This morning, Fininna found a rare reason to meet with Alechino.

Before leaving, Fininna took Klevi with her as usual, but at this time, Violet suddenly called her.

"Please wait a moment, Ms. Fininna."

Hearing this, Fininna stopped and turned to look at Violet with a puzzled look.

"What's wrong? Violet."

However, at this time, Klevi suddenly felt something was wrong. Mr. Violet...did he notice something?

"It's like this, Ms. Fininna. I found that there seems to be something wrong with your recent travel. I want to know why you go to the Hearth House so frequently?"

Vilet paused and continued.

"From what I know about you, it's impossible for you to have such a long-term interest in other things except when you enjoy sweets and appreciate drama performances."

"Then, can you tell me why you want to go to the Hearth House? Please rest assured that I am not restricting your freedom. Of course, I don't have that power."

"I am just worried about your safety in the Hearth House. After all, there are still a small number of Fatui there. You are the god of Fontaine, and you should know how important your safety is to Fontaine."

After that, Violet quietly waited for Fernina's answer.

"Ah... this, this..."

Fernina looked guilty. How could she answer this?

It's impossible to say that she went to see Alechino and date Alechino, right?

In that case, would she still be the water god? And that kind of thing sounds outrageous no matter how you look at it!

"If Mr. Violet is worried about the safety of Sister Fernina, then please rest assured."

At this time, Krevi, the strongest wingman of Teyvat, set out again!

Krevy stood in front of Funina with a calm expression, as if she was giving a job report, stating the true intention of Funina's abnormal behavior in the eyes of Villette.

"Heartland House is not only home to the Fatui, but 80% of the staff there are Fontaine people. The special patrol and security teams of the Court of Law are patrolling nearby, and... the Court of Shadow Hunters has also arranged for Shadow Hunters to monitor Hearth House."

"Therefore, Hearth House can be said to be impregnable. With so many people watching Hearth House, a small group of Fatui there is not enough."

"Moreover, Zhidong and Fontaine are now in a period of friendship restoration. Zhidong is still in a weak position and is even less likely to do anything to Sister Funina."

"Of course, we cannot rule out the possibility that Zhidong will turn his face and turn the table over. But doing so will cause great damage to Zhidong's image and is not conducive to their interests, so the probability of this possibility is very low."

The calm and composed Krevy covered up Funina's true intentions. After all, this was a CP that she had promoted, so how could Krevy let it go?

She was serious about CP.

"Low probability does not mean impossible. Solstice's military power is superior to Fontaine. The reason why we can dominate now is that Solstice is still abiding by the rules. If Solstice overturns the table, our situation with Solstice will be reversed immediately."

Navilette said quite seriously.

"Ms. Fininna, don't go to Hearth House if you can. That Fatui executive is not a good person. She is more difficult to deal with than Kugavina back then. If she wants to attack you, the people stationed in Hearth House will not be able to stop her."

"Alechino, this dangerous lunatic is very strong, much stronger than Kugavina. Ms. Fininna, I don't want your safety to be threatened. As a god, you are very important to Fontaine."

Seeing that Vilette cared about her so much, Fininna felt warm in her heart. This cold-faced little water dragon actually cared about her, but he always liked to keep a straight face and didn't know how to express his concern.

But... I'm sorry, Vilette.

In fact, I, the water god... have already secretly married Alecino.

Violet, you could never have imagined that the terrifying and threatening Alechino you mentioned is actually the lover of me, Funina de Fontaine!

Although I am touched by Violet's concern for me, a god must look like a god.

Majesty, majesty. Majesty is indispensable!

"Ahem! Don't worry, Violet! I know what you said, but I still want to go to Hearth House!"

Funina coughed lightly and put one hand on her waist.

"The Hearth House is now mine, Fontaine's, and the children in it are also my children. In order to prevent the Fatui from doing something unspeakable to those children in secret, I have the obligation to supervise the Hearth House."

"Especially the bad guy Alechino, it is rumored that she is the best at brainwashing. I must keep an eye on her all the time,Otherwise, the future of Fontaine will be bewitched by her, and then Fontaine will be in danger!"

That Violet sighed softly: "Ms. Funina..."

"Hey, don't persuade me. This is my responsibility as the God of Water! If the enemy can go, I can go too! My dear Violet, I'm leaving!"

After saying that, Funina was about to pull Krewei away.

In response, Violet shook his head helplessly and only heard him say.

"Ms. Funina, Liyue's idioms are not used like this... Also, don't suddenly say something inexplicable in the future. Your thinking is difficult to understand, and quoting idioms from other countries will only give people a headache. "

However, Funina had already left with Krewei, and it was still a question whether she listened to Violet's words.

On the other hand, Funina, who had left the Momang Palace, pulled Krewei into the carriage and then went straight to the Fireplace House.

"Sister Funina...are you too impatient? "

In the car, Krevy covered her mouth and chuckled.

"Hey, don't talk nonsense! I'm not in a hurry to see Alecino! I just... I just heard that there will be bird milk cake today, yes! That's it!"

Fenina's ears turned red and she argued.

"Yeah, yes, yes. You just want to eat cake, not to see Pepe."

Krevy emphasized the last few words.

"Hmph! Little Weiwei is so annoying. Wasn't it you who instigated me to go on a date with Alecino?"

Looking at Krevy's smiling face, Fenina was furious.

"Oh, but... I don't know who was eager to make a move at that time. You obviously liked her very much, but you still had to remain reserved~"

Krevy teased.

"You... forget it, I don't want to argue with you, after all, I am in the wrong. "

Funina turned her head and looked out the window. The carriage was moving quickly, getting closer and closer to the Hearth House, which also brought the hearts of Funina and Alecino closer and closer.

Soon, the carriage arrived at the Hearth House.

Alechino, who had been waiting for a long time, stepped forward to greet her after getting off the carriage.

"Welcome, Ms. Funina."

Welcome, my love.

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