Fireplace House, Vice President's Office...

Alechino and Finina's private room...

The magical Finina House...

"Finnina, I have cut the bird milk cake. Come here, I want to try to feed you myself."

Alechino held the small cake in one hand and patted the empty seat next to him with the other hand.

Finina naturally refused such an intimate invitation.

Not to mention that it was inappropriate for the two of them to hug each other in broad daylight, not to mention that Kreve was still outside the door!

If she heard it, where would Finina's face be!

"Well... ahem! That... I think it's better not to do it? I have my own hands, I can eat by myself."

Finina waved her hand and said embarrassedly.

Alechino was

"Besides, we are in the Hearth House now. There are many people here. If someone accidentally hears you, how can you be an executive?"

"It's hard to be in the Fatui, right? I don't want to trouble you anymore, so I won't go over. It's good to sit here."

Then, Fernina smiled gently and spoke sincerely.

Her eyes showed concern for Alechino.

"Yes! I'll listen to you."

Alechino nodded gently, and the loss just now disappeared with Fernina's words, replaced by a full sense of happiness.

Fernina cared about her, which made her happier than sitting on her lap and letting her feed Fernina a small cake.

The person you love cares about you and loves you. This is probably the happiest thing in the world, right?

So, Alechino no longer bothered about letting Fernina sit next to her. She handed the cake to Fernina, then took her own piece, and watched Fernina taste the bird milk cake she had carefully made with a smile.

Seeing Fernina's satisfied expression, Alechino felt sweeter than eating honey.

"The book is right. If you want to capture a person's heart, you must first capture her stomach. Only if I am good at cooking, Fernina will like me more, and I will be more in her heart."

Alechino scooped a corner of the cake with a spoon and put it in her mouth.

The sweet cream and chocolate mixed together, and the sweetness flowed from her mouth into Alechino's heart.

Alechino was already very good at cooking, whether it was desserts or home-cooked dishes, she could cook them.

The former was learned during the [Heartland House] period in order to take care of her best friend Krevi and satisfy her appetite, and the latter was learned by Alechino in the past few years while taking care of the children in the Hearth House.

The meals at the Hearth House are very rich, and the children like them very much.

However, if it is their father who cooks for them, they will be happier and happier.

Therefore, at the family gatherings that are often held, the children can always see Arlecino wearing an apron and busy in the kitchen.

Linny fully plays the role of an older brother. When the father is busy, he will lead the children to play in front of the closet.

Linnet, who is clever and skillful, will take the initiative to go to the kitchen to help Arlecino wash and cut vegetables, and some girls will also help with Linnet.

Femini has become much bolder, and he will now take the initiative to cooperate with Linny to take care of many brothers and sisters.

Under the leadership of Arlecino, the children in the new Hearth House love each other and no longer fight and intrigue.

However, even such a warm Hearth House has some shortcomings.

That is... the Hearth House is still missing a mother, or a hostess.

Well... Arlecino is the father.

And Funina... is the most suitable [mother] for children in Alechino's mind.

However, when thinking of this title, Alechino couldn't help wanting to vomit. Because the title of [mother] would remind her of Kugavina's birth.

[Mother], what a great title, but it was made dirty by Kugavina, the damn bastard!


Alechino was building up her mentality.

[Mother] is [mother], Kugavina is Kugavina, this bastard with a broken heart doesn't deserve this title. [Mother] is gentle, sincere, and caring for children, and at the same time [mother] is resolute and unyielding.

Softness with hardness, hardness and softness, this is [mother]!

And Kugavina, nothing!

Calming down her mood, Alechino looked at Funina again.

Sure enough, only Funina is the most perfect. As long as she sees Funina, all troubles will go away.

With the corners of her mouth slightly raised, Alechino looked forward to Fernina discovering the surprise she had prepared.

However... one second... five seconds... ten seconds...…

Seeing that the small cake on Fernina's plate was almost finished, but the little surprise prepared by Alechino had not yet appeared, which made Alechino very nervous.

Why? It was clearly hidden inside! Why hasn't it come out yet?

As if there was a kitten scratching her heart, Alechino was anxious and a little bored.

But fortunately, Fernina finally found the little surprise she prepared.

"Eh? What is this?"

Fernina suddenly put down the plate and spoon, and she opened her mouth and spit out a waterproof paper.

Hearing Fernina's voice, Alechino stood up instantly.

Finally... finally! Finally found it!

Open it and take a look, open it and take a look! Fernina!

So, in the expectant eyes of Alechino, Fernina slowly opened it with curiosity and doubt.

There was a sentence written on it in Fontaine text——

[I love you]!

I saw it, Fernina saw it!

Alechino was very excited. She was eager to know how Fernina would respond to her surprise.

Fernina put the note away, then picked up the plate and smiled.

"I love you too."

Ah... this...

Alechino felt lost and had a lot of pain in her heart.

Wrong, Fernina, wrong!

She didn't say that to the cake, but to me... Well, I was here first, why... why did the cake come later?

"Hehe... Forget it, this is good."

Alechino sighed and smiled bitterly.

She made the cake and stuffed the note in it. Isn't it the same as saying [I love you] to Fernina to the cake?


How could Fernina not know the secret of this note? When she ate the note, she was observing the change in Alechino's expression.

Although Alecino hid well and Fernina could hardly see any flaws, Fernina's intuition told her that this mushroom spirit was expecting her to say what was on the note.

And she was saying it to the person who made the cake.

But how could Fernina let Alecino get what she wanted? She just wanted to make Alecino's plan fail and tease Alecino.


I love you too, Alecino, my love.

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