What does it feel like to like someone?

Psychologically speaking, once you really like someone, you will want to know everything about the other person like crazy, be curious about her past, and you will want to know everything about her uncontrollably.

As long as it is all the information related to your sweetheart, whether it is good or bad, you want to know everything clearly, and you will think about her all the time, eating, sleeping and other trivial matters.

When you are deeply in love, you will even feel a palpitation when you see her name. As long as there is any information related to her, you will not miss it. In your heart, things related to her are the most important top priority.

You have no way to hide your curiosity about her. Every time she appears, your heartbeat will speed up, your mood will be excited, and even your breathing will become rapid.

Pop! Finina closed the book titled "Psychological Characteristics of Both Parties in Love", then she threw the book aside and lay on the soft big bed in the shape of a "big" character.

Looking at the gorgeous ceiling, Finina's mind flashed the face of Alechino.

Then, the promise that Alecino made that day also played in her mind.

"The sea breeze will bring news of the ice."

"But the ice can't stop me."

"The fire will burn all obstacles."

"Time will prove our true love."

"Ahhh! How hateful..."

Fenina screamed, she turned over and buried her head in the pillow.

After a long time, she finally showed her face, and then took a big breath of fresh air. She almost suffocated herself.

"Damn it, damn it, damn it! How could she do that? How could she do that?!"

Fenina couldn't help blushing when she thought of what Alecino said that day and the affectionate look in Alecino's eyes when he looked at her.

"That bad guy... If little Weiwei hadn't told me that you had no emotional history, I would have thought you were a veteran..."

"How did you manage to say those cheesy words without changing your expression? I get goose bumps when I think about it, but why can you remain so calm?"

"It's obviously the same as mine... It's the first time, why can you be so handsome? Damn it! I'm so envious, I also want you to lean on my arms and look at me with admiration!"


Finally, Finina sighed softly. Some things just need to be thought about. According to her current relationship with Alechino, it seems that she will be the one at the bottom in the future.

"I'm walking on thin ice... Do you think I can get to the other side?"

Finina asked a question that hit her heart, but unfortunately, no one can answer her question now.

Outside the bedroom, sitting on the sofa is Krewei.

At this time, Krewei is writing something.

If someone takes a closer look, they can find that what Krewei wrote is not suitable for children.


Krevy put down her pen and moved her wrist to relieve the pain in her hand.

"Hehe~ I'm finally going to finish the first part of my novel "I'm the Love Advisor for the Water God in Fontaine"! Great!"

Krevy smiled softly and looked towards the bedroom door.

"Sister Funina can't see this book, otherwise if she knows I wrote a novel based on her love experience, she will definitely scold me..."

"Maybe... Pepe will be angry, but I think she should be the one who wants to read it the most?"

"Hehe~ Just in case, this book can't be published in Fontaine. Well... When I have time to travel to Inazuma, I will publish it in Yaedo there!"

As she said, Krevy put away the manuscript, and then she took out a list.

There were five Fontaine characters written on it...

Resignation notice!


On the other side, the office of the Zhidong Diplomatic Embassy.

Alecino had already finished her work for today. She was originally going to visit Momang Palace and go out with Funina.

But she gave up the idea because it was not easy for outsiders to know about their relationship.

Then, Alecino turned around and picked up a book.

This book was published by Inazuma Yaedo and approved by the editor-in-chief of Yaedo. It is a love guide - "How to Determine What Your Feelings Are for Your Lover"!

Then, Alecino opened the book, found the bookmark she marked, and continued reading.

[Like is to possess alone, it is selfish]

[When you really like someone, you will have a possessive desire for her, you can't stand sharing with others, and possessing alone is a manifestation of loyalty. ]

[You will start to look forward toYou want to be inseparable from her, and it would be best if you could be together with her all the time. You want to tie her to yourself, and occupy her heart, and not allow others to take even a little bit of it. ]

At this time, Alecino felt as if a pink-haired, faceless fox lady appeared in front of her. The fox lady held a ruler and taught her knowledge with a serious face.

As her sight kept moving, Alecino learned more and more knowledge.

[You want to know her thoughts and behaviors at any time and anywhere. You will think that you are the person who knows her best in the world. Once the other party shows strange actions and intentions, you will start to get nervous and feel that you have lost control of her. ]

[However, in fact, always wanting to know what she is thinking in her heart will make you look stupid. This possessiveness will become a burden to you and her over time. ]

[And you will often laugh inexplicably because you think of the beautiful moments with her, and only allow yourself to have this beautiful feeling. This strong possessive desire will expand your sense of happiness, but it will also expand your sense of loss. ]

"Like... is possession?"

Alechino was confused, she couldn't understand what Miss Fox said.

[Of course! Because I like her, I want to have everything about her. Because I like her, I will tolerate everything about her. Liking is possession, but it's not just possession! ]

[Girl, you still have a lot to learn. In addition to possession, liking also includes understanding, curiosity, invasion, understanding and respect, as well as the most selfless fulfillment. However, fulfillment is the saddest kind of liking. You must remember not to step into this end of no return. ]

"Thank you for your guidance. Student Alechino knows how to deal with the emotions and impulses when getting along with Funina."

Alechino clasped her fists in the air, thanking the unknown Miss Fox teacher.

"It's really worthy of being produced by Yaedo, it must be a fine product!"

Alechino gave a great compliment to Yaedo, which is far away on the other side of the ocean.

A pink fox: A-choo! Eh? I have a cold... No, it should be Ying who is missing me... Hehe~ Tsundere Xiaoying!

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