May sleep close your eyes!

May peace settle my soul!

I am going to ask the priest for advice now,

and tell him about my affair tonight.

After the impromptu performance, they were going to leave the Opera House of Opikle.

But before leaving, Finina held Arlechino.

"Ahem... those words just now were all performance requirements! Don't think too much, understand?"

Finina blushed, like a cute cat, her coquettish voice was like a little claw, tickling Arlechino's heart.

Shy Finina tilted her head, not daring to look into Arlechino's eyes, but Arlechino didn't let Finina avoid looking into her eyes.

"Look at me, Finina..."

There was no more suffix to the name, Arlechino had regarded Finina as the only love of his life, and naturally wanted to be on the same level with her.

I heard that [Doctor] Dotore has a plan to create a god...


Fenina turned her head back and looked into Alechino's eyes.

The black and red cross-shaped eyes reflected her figure, and Alechino's eyes were so gentle.

"I took those words seriously, so you can't cheat."

Alechino grabbed Finina's hand, and her fingers passed through the gaps between Finina's fingers, and the two interlocked their fingers.

"Hey... performance is performance, reality is reality. Don't confuse reality with drama, okay?"

Fenina retorted weakly.

"That won't do! My beloved Fernina finally mustered up the courage to speak out her inner thoughts. How could I treat those words as acting?"

"Could it be that... Ms. Fernina, you are going to turn your back on me? Are you going to abandon me?"

Pulling Fernina into her arms, Alechino's mouth slightly raised, she gently sniffed the smell of Fernina.

Fernina, you are a cute baby, fragrant all over.

"You can't leave me, Ms. Fernina..."

As she said that, Alechino buried her head in Fernina's shoulder, her breath hitting Fernina's slender white neck, causing Fernina to feel embarrassed and annoyed.

"Oh! Enough! What are you doing! Get out of my way!"

Fernina said in a tender voice.

"No... who told you to leave me? I don't want to let you go, I don't want to lose you."

Alechino was like a child at this moment. She was madly greedy for the smell of Fernina and was eager to hug Fernina.

Facing Alechino who was completely different from usual, Fernina felt a headache.

If I had known that this guy would take advantage of me, I would not have said that. Now, I have paid for it.

Fernina, who regretted letting Alechino take advantage of her, put one hand on Alechino's head and tried hard to push Alechino away.

However, Alechino was like a dog-skin plaster, and she couldn't get rid of it no matter how hard she tried.


Alechino closed her eyes and just wanted to get closer.

"You... I hate you! Get out of my way, or I will never talk to you again!"

Seeing that she couldn't push Alechino away, Fernina used her ultimate move.

Cold War Warning to No Noble Phantasm. This move is a restricted attack, which is only effective against the specific targets [Alechino] & [Peruvian], but it can cause 2000% damage and mental shock to the target, and there is a 99.9% probability of turning the target into a friendly unit, and restoring the target's 100% status.

This move works every time, as long as Alechino still likes Finina, then she will not be able to resist this trick.

"Don't ignore me, and don't leave me... Otherwise, I will never let go."

After saying that, Alechino let Finina go, with a trace of imperceptible madness in her eyes.

"Humph! Let's see how you perform... Ahem, okay, I won't leave you, and what I said during the performance just now is true"

Finina wanted to be arrogant again, but Alechino's eyes and the terrifying aura emanating from his body made Finina's heart ring with alarm.

Even Finina seemed to hear someone's voice.

"If you don't agree to her... you will be miserable..."

So, Finina followed her heart very wisely. Besides, she originally wanted to tease Alechino and see how Alechino would react after knowing that what he said in the play just now was all fake.

Now that she has seen it, Finina will naturally stop while she is ahead.

Although Finina still doesn't know Alechino very well, she knows what he means.

Some jokes can't be overdone, otherwise there will be terrible consequences.

"But there are some things I still need to explain... Even as the God of Water, I can't be sure of the future."I hope you won't make it hard for me. I don't want to see you stand against me."

Funina put away her joking attitude and said seriously.

After all, Funina is not Peveril. Alechino is not Carlos.

They are both from different countries, and their positions are destined to make it difficult for them to be together.

Even today's date is a date between Alechino and Ms. "Nafu".

Funina found for the first time that the title of water god that she was proud of in the past was so annoying at this moment.

"Please believe me, Funina. I won't let that day come. If anyone dares to provoke our relationship, I won't let him go! ”

Alechino made a promise and will practice it for the rest of her life.

This feeling, this feeling that she has finally established with Furninna, now she finally can confide her feelings to Furninna, finally can convey her love to Furninna...

This hard-earned feeling, Alechino will never allow anyone to threaten it, not even a little bit!

"I promise you, Furninna... my love. I will be loyal to you, my love for you is known by heaven and earth... my heart will beat for you from now on."

"No one can stop me from loving you. Please allow me to be greedy, I will do everything I can to avoid being against you. Because I can't bear to see the person I love hate me."

"Please forgive my selfishness, I can't leave Winter for the time being, I can't get out of the Fatui, I have been bound there, before the Ice Queen's wish comes true, or before I die, I will bear the title of Fatui's executive officer. ”

“But please don’t be afraid, and don’t distance yourself from me. Because you know my heart, and I will never betray you.”

“The sea breeze will bring news of the ice.”

“But the ice can’t stop me.”

“The fire will burn all obstacles.”

“Time will prove our true love.”

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