Bokinbok, located in Knockturn Lane, has always been a place where dirt and dirt are hidden. The business here has always been deserted, and even the occasional guests are suspicious.

When Harry was in sixth grade, the Death Eaters broke into Hogwarts through the disappearing cabinet here and the disappearing cabinet in the Room of Requirement. According to the style of the black magic that has been completely banned since the hook hat came to power, this place should It was right that it was seized, but it still stood crookedly in the same place, and the owner didn't even change.

The things in his shop were so attractive, almost everything contained unknowable and dangerous powers, and the prices of these commodities were also astonishingly high. Narcissa said that she would empty Malfoy's vault at all.

Pomona's sense of guilt disappeared long after she learned of Malfoy's derailment and deceit. She was even a little greedy and wanted to buy two more. She and Narcissa both put on rainproof cloaks, sneaking around Walking through the shadows of Knockturn Alley is a thrill of adventure.

Before that night, she never knew that she had a "naughty" side, and she would knock on the old bat's door in the middle of the night. She was as excited as she is now.

If a few years ago, the girls of Hufflepuff would have felt pitiful if they knew the relationship between their headmaster and that gloomy potions professor in Slytherin, after all, their looks belonged to no one wanted them. kind of. But if you know now, you will gasp and scream like crazy, and in a way, Hufflepuff is indeed a happy fool.

Smell preferences vary from person to person, maybe before he made up his mind to knock on the door, he tried to make himself happy in other ways, so he found a place that no one knew and drank a potion of euphoria, and the potion produced Happiness is short-lived, like a love potion.

After Tom's mother stopped using the love potion, his Muggle father stopped loving her, but the aftertaste of the potion still existed, and the girl from the Gaunt family came to Knockturn Alley with the baby and took Slytherin Sold his locket to Bojinbok for a little living money.

Mrs. Sprout gave the homeless man a hearty meal. She thought he would leave after eating, but she turned on the radio like a ghost. When the music played, he naturally took the opportunity to invite , as the dance steps change, the breath gets closer and closer, and the peppermint taste gets stronger and stronger.

This herb was discovered by Severus Snape when he was studying. There are many plants in the world, only some of which are known to humans. After Severus discovered it, it was not only used as a potion, but also as a perfume. At that time, he preferred to be Prince with half blood. When he became an adult, he became Snape, but he had as much as the real prince. She, the maid who arranged the ball venue but had nothing to do with the ball, was enchanted to think that the prince was dancing with her, and then she There is that dream of being a princess, but she probably won't become the focus of attention like him like Hermione Granger and Victor Krum in her whole life.

She felt like a mistress, and his wife in his heart was Lily, so she seduced him by all means like a bad woman. The feeling of immorality was more beautiful than she imagined, just like black magic can lead people into the abyss.

"You're a bad girl, Pomona, very, very bad."

He obviously also likes this game very much, and his unhappy face will also show a smile of enjoyment. Being a bad guy is more comfortable than being a good guy. Although he is also pale, he is much healthier than Remus. After becoming a werewolf, Lupine was kicked out of school. He didn't work anywhere for long. When he met him again ten years later, he was very poor. He was as miserable as Sirius, but he was the one they used to bully. The snot-nosed man looks like a dog.

Snape felt he had won in every aspect, except for one aspect, and that was women, even the wanted photos of Sirius posted everywhere were prettier than him.

"Why is this picture still there?" Narcissa also saw the picture of Sirius Blake posted on the wall, and he was still roaring like he was still alive.

"It's not for nothing that the business in this street is not good." Pomona looked at this dirty and dark alley, this place is not suitable for little wizards.

"Siris is dead, but Regulus may still be alive." Narcissa murmured while looking at the photo, "My sister even interfered with the heir for her master, that's why our later sisters couldn't get married reason."

Pomona was a little surprised, wasn't it because of her reputation?

"Honey, cheating is not uncommon in high society." Narcissa sneered and said, "People criticize Bella for instigating wars between brothers, and they are still brothers. Regulus was originally a very cute boy, but Because Bella's instigation aroused the ambition to compete for the position of Patriarch, Sirius was originally rebellious, and his relationship with Tang Aunt was not good, and after Bella's instigation, it became even worse. It can be said that Bella ruined Sirius' family. , he hated my sister so much that he wanted to kill her."

"I always thought that Sirius was protecting the honor of the Black family." Pomona whispered, after all, it's really disgraceful for a married woman to be with her mentor.

"If he wants to become the head of the Black family, he must kill Bella, because she provoked Sirius' position as the patriarch, and it can be regarded as safeguarding the honor of the Black family." Narcissa no longer looked at the photo, and took Pomona from Bo Kimbok's back door into the shop.

This shop fulfilled Muggle's imagination of all dark magic shops, a shriveled human hand placed on a cushion in a glass case, and there was a candle in that hand.

"That is the hand of glory, Draco has been begging Lucius to buy it." When passing by the fireplace, Narcissa suddenly looked at the eerie thing and said sadly.

"I heard that Dean Thomas's Boggart is a crawling severed arm." Pomona laughed heartily. "Buy it, Sissy."

"Dean Thomas, oh, that's the Auror who often comes to my house." Narcissa immediately laughed out loud. "The deal with Boggarts happened when Draco was in the third year. How do you still remember?"

"Neville Longbottom." Pomona wanted to laugh but had to hold back. It was really hard. "His Boquert is Severus."

"And then?" Narcissa asked in bewilderment, as if she didn't know the story.

"Remus asked him to imagine Severus in Mrs. Longbottom's clothes. He took refuge in my greenhouse for half the term. During the chat, he told me about Dean Thomas, who defeated the severed arm with It's been a long time."

Although Neville was really miserable at that time, Pomona really wanted to laugh. The gloomy old bat tried his best to make Neville's life even darker. Pomona felt that not only did he not overcome his fear, but Instead, he was even more afraid of Snape.

"How did Severus forgive the Longbottom boy?" Narcissa asked with horror on her face.

"He squeezed leech juice for a month." Plus Harry Potter was isolated from the school, but Pomona won't talk about it, because she was the mastermind behind Harry's isolation.

"I am such a kind witch."

Pomona bent down to check the cobweb-covered fireplace. Harry went to Diagon Alley from Floo Powder at Weasley's House, but mispronounced the name and ended up at Knockturn Alley. The exit was Borgin Bock. The seemingly innocent Weasley family also has a dark secret. Their family is actually so close to a black magic shop, and they are even connected to the Floo network.

"Pomona, it's because of you that I believe he's human. Did you know he almost killed Draco?"

"I know, I'm sorry, Sissy." Pomona quickly hugged Narcissa, "Please forgive that crazy person."

"I'm scared." Narcissa cried.

"I know." Pomona patted her shoulder lightly, "Cry out, Sissy, everything is over, you have left that manor, and are outside with Draco."

"Aren't you afraid that he will become like the Dark Lord?" Narcissa choked out.

"He won't." Pomona said with absolute certainty.

She believed that Severus Snape, who still protected the children behind him when facing the werewolf, was so scared that he forgot that he could summon the basilisk, and the werewolf was nothing in front of the basilisk.

"How can you be so sure?"

"Because he's a brave coward."

"How can a coward be brave?"

"Look, that's the funny thing about him, do you remember how he was at the Death Eaters banquet?"

"How did he develop his twisted and weird personality?" Narcissa said in silence for a while.

"Patience is for revenge, Sissy." Pomona let go of Narcissa, "Before you have enough strength, you must learn to pretend."

"Just like Regulus." Narcissa sighed, "He handled that locket?"

"How did you know?"

"It seems that we all have our own secrets, Pomona, how did you meet Sirius?"

Pomona caught her breath.

"Don't lie to me, I'd rather not listen, Lucius often plays this with me."

"Sissy, the disappearing cabinet in Hogwarts has been destroyed by fire, you can let yourself go."

"Easier said than done." Narcissa covered her mouth and cried, "My poor Draco."

"Severus killed Dumbledore instead."

"I know." Narcissa nodded still. "He took care of Draco and fulfilled the mission of the Dark Lord. Why are you still cursed by my sister?"

"You already knew, Sissy." Pomona said calmly, and the person in front of her was another pretender. "Do you think I can change Draco?"

"He's a good boy." Narcissa cried her heart out.

"He joined the Death Eaters voluntarily." Pomona looked at the glorious hand in front of her. It seemed that the matter of teasing Dean Thomas couldn't be left to Draco himself, so who should I leave it to?

" you think people have a chance to repent?" Narcissa said with a sob.

"First of all, you must know how to repent, otherwise even if you give the opportunity, it will be a waste of other people's kindness." Pomona said coldly, "I was almost killed by my own bad intentions."

Opportunities are fleeting, and only those who are brave enough to catch them can catch them, and those who only know to wait will only miss them.

I'm sorry, Lily, your prince is mine now, why did you listen to that fool Mary.

Pomona thought to herself, subconsciously touched her stomach, and tears flowed down with Narcissa.

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