Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 951: Psychological Dark River

"I don't want to kill people," said Dorothy.

"But you killed her sister, the Witch of the East, and you still wore her shoes. Now you must kill the Witch of the West, and bring back the evidence, and your wishes will come true," Aumang said.

The little girl cried, how could she kill that witch.

The Scarecrow wants a bright mind, but to do so he must first help Dorothy kill the Witch of the West.

The lion wants courage, but to fulfill his wish he must first help Dorothy kill the Witch of the West.

The Tin Woodman wants a heart, but to do so he must first help Dorothy kill the Witch of the West.

Dorothy asked her friends what to do?

"We must first find the Witch of the West and kill her," said the Scarecrow.

—— "The Wizard of Oz"

Mills' cell phone rang suddenly. After he pressed the answer button, O'Sullivan's voice came from the opposite side.

"We found the kid," O'Sullivan said. "We stopped him at the airport, and he was about to leave the United States on a plane."

"Who?" Mills asked.

"Sgart Davis." O'Sullivan's tone was a little impatient, "Am I the only one working overtime?"

"What did he say?"

"I asked him if he and Angela Warren were in the 'Earth Liberation Front' and he immediately denied it, he and Angela were just doing some time-lapse photography, editing videos requires a computer, Angela doesn't have one, those The discs are all here with me now."

"So you want me to come and see?" Mills asked like a prophet.

"I have other cases to investigate."

"Who said before that you can't let a 17-year-old die inexplicably?"

"I'm very busy, and you have nothing to do. If you don't do this job, who would you do?"

"Who said I have nothing to do? I'm at the psychiatrist now, and I'll call you later." Mills hung up the phone after finishing speaking, and turned his gaze to Anthony.

"Why doesn't that Ethan Logan use a voice recorder?" Anthony asked.

"If there is something, that kind of equipment is easy to break, and there will be a lot of noise even with tape." Mills rubbed his nose. "Please continue, doctor."

"Before the advent of Freud's psychoanalysis, the treatment of 'obsession' mainly relied on 'spa', which is not the current spa, but the patients are targeted with high-pressure water cannons. Now the police will also use high-pressure water cannons to disperse the demonstrators , It’s just that the cold water will calm some people who have been dazzled by passion, and it may also add fuel to the fire.”

"I understand." Mills snapped his fingers and winked at Anthony.

"And water therapy was considered very inhumane, and then there was hypnotherapy. A French doctor believed that hypnosis could temporarily eliminate the symptoms of hysteria in patients, but Freud found that not every patient's hypnotic depth could reach the therapeutic level. Depth, the symptoms of hysteria still exist after waking up. Perhaps, Mr. Logan was not hypnotized by Angela as he said. La would suddenly jump out of the window, not to mention a car passing by."

"What about Angela reciting Latin?"

"Hypnosis is a method of therapy. Although many people regard it as a performance, the movie you watched is a kind of multiple personality therapy. Choose one personality among the multiple personalities to make it the core personality, and let the various inner personalities interact with each other. Get to know other personalities through dialogue, and then find out the personalities with similar personalities to integrate first, so as to gradually reduce the inner personalities and then integrate them into one. However, even if the treatment is successful, the personality may be dissociated again due to external pressure. The retired policeman personality At the beginning, I didn't know that the actress he carried was one of the multiple personalities..."

"So is Angela schizophrenic or split personality?" Mills asked confused.

"The current evidence is insufficient, and I can't identify it." Anthony rubbed the bridge of his nose, "The research subjects of abnormal personality in North America are mainly adult detainees, and there are very few studies on abnormal personality of minors. This year, the Supreme Court issued a decree that all Minors with abnormal personality under the age of 16 cannot be executed and sentenced to life imprisonment. The vast majority of therapists believe that abnormal personality cannot be cured. The therapist in the movie thinks that the last remaining personality is to plant The whore of the orange, but the murderous child personality was hidden, and she was killed by the child in the end, as Jung said, we spend our lives trying to integrate the personality that was born as a child, and the therapist was killed in the end In the mental hospital, I heard that a violent patient suddenly attacked a female nurse, and her head was hit hard on the table, causing a concussion. But compared to the trauma, she suffered more serious mental trauma, hiring male nurses will cause other problems, and being locked up in such a place will not help minor patients with personality abnormalities at all."

"Oh~ that's why those lunatics were not sentenced to death, but were locked up in the Baltimore jail?"

"Detecting personality disorders requires complex measuring tools, and unlike measuring cups and rulers, once it is used in the judicial system, it can have dire consequences. You know the assassin John Sinick who assassinated President Reagan. He was convicted by the court. If you are found not guilty of insanity and are sent to a psychiatric hospital for treatment, it will become a tool for some people to evade legal sanctions. Some people have no problem with their IQ, and it is not difficult for them to recite the answers and pretend to be insane.”

"Have you ever helped 'somebody' escape the law by pretending to be mentally ill, Doctor?" Mills asked.

Anthony wiped the sweat off his face with a handkerchief, but did not answer Mills' question.

"Personality disorders usually have a family genetic history and pathological causes. If you can think of a way, I can measure Angela's brain waves. The process of death is not instantaneous. The heart and lungs have stopped functioning, but the brain waves of the brain are still there. Ongoing, it resembles deep sleep in terms of the frequency of the brain waves."

"It's getting crazy," Mills said, looking at the ceiling. "Don't tell me that's a sitabo."

"How do you know?" Anthony asked curiously.

"Because my motherfucker can read." Mills wailed bitterly. "I wish I didn't know such strange knowledge."

"It's like evocation." Anthony covered his eyes in disbelief. "Oh, I see, this is the principle."

"What's the reason? No, I changed my mind. Don't tell me." Mills asked subconsciously, and then denied it. "I'm afraid that the strange knowledge will increase again."

"More than half of the patients with personality disorders will have theta waves of 4~7 seconds, and the positive spikes of 14 seconds and 6 seconds, which are brain waves produced during deep hypnosis. Usually they are difficult to hypnotize, Unless it is assisted by drugs." Anthony played with the pen on the table and said thoughtfully, "Maybe the hypothesis you mentioned is not impossible."


"Angela is a multiple personality patient. Her first personality was hypnotized and her second personality was awakened. Someone noticed this and used it, but I don't think a 17-year-old high school student can master this level of knowledge." Anthony. Dramatically speaking in a hoarse voice, "For those demon whisperers, they just want to experience the feeling of mastering the human soul."

"I prefer to believe that the devil really exists." Mills stood up. "Want to follow me to the police station? Doctor."

"You know me testing dead people's brainwaves to see if she has a split personality is just a delusion, right?"

"If you want to do research, I'll follow you!" Mills walked towards the balcony with his mobile phone in his hand, "It's a good job to have dinner with a chick, why do you want to switch to criminal psychology, let go of such an easy and lucrative job, you What's wrong with people?"

Not everyone believes in what Freud said

It's a nonsense story, just read it, don't take it seriously

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