When Voldemort first rose and had no chance of losing his power, Orion used every spell he knew to protect the old house of Black.

Even the head of the Black family was no match for Voldemort, and this was the only fortification he could think of and do.

He tried every means to guard against outsiders, but he forgot about Bellatrix, who brought Regulus and became a follower of the "Dark Lord".

There was a silver serpentine doorknob on the black lacquered door of Black's old house, and there was no keyhole on the door. The key in Pomona's hand that could open all the doors should be useless to it, but Regulus' room did. There is a lock, theoretically it can be opened with it.

The house was their last stronghold, and Severus would have preferred to have magic circles etched into the cement before the renovation, rather than adding magic afterward.

The defensive magic of Hogwarts was added by countless people after thousands of years, and all teachers are responsible for maintaining it every summer.

In terms of ancient magic patterns, Feliway is the first place besides Albus. This field is Ravenclaw's strength, but this does not stop the head of Slytherin from researching it.

This newly purchased house became Severus' new toy, and he concentrated on designing how to make it sufficiently defensive while achieving Palladian proportions, so as to achieve his purpose of setting up a private hidden space.

In exchange for it is the key that can go anywhere, and now it is handed over to Pomona for safekeeping. Anyway, this thing is of little use to the poisonous snake who is good at space magic.

If a farmer can only grow food crops like wheat, he will never get rich.

The same is planting, and Hufflepuff will grow some rare potion ingredients, and potion masters have to buy them with real money.

Doing experiments consumes a lot of materials. Agriculture is an art of alchemy. It depends on one's ability to grow the seeds after they are given.

Pepper was originally a commodity that could be exchanged as currency on the Silk Road. It originated in India. Later, merchants in the Song Dynasty planted it in Guangzhou. Now its price is no longer equivalent to gold, and it has become cheaper and more affordable.

The Indians stole silkworm eggs from China and brought them to the Eastern Roman Empire, saving Justinian’s economic crisis. Now the price of silk is no longer so unattainable, and Egyptian cotton may be a little more expensive than it.

If Severus had actually emptied Pomona's coffers, she was going to get some seed for farming.

For her, transportation and sales are not a problem. She not only has a bag with expanded space, but also a painting box, and it is enough to free the furniture inside.

What she had to deal with was Severus' habit of spending money freely, otherwise there wouldn't be enough golden hen in the house for him to spend.

Not only Muggles, wizards also follow the trend, and the price of dragon's blood once skyrocketed is an example.

Concealing dragons and unifying the management of protected areas in Romania is not just an international protection law. The Ministry of Magic of various countries can use dragon blood as their own financial revenue. collect taxes.

The only breeding pair of horned camels collected by Scamander is also a money-making machine for the Ministry of Magic. Their numbers are no longer endangered, but the price of their horned horns is still very expensive.

Potions masters just stay in this place. They focus on their own research and rarely care about money. The potions they make are expensive, and the materials they buy are like running water. Now they don’t have Hogwarts after all. Here's the support.

Unless she can bring the current principal, Minerva McGrath, into their camp.

Compared with previous principals, Albus doesn’t have to attend so many parties. His only hobby is sweets and alchemy experiments. His consumption of silver is also terrible. Fortunately, the price of silver is not high now, so it seems that hoarding silver seems to be a stable strategy. No loss in business.

They didn't really want to stay until the night of the full moon. Counting the delay in going to Turin, they would have to stay in Venice for two days at most before they should leave. The time is really fleeting.

The custom-made lights have to wait for a month, but the custom-made shoes are almost ready. The old bat who started working can't feel the people and things around her, so she went out in a grandiose manner.

Sometimes what really scares people is no longer the monster, but the unchanging daily life.

I got up at a fixed time that morning, washed in a fixed bathroom, ate at a fixed table, and then took the bus or drove to work. I was so irritable that I dedicated the best time of the day to the company, and dragged my tired feet home.

The Muggles next door to Grimaud 12 repeat the same life every day, and Pomona doesn't feel any spirituality in them, as if they have been reduced to a part of the machine.

How would they react when they saw a person being swallowed by a snake, would they be as terrified as Severus, or as excited as Bellatrix?

That woman's attitude towards werewolves was quite normal, but Pomona believed that it was Bella's deep-rooted discrimination.

She is not the only wizard who has this kind of prejudice against werewolves, otherwise Umuriqi's "Werewolf Act" would not have been passed. Really too little.

That would be an almost impossible task, and Pomona wouldn't want to get involved if it wasn't for the fact that Teddy Lupine was probably a descendant of Helga Hufflepuff.

Voldemort claimed to be the heir of Slytherin and had so many followers. The Smith family claimed to be descendants of Helga, but someone once told her that their ancestors were actually from Ravenclaw.

Rowena Ravenclaw's only daughter, Helena, was killed by the bloody Barrow. Of course, there is no follow-up heir. Pretending to be the heir of Gryffindor has to pass the level of Albus first. Compared with pretending to be Huff Puff heir is much easier.

There is no evidence to prove that the Smith family is not the heir of Hufflepuff, on the contrary they have the gold cup as evidence, but Voldemort told her, or reminded her, that Helga has changed hair similar to disguise Animagus The power of color, that's what she did at the stake.

It’s okay for Hufflepuff to be discriminated against as a fool and go to the trash academy. She can’t let Teddy accept the discrimination of “he’s a werewolf kid”.

The good thing is that the times are advancing. The half-blood giant Hagrid is still discriminating against him except for children from traditional wizarding families like Draco. Everyone else likes that big man very much, except for his disaster-like magical animal protection class.

When she put on the sorting hat, she was very happy to be sorted into Hufflepuff College. Although the Hufflepuff boys really have no fighting spirit, they are very gentle and kind. Maybe this is why Miss Black will marry Don Kex's reason.

Nymphadora is a fairy in Greek mythology who lives in mountains and forests. Maybe life swallows people like a swamp, making people feel that they may be suffocated at any time, but even so, there are still beautiful things.

The girl who greeted people with "fluorescent flashes" brought light to the middle-aged werewolf Remus. Their age gap was quite large. As an older adult, Remus rejected Tonks because she Still so young, there are more options than him.

Pity she's a fool, for she's a Hufflepuff girl full of love.

"dora" as a suffix means "gift".

The name Nymphadora means fairy gift.

This gift is obviously not available in the shopping cart.

Pomona looked out at the Adriatic Sea shining in the sun in the distance. She could admire this beautiful scenery for a lifetime, but she still wanted to go back to England under leaden gray clouds.

Maybe she could go and buy a painting, the size of the Mona Lisa, so she could hang it on her bedroom wall like Napoleon.

A vampire actually told her that the great French Emperor Napoleon Panama was actually a very pure person in the relationship between men and women. Who would believe that?

"I know where I'm going today," she murmured, and then Disapparated.

After losing her, the sea and the sky are still the same, but there is a little difference between the landscape painting with people and the landscape painting without her.

Imagine "Woman with a Parasol", if there is no Monet's wife Camille, and there are only paintings of grass and blue sky in the picture, that painting will probably have to change its name.

In impressionism "light is the real protagonist of the picture"

It is actually quite romantic to be buried together after death, but it is a pity that Albus was buried in Hogwarts, and he will never be buried with the Dark Lord Grindelwald

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