(This chapter is basically the tragic story of the servant in the IF line)

The show continues...

Soon after Carlos was exiled, Peverly's mother, Gavina Echo, arranged a marriage for Peverly. Peverly was to marry Count Bianzhong three days later.

Peverly asked Father Wright for help, so the priest gave her a bottle of potion. He asked her to drink it secretly the night before the wedding and use the drug to fake her death to hide it from everyone.

According to the customs at the time, Peverly's "corpse" would be carried to the tomb of the Echo family's ancestral tomb by a hearse the next day. Father Wright would write a letter to Carlos in advance, asking him to come and stay by Peverly's side, and as soon as Peverly woke up, the two could leave Fontaine immediately.

But the person who sent the letter to Carlos was delayed by an accident and did not hand Father Wright's letter to Carlos in time.

Father Wright immediately rushed to Peverly's cemetery after hearing the news, but it was still too late. Carlos heard the news of Peverly's death and rushed back in advance. He had a misunderstanding with Count Yin Zhong in the cemetery and killed him in a fight.

Then Carlos took poison and committed suicide in front of Peverly's grave.

When Father Light finally arrived, he saw Peverly who had just woken up and Carlos who was already dead. Peverly didn't want to live alone, so he pulled out the dagger that Carlos carried with him and decisively stabbed it into his chest.

The next moment, Count Yin Zhong's servant came with a special training team and successfully captured Carlos's servant and Father Light who were suspicious.

The Supreme Judge Navilette presided over the trial, and the truth was soon made public. The Phaethon and Echo families shook hands and made peace. A tragedy of love resolved the hatred between the two families...

"I am willing to give my whole heart as compensation for your reputation."

At the end of the performance, the audience saw Carlos kneeling in front of Peveril's "corpse". He was heartbroken. Despite the advice of the accompanying servants, Carlos took the poison without hesitation.

Then, Peveril woke up. The beautiful girl saw the corpse of her beloved and rejected Father Wright's advice.

"What is this? A cup, tightly held in the hands of my loyal lover? I know, it must be poison that took his life."

"Oh, my enemy! How could you drink it all? Are you so cruel that you don't leave a drop for me? Then, I will kiss your lips, maybe there is still some poison on it, which can make me take it as a stimulant and die."

"God of Water, your lips are still warm! Why don't you wait for me a moment longer?"

"Ah! Knife, the knife you carry with you! Okay, this is it! Insert it! Let it take my life! Go with you!"

When the red curtain fell, the story of "Carlos and Peveril" ended here.

However, our clients, their stories have just begun.

Funina and Alechino, they are just like Carlos and Peveril on the stage.

Funina, the water god, and Alechino, the winter diplomat and executive of the Fatui, love each other.

This trend has been there since four years ago. It's just that Finina has been unwilling to face up to this feeling, so the two have dragged on until today to make some progress.

However, it is normal to be unwilling to face up to it. After all, who would have thought that the person you like is a diplomat from a country with which you have conflicts?

Finina and Alechino, like Carlos and Peveli, have extraordinary identities and carry the hatred of their respective "families".

Water gods and diplomats, this doesn't sound like a good match!


When she thought about how much Alechino liked her at this moment, and how much she liked Alechino, Finina's worries and sorrow were heavy.

Finina has never forgotten her responsibilities. She wants to change Fontaine's prophecy and save Fontaine. For this, she needs to play a qualified god.

But Finina doesn't know what a god is like.

In the past, Finina has never been herself for a day.

But today, Finina willfully chose to be herself. For this, even she herself was surprised.

Liking someone can really change a lot of things, even the bottom line that you used to stick to can change.

But that's all.

More importantly, Funina will not violate it. No matter how much she wants to be herself, she can't completely give up her mission.

Otherwise, Funina would not do such things secretly. This behavior is not in line with her style. If it were her in the past, Funina would make a big fuss and let everyone in Fontaine know what she is going to do.

But this time Funina didn't do it. She chose to hide and choosechanged.

Perhaps in Fininna's heart, she did not recognize her feelings for Alechino, even though she was fascinated by it.

"The performance is over... Ms. Fininna."

Alechino's voice brought Fininna back to reality.

"Ah... Oh, I know, I just... I was too absorbed in watching it. After all, this is a big production! How can I not savor it carefully!"

Fininna quickly adjusted her state. She would never let herself show her tired side. Even though she was now just a mascot in the eyes of everyone, Fininna would do her job well.

Playing the role of a god, playing it all the time!

So much so that in the end, Fininna could not tell what her own thoughts were.

"Well. Ms. Fininna likes opera and opera very much! It just so happens that Zhidong also has similar entertainment projects. If there is a chance, I will invite Ms. Fininna to enjoy Zhidong's ballet."

Alechino responded softly, she saw that Fininna was absent-minded.

You know, from the beginning of the performance, Arachno's attention was on Fernina, so the subtle changes in Fernina's facial expressions naturally could not escape Arachno's eyes who was good at observation.

"You seem to be in a bad mood since the end of the performance, Ms. Fernina. Can you tell me what's bothering you?"

Arachno didn't want to see Fernina's sad side, she wanted Fernina to be happy.

"Ah... nothing, I'm fine! You must have seen it wrong. I'm the water god, what is there to worry about?"

Fernina pretended to be calm, she acted as if she didn't care.

"Hey, don't lie to me, okay, Ms. Fernina. Today is our time, today everything I have belongs to you, you can treat me as yourself, so don't worry about anything."

"You know my feelings for you. For this feeling, please feel free to confide in me, okay, Ms. Fernina."

Arachno turned Fernina in her arms, she turned Fernina over, and then the two looked at each other.

"You... you really want to know?"

"Well, I will listen to all your troubles."

"Well... I'm afraid... our ending will be like the performance just now..."

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