a few potions?"

Other than that, he really couldn't figure out what else the other party could find him for.

"If the forgetfulness potion works..." Hagrid muttered first, and then said at a rapid speed, "This morning, a centaur told me that the dragon almost overturned the forbidden forest."

"What dares to provoke her?"

"I don't know, I only know that if you don't hold the dragon, Aragog's house will be burned down."

Aragog, this name Nietzsche heard from some eight-eyed giant spiders last year.

When he walked out of the hall, he could see the billowing black smoke above the depths of the Forbidden Forest. The entire Forbidden Forest looked like an animal whose fur had been plucked off. From a distance, there was a centaur standing on the edge of the Forbidden Forest.

It was Ronan, the centaur leader, who led Nietzsche and Hagrid.

"Nature has been destroyed..." Ronan said heavily.

"I know, I know. We all saw it." Hagrid impatiently used the tip of his shoe to pick up a piece of ash, revealing the charred corpse underneath.

Poor Acromantula.

When Nietzsche thought of the huge amount of giant spider venom that had been lost in vain, he began to feel sorry for it with Hagrid.

However, he understood Ronan's warning---it meant that this was not something that the fire dragon Smaug had caused himself, because it was also a part of nature, so what was destroyed should be the autonomous balance of the overall ecology of the Forbidden Forest.

Although the fire dragon would usually burn something in the Forbidden Forest, while venting its energy, it would also curb the spread of the Acromantula's territory.

"Is someone interfering with her?" Nietzsche tried to interpret the other party's riddle.

"You're a smart little pony." Ronan nodded slightly and said dully.

Only Hagrid didn't understand. He touched the back of his head and followed the centaur to the dragon's territory.

The further in, the more the originally charred ruins became grayer and the temperature became higher. Then Nietzsche saw that the entrance of one of the caves was covered with carbonized giant spiders and other animals.

"Isn't this Aragog's hometown?!" Hagrid shouted in shock.

Even though Ronan, a centaur, didn't like Acromantulas, he still comforted him: "They had already drilled holes and ran away when the fire dragons broke in..."

He pointed to the holes in the ground.

However, judging from the gray-white burning center on the ground, it was impossible to know whether Aragog would be suffocated to death underground.

"But why did it suddenly come here... I mean, Aragog always came to me to complain about the fire dragon, but he never said that it would rush into his home." Hagrid took off the mole. After putting on the fur coat, I wiped away the sweat.

After hearing a few grunts from the cave, he took an umbrella from his back, held it in his hand, and asked Nietzsche to wait here while he carefully felt his way inside along the edge of the cave.

This used to be the base of the Acromantula, but there is no longer any spider silk.

When Nietzsche was thinking about who could interfere with Smaug, he suddenly heard several piercing meows coming from the depths of the dark cave. When he looked back, he saw Hagrid flying out with the heat wave.

He liked what Hagrid said very much: The fire dragon is a little cute.

"my waist..."

It was obvious that Smaug was not in a good mood.

But Crookshanks hasn't come back for several days, and he doesn't know where he went. It's impossible to chase a mouse, let's chase it here... it won't be lost, given its temperament, it's hard to tell.

Ronan did not help Hagrid who fell to the ground, because the next thing that illuminated the cave was Nietzsche holding a 'light saber'!

"Armor protection!"

He raised his right hand and held the wand horizontally. The heat wave rolled up the debris and hot gravel on the ground and hit a small piece of pale white barrier. The further you went in, the stone cave became wider and wider, like a funnel. shaped channel.

The space inside is enough to hold thousands of Acromantulas... I just don't know if there are still that many of them now.

There are still many dense holes on those stone walls, but the spider eggs inside are probably burnt.

"Roar!" "Meow~"

The piercing screams and low throat roars were made by Smaug and Crookshanks. They stared at both sides without taking a step back... Nietzsche's worst fear finally happened.

Looking at the cat and the dragon in front of him, Nietzsche felt even more depressed now than when Hermione and Granger met.

"I'm going to see Hagrid..." He was about to turn back, but was blocked by a black tail, isolating him from the centaurs.

"I'll take Hagrid to find Aragog. He must be very sad now." Ron knew that in this closed environment, going against the fire dragon was an unwise choice, so he could only take a step back.

The sound of horse hooves became quieter and quieter, and it was obvious that Ronan was walking away.

Now that the only person who could share the pressure was gone, Nietzsche could only stand awkwardly against the wall, trying not to be between Crookshanks and Smaug, but they would often shout at each other and then look away. Look at him.

The most terrible thing is that Nietzsche couldn't understand whether they were scolding each other or complaining to themselves!

"Crookshanks, where's the mouse I asked you to catch?" He gave up and planned to smooth things over first.

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