If you want to distinguish between schizophrenia and split personality, the best example is the Nobel laureate in economics, mathematician John Forbes Nash, he often sees three people who do not exist in reality: 1. His Roommates, two, an FBI agent, and three, a little girl.

John Nash is not the kind of lunatic with confusion and poor logical thinking ability. Suffering from schizophrenia does not mean that the patient is in a state of schizophrenia all the time. Even when he was suffering from schizophrenia, Nash still thought he was a mathematician. He was unlocking a Soviet lockbox for the US government. Splits sometimes have "blank" memories like the retired policeman Edward in the movie. Although he has switched personalities, time continues to pass, and the face he recognizes is different from his real face, and Nash can still clearly understand who he is.

Personality is like a mask. People who have plastic surgery until they don’t know themselves are prone to body image disorder. This is also a type of obsessive-compulsive disorder. After plastic surgery once, there will be a second time. The person who comes out may not even recognize his biological parents, and of course the final child will look completely different from the face after plastic surgery.

Body image disorder and body dysmorphic disorder are not the same. The most obvious difference is phantom limb disorder and analgesia. A symptom of this, the streets of Los Angeles are never short of beauties, but it is difficult to discern how many are natural.

In 2003, there was a serial drama with the theme of plastic surgery. The background of the story happened in a top plastic surgery center in Beverly. The screenwriter of this drama is familiar with Dr. Anthony, and he knows many Hollywood stars. I also know their unknown stories, and the paparazzi have always wanted those "big news", which is one of the reasons why Anthony is eager to get rid of this right and wrong circle.

Celebrities always change their clothes when they go out, and they dress up just like passers-by. They don't see their usual glamorous appearance at all, but no one knows when this secret will be discovered by the paparazzi.

This is the case for people in this industry. The exposure rate is not only on the red carpet, but also in various gossip magazines. It is not that simple to maintain the beauty that everyone admires. Plastic surgery will make a celebrity lose many followers, so plastic surgery clinics also Customer information will be kept strictly confidential.

It would be nice if everyone could live with a mask like the Venetians. The problem is that this is impossible, except for the clowns, but the clowns who make funny jokes are scared by many people.

The clown is always smiling, which is very unnatural. In theory, the smiles that people paint are fake. But it's hard to discern how the Joker is really feeling when he's wearing makeup, and who knows if he'll suddenly pull out a chainsaw from behind his back.

The vast majority of children feel weird about clown patterns, even those who have never seen clown horror movies feel the same way. The pattern of clowns is different from the pattern of kittens. Abstract species that are difficult to classify are like looking at pictures of aliens. The only difference is that children know that clowns are real, and they cannot take him seriously. For children, what they fear is the unknown.

Human fear can be divided into two types, one is congenital fear, and fear of heights is a kind of congenital fear.

One is the learned fear, clown phobia, which may have originated from John Wayne Gacy, a serial killer who dressed as a clown in his spare time. His story had serious consequences. In the years after his crime, the clown It has become an important element in horror movies.

When a clown appears on the streets of Los Angeles after nightfall, those muscular men can't help being afraid, let alone children.

In a documentary filmed by National Geographic, a woman who had a childhood shadow of clowns would scream and cry when she saw clowns. The psychiatrist originally planned to use clown toys and pictures to treat her, but as long as the doctor Bringing these things into the treatment room, she will be terrified and very resistant.

Not every girl in Los Angeles aspires to be a star, Angela's dream is to become a National Geographic photojournalist. Just because her grades aren't good doesn't mean she's just a cheerleader with looks.

Even if it’s a documentary, if you want people to watch it, you’d better find a beautiful girl to leave the country. She and Scat Davis are very good friends. Scat Davis’s trip to the UK was arranged a month ago, and it just happened to happen. On this day Angela jumped off the building and died.

Everyone has their own life. When Sgart heard that Angela was dead, he still didn't believe it. He thought it was a joke made by the police.

But his mother was very angry about it. What does a girl's suicide have to do with her son?

As a result, O'Sullivan had a hectic afternoon. On the one hand, there was a young man crying when he heard the news of his friend's death, and on the other hand, he was clamoring for his fierce mother who wanted to complain about him. No one who experienced everything he had experienced could not keep a sunny smile .

Before leaving, Dr. Marcus brought some of the food in an insulated box. It always feels better to eat the food of the Michelin three-star restaurant when working overtime. At that time, there were two other policemen working overtime in the big office. It's hard to gain weight.

People's cognition is easily distorted by memory. In Sgart's view, he and Angela have only been separated for a week. He heard that she was on sick leave, and thought she had a flu or something, and she would recover soon. His memory was still stuck in the moment when Angela blew him a goodbye kiss.

Memory is easy to make mistakes, not only personal memories can be wrong, but the collective memory of the public will also be inconsistent with historical facts. Many people remember that South African President Nelson Mandela "should have died in prison in the 1980s", but the reality It was Mandela who did not die in the 1980s, was later released, and became the president of South Africa.

In 2000, the Vatican held a global press conference on the Inquisition, but people at that time did not listen because of the fear of the millennium, and then they were distracted by various messages. Many of these are celebrity scandals and scandals.

Not everyone is interested in the private lives of celebrities, but as long as someone is willing to pay for it, they will definitely be photographed by the paparazzi.

From an ordinary person to a star, this dream seems to be easy to realize, but Vanity Fair is not all a pleasant experience. While enjoying power, you also have to bear obligations.

Freud once said that most people don't actually enjoy freedom that much, because freedom involves responsibility, and most people are afraid of responsibility.

Zodiac is a serial killer desperate for exposure, but he's a passing "idol" after all. After all, he doesn't kill enough people, even though he claims to have killed many people.

“You know, Zodiac used to show up at a satanic nude rock party and claim to be Satan.” Perhaps too tired from watching documentaries, Anthony watched TV and chatted with a fast asleep Mills “They often There was a party in the abandoned church, and maybe there was a magician ritual, and the devil was summoned."

"Anyone believe him?" Mills said listlessly.

"I don't know." Anthony rubbed his eyes. Now the camera is showing the process of plant germination. Even time-lapse photography is still too slow. "What do you think this can capture? Ghost image?"

"At least you need to know where they went." Mills changed his comfortable posture. "Do you think the police reason like Holmes?"

"I want to test Angela's brainwaves." Anthony said desperately, "Before she disappears."

Mills looked at him strangely.


"To me it's not just the airwaves, it's part of her." Anthony looked at Angela on the other TV, who was smiling happily, showing her crooked teeth "She's a good girl, just Like her name, an angel."

"Wait!" Mills seemed to see something, and immediately pressed the pause button.

"What's up?"

"Look at her neck."

"I know, she died because of a broken neck."

"No, look." Mills pointed to Angela's neck and said, "There's a necklace there."


Mills quickly replayed the camera. When they first entered the classroom, Angela did not have the necklace around her neck.

"Where did she get that necklace?" Anthony murmured.

"Just investigate." Mills stood up. "Are you still testing her brain waves?"

Anthony looked at the girl on TV, her smile and angle were exactly the same as before.

As if everything was a coincidence.

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