(Pufu tragedy IF line)

This story is full of endless sorrow and despair, as if a dark cloud is covering the whole world. It tells the story of a life journey of two people who would not have much intersection, but end with death.

She is Alecino, Peruvian, and the one that Funina loves.

She is Funina, the water goddess, and the one that Alecino loves.

She is the god of Fontaine; she is the diplomat of Solstice. They come from different countries and represent the interests and positions of their respective countries. However, fate makes them meet and makes their hearts closely connected.

The relationship between them is not smooth sailing, but has experienced countless twists and turns and tests. Despite this, they always stick to their promises to each other and never leave each other. They support each other and face the difficulties and challenges in life together. Whether on the political stage or in daily life, they are each other's strongest backing.

Their love story is full of passion, adventure and sacrifice. They are willing to pay any price to protect each other, even against their own country. Their love transcends national boundaries and races and becomes an indestructible force.

Their stories tell us that no matter where we are, no matter what difficulties we encounter, as long as we have love in our hearts, we can overcome everything. They have proved with their actions that the power of love is endless. It can transcend time and space, cross national boundaries, and keep two hearts together forever.

Do you think I would say that?

Too naive, their stories are indeed very exciting, but unfortunately, their endings are very tragic.

Let's take a look at their stories again.

Unlike the story of Arlecino and Finina that we are familiar with, here, Arlecino did not meet Finina when she was a child, nor did she meet Finina.

The first meeting between Arlecino and Finina did not happen until Arlecino became a diplomat stationed in Fontaine in winter.

Before that, Arlecino lost everything. Her friends Krewe and Sophia all died in the last duel of [House of Hearth].

Having lost everything, Alecino completely blocked her heart. She turned into a tireless machine. In order to become stronger and to kill Kugavina, she gave up everything.

Fighting on the front line, assassination missions, lurking to steal intelligence... Alecino used all means to climb up.

Until she was able to compete with Kugavina, Alecino no longer hid her fangs. She turned into a devil who wanted to kill and plundered Kugavina's life with the power of curse.

Then, it was what we all know: escorting back to winter, being given an official title, inheriting the name of [Servant], and being sent to Fontaine.

Everything was developing according to the original history, including her meeting with Fininna.

The only difference is that her feelings for Fininna did not come all at once, but accumulated slowly until she could no longer suppress it and broke out completely at a certain moment.

Without the assistance of Teyvat's strongest wingman, Alecino and Fininna's relationship developed for seven years before it made any progress.

This feeling of affection came very quickly, so fast that Arlecino did not know when she was moved. But it came very slowly, until the story of the traveler began, until Fontaine's prophecy was put on the table, the slow-witted Arlecino realized her feelings for Funina.

Is this love?

Is this love?

Why do I like it? Why do I have love?

Why do I like Funina? Why do I fall in love with Funina?

Arlecino was puzzled, she tried to figure out her feelings.

So Arlecino began to follow Funina.

She was like a madman, or more like a pervert, hiding in the dark and silently observing Funina's every move, listening carefully to Funina's every word and deed, not missing any details.

Arlecino would be happy because Funina had a happy expression on her face when she ate her favorite cake today, and would also be sad because Funina missed the limited edition cake.

At this time, she would take advantage of the moonlight to deliver a carefully made cake to the balcony of Funina.

That's right, in front of the balcony on the top floor of the Momang Palace!

God knows how she avoided the patrolling special patrol team and the guard team, and was able to climb so high.

After that, Alecino would follow Funina, and the two would go to the Opikle Opera House to watch dramas, go to concerts, and expose the routines of street magic together.

As she got to know Funina more and more, Alecino's love for Funina became more and more uncontrollable.

Alecino was no longer satisfied with just following Funina and watching from a distance. She wanted to get close to Funina and stand in front of Funina openly., naturally took Fininna's hand, and walked on the street under the eyes of everyone.

She thought so and did so.

After all, she was an executive [servant], and her ability to act was never weak.

Soon, Alecino took action. She created a series of encounters, and brought her and Fininna closer from strangers to ordinary friends with some intersections.

Afterwards, Alecino visited Fininna in Momang Palace under various pretexts and names.

Without the assistance of wingmen, Alecino had to fend for herself.

Alecino who was prepared was very scary.

As expected, Alecino won Fininna's favor, but this degree was not enough. Fininna had not yet liked Alecino.

The relationship was not yet in place, and Alecino still needed to work hard.

However, because of too much attentiveness, even Fininna, who was heartless to everything, noticed Alecino's strange attitude.

Driven by curiosity, Fernina began to pay attention to Arlecino and was gradually attracted by the charm displayed by Arlecino.

Arlecino was like an addictive and dangerous poison. The more she understood her, the more Fernina felt sorry for her. She was afraid that her concern and worry would replace her. Gradually, a strange feeling arose in her heart.

The seeds of love sprouted silently and grew slowly in the shadows. The sun could not shine in because Fernina did not know that she had been moved.

When Fernina realized her feelings, it was too late.

She had fallen deeply into the trap carefully prepared by Arlecino.

This madman, it was really hard for her to endure for so long before she began to close the net.

After Fernina accepted her feelings for Arlecino, Arlecino no longer concealed her feelings.

She presented her love to Fernina without reservation, and she used her clumsy love to please Fernina.

She loved Fernina so much.

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