Happy times are always very short.

In a blink of an eye, it was already the time for the Fatui executive ranking battle.

As an executive [servant], Arlecino naturally had to go back to participate in this ranking battle.

The executive ranking battle was a benign internal competition method proposed by the General Officer [Buffoon] more than four hundred years ago.

Because private fights between executives are strictly prohibited, even if there are conflicts between executives, even to the point where they cannot be reconciled, they cannot duel.

Although this effectively avoids the internal friction of executives and allows them to concentrate their strength to serve the Ice Queen, it cannot eliminate their inner dissatisfaction and hatred.

Therefore, for the long-term development of executives, the General Officer [Buffoon] Piero began to formulate this system.

The executive ranking battle can not only regularly test whether the strength of executives has declined, but also allow some executives with grudges to duel openly and resolve personal grudges.

However, the executive ranking battle is not without rules at all.

For example, killing other executive officers is strictly prohibited.

Ranking battles are ranking battles, but if an executive officer dies at the hands of other executive officers because of ranking battles, then the [clown] will not let the executive officer who killed him go.

Of course, if a Fatui soldier kills an executive officer in a duel, then he may replace that person.

Why is it possible?

Because after Alechino killed Kugavina and became the new [servant], many ambitious and powerful Fatui soldiers had strange thoughts.

Soldiers who don't want to be generals are not good soldiers.

These people are exactly like this. They imitated Alechino to kill executive officers, but no one succeeded.

And even those who survived by chance would be sent to the military court of winter and sentenced to death.

In short, Alechino's success in killing Kugavina and usurping the throne set a very bad precedent for the Fatui soldiers, and made the soldiers below have the intention of rebellion.

For this reason, [Rooster] Puchnera, the mayor of the city of Solstice, had a lot of headaches.

However, there was still the great general [Captain] Pinocata, who helped suppress many soldiers.

Please don't get me wrong, these rebellious soldiers are not rebelling against the Ice Queen. On the contrary, their loyalty to the Ice Queen is more important than anything else. They are rebelling against a few executives, and they want to climb up and become new executives.

Just like Alecino, the only one who has successfully usurped the throne in hundreds of years.

One step to the sky, and everyone will rise to heaven.

But unfortunately, not everyone is Alecino, not everyone is a survivor of the Red Moon Dynasty, and not everyone is the blood of the Red Moon Royal Family!

Alecino, a unique existence in the entire Teyvat continent.

A survivor of the Red Moon Dynasty, carrying the power of the Red Moon, a person cursed by the world because of her too strong power, her body not only has the blood of the Red Moon Royal Family, but also the blood of people outside the world.

Just like what [Doctor] Dotore said.

Alechino's body hides extremely powerful power. If Alechino cooperates with Dotore and accepts Dotore's transformation, then Alechino can completely possess power comparable to that of a demon god.

Of course, as for how long Alechino can live after the transformation, and whether he is still Alechino himself, these important things, Dotore cannot be sure.

After all, he does not know enough about the power in Alechino's body.

But Dotore is confident that if he is given enough time and experimental supplies, then he can definitely help Alechino fully open up the power in his body.

But it's a pity... Alechino will not agree to anything else except providing him with a blood sample.

As a result, Dotore has only opened a potion that can burn memories based on the characteristics of the power in Alechino's blood. It is nothing but a memory clearer.

In Dotore's eyes, this potion is a waste and a failure.

In short, it was because of her uniqueness that Alecino was noticed by the General Officer [Clown] and reported to the Ice Queen. As a result, she became the new executive officer [Servant].

As for other people, they did not have this treatment.

"Time is really unforgiving... In the blink of an eye, I have been in Fontaine for 7 years."

Alecino sighed softly. She is now 24 years old, and most of her time has been spent in Fontaine.

Her life before the age of 17 was all dark. Even if there were two beams of light occasionally, they would disappear quickly. But after she killed Kugavina and raised the banner of rebellion, her future was completely different from the past.

She went to Fontaine to promote the re-establishment of diplomatic relations between Zhidong and Fontaine, and then gained the trust and favor of Funinna, and got along with Funinna in daily life.In the process of getting closer, he successfully confessed his feelings to Fernina with the help of his best friend Krevy.

Although the two have not yet broken the paper, and they act together in the presence of outsiders, they are still very close in private.

Saying some sweet words that others would blush, tasting delicious food together, holding hands, and occasionally Alechino asking Fernina for a hug... These behaviors that Krevy said were very common.

Unfortunately, the first kiss between the two that Krevy had been looking forward to did not happen, which made Krevy deeply regretful.

So much so that when Krevy resigned and left Fontaine, he stared at Alechino and Fernina with a deep resentment, making the two feel uncomfortable.

Yes, Krevy left Fontaine a year and a half ago.

Fernina and Alechino's relationship developed smoothly, and she no longer needed to promote it. With her best friend's lifelong happiness resolved, Krevie was leaving Fontaine to pursue her own happiness.

So, the day after Krevie submitted her resignation letter, she was caught by Fernina and Alechino, who talked to her for a long time before letting her go.

As a result, Krevie's ticket was changed several times, and even the usually good-tempered ticket seller, Melusinka Kalu, couldn't help but scold Krevie.

This time, Krevie was going to be a traveler to the seven countries.

And her first stop was the Sunken Jade Valley, which was closest to Fontaine and belonged to the Rock Country Liyue.

When the ship Krevie was on was getting farther and farther away from Fontaine, the two people at the pier in the evening were reluctant to leave.

"Goodbye, little Vivi...you must...come back to see me!"

"Haha...Ms. Fernina is so kind and righteous, it's really touching."

Alechino chuckled. Because they were outside, she would add a suffix to Fernina's name.

Goodbye, Krevi...remember to send a letter back when you have time.

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