Fernina's crying voice made Alechino obviously stunned.

Especially when Fernina confided her worries to Alechino, Alechino was a little overwhelmed for a while.

This might be considered Fernina's straight ball.

But unlike Alechino's calm straight ball, Fernina's straight ball attack revealed her own worries about the future and this relationship.

Fernina couldn't see where the road was, and the story of "Carlos and Peveril" made her even more worried.

Although she was getting along very happily with Alechino now, and the two would play with each other, this peaceful and happy time was so short and illusory, like a floating cloud.

How can a rootless duckweed talk about life?

However, Fernina's sad appearance made Alechino feel distressed.

It's not that Alechino had not considered the things that Fernina was worried about. On the contrary, Alechino had once deduced in detail what might happen after he and Fernina were together.

Obviously, the result was not ideal.

However, Alechino did not care. She valued the present more than the illusory future.

However, when Fernina brought up this issue, Alechino still inevitably had a trace of worry, and could not stop her inner longing for a better future.

After all, this was Fernina! She was the one she loved, the one she poured all her feelings into.

Alechino did not let Fernina wait for long. She thought about what she should say next to make Fernina happy.

"That was just a performance, a drama... Although this pair of unfortunate lovers did exist in history. But their tragedy was caused by the limitations of the times and the conflicts in their families. We are different from them."

"But... we, our country, identity, political stance..."

Fernina did not listen, and her mood was still heavy.

"It's okay, Ms. Fernina."

Alechino gently patted Fernina's back, comforting her like comforting a child.

"I know that no matter what I say, I can't make you feel at ease. Because I really can't give you any decent, guaranteed promises now. To be honest, I am more worried about the future of our relationship than you are."

"You are a god, the water god of Fontaine, and I am just an ordinary mortal. I am very worried and afraid that I will be gray-haired a hundred years later, and you will still be the same as before. I am worried that the memories of my short life will eventually become a burden to you."

"Ms. Finina, you said... Shouldn't we have known each other from the beginning? In this way, we won't have a good impression of each other, and there will be no later things, let alone the current troubles."

Alechino's words that seemed to be self-destructive made Finina's heart tighten.

Finina put her hands on Alechino's shoulders and stared at Alechino's eyes seriously.

It was these eyes, black and red cross eyes, that were the eyes of the cute little Pepe in the past, and the eyes of the current Alechino who was full of himself.

"Enough! I won't let you say that again!"

Fenina forcefully interrupted Alecino's "self-abandonment". Just as Alecino didn't want to see Fenina's sad side, Fenina also didn't want to see Alecino's sad, self-abandoned decadent appearance.

Moreover, unlike Alecino's "fatherly" comfort, Fenina is more suitable to play to her strengths.

That is to throw a tantrum... cough cough, wrong, wrong, it is to play to the strengths of the water god and show the majesty of the water god.


Alecino: Wife, do you think it's okay to write like this?

Fenina: Humph, I forgive you.

So, a certain mushroom spirit was finally freed from the washboard.

... Let's get back to the point.

Fenina stopped Alecino's "self-abandonment" and said bluntly.

"Alechino, listen to me! Who I like is my own choice! To love someone, you must be brave and bold to love. I am also worried about the future like you, but..."

Funina took a deep breath and continued.

"No one can predict the future. Instead of worrying about the uncertain future, why don't we cherish the present? None of us can guarantee the longevity of our feelings for each other, and we can't guarantee whether our ending will be perfect or as tragic as Carlos and Peveril..."

"I know my question just now is stupid, and it is also the topic we should not talk about the most now. Although I am worried, I also know that you are worried about the future like me, but I think... instead of wasting time and energy on meaningless uncertain things, why don't we cherish the time we have now?""It's just you and me. Before the end of the future comes, we have to keep going, together!"

After saying so many words in one breath, Finina was breathing heavily, and her face was red.

Perhaps she knew that what she said just now was no different from a confession, and she was shy about it, but she still said it without hesitation.

And the effect of this straight ball attack was very good. Alechino's face showed a brief surprise, and then turned into a satisfied smile.

Then Finina felt that Alechino's hand around her waist gradually tightened. It was obvious that Alechino wanted to rub Finina into his arms.

But how could Finina give Alechino this opportunity to take advantage of her?

Finina's hand grabbed Alechino's shoulder and struggled to resist Alechino's confinement.

Although Alechino was a little disappointed, he didn't care too much.

After all, Fernina had just confessed to her, which made Alechino in a good mood.

This is really a case of planting flowers with care but not blooming, planting willows by accident but growing shades! Originally, Alechino just wanted to try to divert Ms. Fernina's attention, but she didn't expect to have an unexpected harvest, and a huge harvest!

"I know, Ms. Fernina..."

Alechino smiled gently, her eyes gentle and affectionate.

"We have to keep going, we have to cherish the present. Ms. Fernina, do you know?"

Alechino suddenly asked.

"Hmm? Know what?"

Fernina tilted her head and asked in confusion.

"I know... I like you, I like you very much!"

Since Fernina dared to attack directly, how could Alechino be willing to be inferior to Fernina?

Ms. Fernina confessed to her, so she had to confess back.

Don't understand, this is called reciprocity.

"Hey...you, you, you...what are you talking about! Who, who wants you to like it!"

Funina's face was red, and it seemed like steam was coming out of it.

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