Crazy joy always has a crazy ending, and it suddenly destroyed at the most proud moment, just like the kiss of fire and gunpowder.

Alechino's straightforward and sudden confession made Finina at a loss, and she didn't know what to do for a while.

At this moment, Finina looked shy, and she didn't dare to look directly into Alechino's burning eyes.

"Sorry, Ms. Finina, I may have scared you."

Seeing Finina was shy, Alechino immediately retreated and expressed her apology.

"But please believe me, although my words just now were abrupt, they were all my truest thoughts. My feelings for you have not changed, it will not fade, it will only become deeper and deeper with time."

"Of course, if you don't want to accept my feelings, please treat it as if it doesn't exist."

After a few words, Alechino successfully threw the pot to Finina, and now Finina is facing the dilemma of choice.

What to do?

Choose to accept? But isn't it time to attack Alechino by yourself today? For this reason, she even went on a date with Arecino.

Then, don't accept it? But she said it so sincerely, and Fenina didn't want to go against her own heart.

The worry about the future is real, and the love for Arecino is real... Before she didn't know that Arecino was Peruvian, Fenina liked Arecino, and when she learned that Arecino was the little Pepe of the year, Fenina liked Arecino even more after being surprised.

However, Fenina didn't want to accept Arecino's confession so hastily, she didn't want to have a relationship with Arecino so hastily, and after all, Fenina wanted to be the one above!

Ahem... thinking too far... Fenina quickly pulled back her thoughts.

At this time, Fenina easily broke free from Arecino's arms, and it was obviously Arecino who took the initiative to let go.

So, Finina got up from Arlecino, and then she looked around again. Seeing that most of the audience in the Opicole Opera House had left, Finina whispered.

"You don't mean what you said! I find it hard to believe."

"Well! Then how can Ms. Finina believe me and accept my feelings?"

There's a chance!

Arlecino's eyes lit up and asked with interest.

"Well, let me think about it..."

Finina held her chin with one hand and swayed in front of Arlecino, but Arlecino didn't feel annoyed. On the contrary, Finina who was thinking seriously was also charming in her eyes.

Ms. Finina who used her brain... cute, like it!

The burning gaze kept following Finina's body, as if to ignite Finina.


Finina felt a little uncomfortable, but the gaze was still there, and it was not concealed at all.


Finally, Finina sighed and spoke.

"I say, can you stop staring at me? Your gaze makes me feel cold behind my back. I always feel that you are going to do something bad to me."

Finina frowned slightly and looked at Alecino helplessly.

"Haha, how could that be? I definitely don't want to throw you down, Ms. Finina, and kiss your face hard, absolutely not."

Alecino chuckled and denied half-jokingly.

Now, Alecino has also let it go, and her words and deeds when getting along with Finina are much more relaxed than before.

After all, this is the person I like. She knows my feelings for her, and I also know her feelings for me. The relationship between the two of us is just a matter of finishing touches, and we can be together naturally.

Of course, this is the result without considering any external cause and effect.

If external conditions are to be considered, the results will become very complicated and unpredictable.

However, the current situation can completely ignore all external factors.

At this moment, there are only me and Ms. Fininna in this huge Opikle Opera House, and in the next few system hours, there will be only me and Ms. Fininna.

Before the next play begins, this mid-term closing time belongs to Arlecino and Fininna.

However, the two will not stay here to watch the next play. Fininna has other arrangements, about the arrangement of attacking Arlecino.

Although, Arlecino's favorability has overflowed.

"Hey, hey... Aren't you completely exposed? You are really thinking about bad things!" Fininna complained speechlessly. She realized that Arlecino also had such a side, which was completely different from what she had seen before.

How to say it? This contrast is quite cute. Fininna likes it very much.

"Really? But it's exposed. Anyway, the scene has been cleared now, and there are only two of us left.Even if I do something to you, Ms. Fininna, no one will know, right? "

Arecino raised her lips, and then she stood up from her seat.

Her action frightened Fininna so much that she took several steps back.

"You... don't mess around! I, I am the water god, you can't offend the god!"

Fininna pretended to be calm and tried to intimidate Arecino with the title of god.


"Oh? God, where is it? Isn't it only Ms. Nafu who is dating me today? The water god is not here. "

Alechino laughed even more happily. Fernina's performance was completely within her expectations.

Look what I found? A frightened Fernina cat!

However, jokes are not funny if they exceed the limit. Alechino is very sensible about this.

Walking in front of Fernina, Alechino bent down and stretched out her right hand. She spoke softly.

"I'm sorry to scare you, my dear Ms. Fernina. As compensation, please allow me to give you a performance. However, I need a lucky audience to cooperate with me. I wonder if you are willing to perform with me? "

Looking at the gentlemanly appearance of Alechino, Finina felt dizzy and her heart was pounding.

Inevitably, Finina blushed again... It seems that she has never recovered and her face has been red.

This Alechino is really good at teasing Finina. Is she going to attack Finina?

"Then... Then, seeing that you are so sincere... I will cooperate with you a little bit!"

Finina slowly put her hand on Alechino's hand.

"It's an honor! "

Arecchio took Funina's hand, and she walked steadily with Funina.

In the Opicole Opera House, where only the two of them were, in the dim Opicole Opera House...

The two of them came to the stage and performed a special show for the audience without any audience.

The performance of the Fontaine Water Goddess and the Winter Diplomat.

In addition to the two of them, there were only seats in the audience and the oracle judgment machine on the stage.

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