The love tragedy "Carlos and Peveril" is still being performed, and even the incognito visit of Fernina cannot interfere with the performance of the drama.

Fernina, sitting in Alechino's arms, was assured that Alechino would not mess around, and then she came to watch the performance on the stage with peace of mind.

"Carlos and Peveril" Act 2 - Unrecognized Wedding.

After the ball was over, Carlos could not suppress his longing for love, and took advantage of the night to find the Echo family, climbed over the wall and jumped into the garden, and peeped under the balcony of Peveril's boudoir.

"Huh~ Why has Carlos been adapted to be so perverted?"

Fernina showed a disgusted expression. In the past, Carlos was a gentleman in literary works, and he was upright. As a result, this 37th adaptation changed Carlos's past phenomenon and made Carlos associated with perversion.

"Really? I think this is the normal expression of love between a man and a woman nowadays. The Carlos in this adaptation is obviously no longer the man who has all the good qualities..."

At this point, Alechino paused.

"Don't you think that Carlos is too unrealistic, Ms. Funina? How can someone be perfect? ​​Snyder Pierberg's adaptation is bold, but also excellent. He pulled Carlos down from the altar..."

"Carlos is no longer high and mighty, out of reach. Instead, he has become an ordinary person like all of us. Although he is of noble birth and has received aristocratic etiquette education, this cannot change the fact that he is essentially a young man, and he will still be passionate and impulsive."

"Carlos is no longer a conservative gentleman who can only write letters to express his love, but has become a young boy like a commoner. This is very real, isn't it?"

"I think that compared to a high and perfect Carlos, the audience prefers a Carlos with some shortcomings, because in this way, they can better empathize with him, right?"

Alechino said a lot of things, which seemed to make sense at first glance, and the logic was smooth, but Funina felt that something seemed to be distorted in it.

But what exactly was distorted? Fernina couldn't think of it.

Seeing that Fernina didn't refute her words, Alechino's mouth curled up. She hugged Fernina's slender waist, wanting to take the opportunity to feel Fernina, but she was worried that it would offend Fernina and make her unhappy, so Alechino did nothing.

Anyway, there has been a lot of progress today.

It seems that Ms. Fernina is not opposed to contacting her... Krewei must have made great efforts to eliminate Ms. Fernina's alienation from herself. If there is a chance, I must thank Krewei.

Holding hands, hugging... I did all these today~

I also saw Ms. Fernina's shy and cute appearance, which was very profitable.

The performance is still going on...

Like Carlos's obsession, Peverley is also tortured by love at this moment. Unable to fall asleep, he walked to the balcony and talked to himself.

Peverley did not notice Carlos's existence. She was talking to herself on the balcony, expressing her longing for Carlos.

Carlos, who was under the balcony, was overjoyed and could not help but emerge from the night. Then, the two of them expressed their feelings to each other.

Next, the couple who violated the family conflict began to plan a secret wedding. Carlos begged Father Wright to marry him and Peverley that day. Father Wright thought that this marriage might end the feud between the two families, so he agreed with compassion.

So, Carlos and Peverley secretly completed the wedding ceremony and became a legal couple in front of God, and then went home to prepare to elope that night...

But the accident came too quickly. Peverley's cousin Heath Ledget killed Carlos's friend in a street conflict. Carlos was furious and challenged Heath Ledget to a duel, and finally killed Heath Ledget.

This matter was soon known to Judge Caronar, who sentenced Carlos to be exiled immediately, away from Fontaine...

"Alas~ What a pity. Carlos was exiled again... Is this his 37th exile in the drama adaptation?"

Funina didn't know whether to laugh or cry for a moment.

No matter how many times she watched "Carlos and Peveril", every time she saw the place where Carlos was exiled, Funina couldn't help but sigh.

"What's wrong? Ms. Funina, do you want to see a happy ending? Don't like the performance process of being exiled?"

Alechino's voice sounded from behind Funina, and the warm breath hit her ears, making Funina's face red.

"Ah! Can you speak properly?! Don't always speak to my ears, it's itchy!"

Funina said coquettishly, embarrassed and angry.

"Hehe... Sorry, I didn't mean it. It's just that I thought that if I communicate like this, even if I speak softly, Ms. Finina should be able to hear what I say. This way, I don't have to worry about attracting other people's attention."

Alechino explained, and said that she was thinking about Finina and helping Finina hide her identity.


The Fatui disguised as an audience next to him: Sir, you are very obvious! Mr. Lin Xi, this task is not easy at all! We don't want to be wingmen!

Lin Xi: It makes me want to take this task. If it weren't for Lord Alechino's order... I don't want to be a light bulb!

"Shocked, the deputy dean of the Hearth House and the mysterious jellyfish-headed girl are suspected to be in love, and the Fatui are sent to cover them as wingmen! 》

Click, someone raised his knife and physically erased the memory of the reporter who tried to cause trouble.


Back to the point, Alecino brought up the excuse of thinking about Fernina again, but this time, Fernina, who had learned a lesson, would never be fooled again.

"I don't believe you! You always say this, in the name of doing good for me, but in fact you are just laughing at me. Alecino, do you think I'm easy to deceive?"

Fernina pouted and retorted angrily.

"Huh? How could that be? Why would Ms. Fernina have such an idea?"

Alecino's voice was puzzled.

"I think you can also feel my feelings for you... You are very important to me! The time I spend with you is a new experience I have never had before, especially today you took the initiative to date me, which makes me happy."

"Ms. Fernina, tell me, how could I bully you like this?"

"You are so suspicious..."

Alecino's straightforward words made Fernina's heart turbulent.

Damn it! What a good job, Alechino... You are totally different from the cute little Pepe...

Damn it!

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