Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 93 The Snake Manipulator

There was no champagne, and no exquisite tableware. Mrs. Malfoy's dinner was a plate of salad with baked potatoes and fish, which made people look unappetizing. But she was still very happy because her son had dinner with her today.

Just like what Pomona thought, Draco usually eats with his former friends. He never thought of having dinner with his mother. The tea room after the meal looks deserted, with only a few A few doctors and their family members were having dinner, Narcissa would be so lonely eating alone in this environment.

"How do you and Severus usually communicate?" Narcissa asked Pomona.

"I used to have a two-way mirror, but I gave it back to Sirius." Pomona took a bite of the fish, and although it looked terrible, it tasted okay.

"What do you usually talk about?" Narcissa asked curiously.

Pomona began to recall.

"He is missing any materials, let me prepare in advance."

"anything else?"

"Ask me for a house-elf." Pomona poked a potato vigorously with her fork. "Men are slackers."

"What does he want a house-elf for?"

"Prepare the potion materials for him. He has to be responsible for seven years and his own experiments. He is simply too busy."

"So he's using house-elves?" Narcissa asked in amazement.

"No, Mom, have you forgotten how much the godfather likes to lock up students?" Draco said breathlessly, "It turns out that our role is to house elves."

Narcissa immediately laughed.

"Professor Slughorn used to be very good at manipulating those students. They often gave him free work. Later, Severus became the Potions professor instead of him. No one in Slytherin supported him. He could only rely on himself. I thought he was really pitiful, so I asked the elves to help him for a while, so he asked me to borrow elves when he was free."

"Didn't he use closed means to find someone to work for him?"

"The motives are different. The students who work for Slughorn hope to be appreciated by him. The students who work for Severus feel that being locked up is a kind of torture. If you can be lazy, you can be lazy. Are you right? ? Draco."

"I often work for the godfather." Draco said immediately, "And Theodore!"

"That child looks very lonely, he is alone everywhere." Narcissa said, clutching her chest, "I often see him eating alone in the tea room."

"Take him next time, Draco, you're his prefect," Pomona said.

"Should I take him, Mom?" Draco asked Narcissa.

"You should say, invite him to dinner with us." Narcissa stroked Xiaolong's head like he was just a child.

"If it's an invitation, it's not okay to have such a bad dinner." Pomona looked at the food on the plate. "Maybe we can do something about it."

"Do you have any ideas, honey?" Narcissa took a sip from the glass, but her posture was as graceful as if she was drinking champagne.

"That was your idea, Sissy. You said that you did all this to atone for your sister. I hope you can spread this idea and let more people join you."

There was a sweet smile on the corner of Narcissa's mouth, "Do you think what I did was right? Didn't I act on impulse?"

"Yes Sissy, it's because of you that I want Draco to be a leader, not an ordinary person, he is always a Malfoy."

"What were you doing in the cubicle just now?"

"Practice brain defense, didn't Lucius ever teach Draco?"

"He seldom comes home." Narcissa took a sip of sala and looked into the dark corner of the tea room.

"Almost forgot, and he can't be expected to learn that spell with his peacock head." Pomona poked the baked potato hard, as if it was someone's face.

"Dad didn't learn why should I learn?" Draco complained immediately.

"Do you still want La Mora fish?"

"I don't want that kind of fish is not cool!" Draco looked at the fried fish on the plate in disgust.

"Then what do you want?"

"Show me a little surprise, Pomona," Draco said proudly.

"How about the rune snake? I'm sure your godfather can get it."

"I heard that the animal, Severus used its eggs to wake you up?" Narcissa said.

"Does anyone in the hospital know he's still alive?" Pomona became wary.

"No, it's just that someone said that an infatuated wizard tried everything to wake up his wife, and finally found that the eggs of the rune snake can be used to treat the sequelae of the Unforgivable Curse." Narcissa smiled and said, "But that kind of A snake doesn't live long because its three heads attack each other."

"Draco, if you can get the rune snake heads to stop attacking each other, they can lay more eggs, and you can take it to the doctor, so no one will tell you about hiding prohibited animals."

"How do I make them stop attacking?" Draco was obviously interested, because this kind of snake is a pet of dark wizards, and it's "cooler" to own than ferrets.

"First you have to learn Parseltongue..."

"Same as what Harry Potter said?" Draco immediately became more energetic.

"No, it's the same as Voldemort said." Pomona corrected. "That's the language used to manipulate the basilisk. Remember that black hole you used at Lockhart's Dueling Club?"

"Oh, that was in the second grade." Draco was annoyed, obviously not wanting to recall that embarrassing duel.

"You didn't listen to me. I remember you used to let Goyle and Crabbe fight for you in school, and you took the Basilisk as them, so that you could protect yourself even if you were in danger."

Draco was lost in thought.

"Like Salazar Slytherin?"

"That's right, just like him." Pomona pinched his nose across the table, "Do you still remember the homework I gave you?"



"Although the facts are cruel, pain drives us forward. Dignity, strength, wisdom and knowledge are indispensable. Everyone copied these two sentences fifty times."

"I didn't specify when to hand it in, but I hope that when you hand in your homework, all the little wizards in St. Mungo's will hand in it. Well, go and play with your friends."

"Yes, godmother." Draco said aristocratically to his mother, "May I go first, mother?"

"Of course, dear." Narcissa smiled proudly, as if she was hosting a lavish banquet.

When Draco left, Narcissa sighed, "I know I haven't worked in vain for so many years, and my vision has improved."

"Sissy, I have something to ask you. Do you have any more double-sided mirrors in Black's house?" Pomona asked with a blushing face.

"Even if there is, I don't have the right to control the Black family now, why? I miss him again after we separated for a while?" Narcissa said with an ambiguous smile.

"I miss him very much." Pomona unconsciously brought a sweet smile on her lips, "It feels like I haven't seen him for a long time."

"From the day you were sent to the hospital, you have been sleeping for more than half a year. My dear, your condition is much more serious than that of the Longbottom family. There have been ups and downs and critical illnesses several times. The doctor has been helpless, Charlotte. I thought she would never see you again." Narcissa patted Pomona's hand, "You have helped me so much, I think I should help you too, let's go, we are not patients anyway."

"Where are you going?" Pomona followed Narcissa and stood up.

"Shopping." Narcissa smiled with relief. "Before everyone thinks I'm Mrs. Malfoy now, I'm going to empty Lucius's vault."

"Oh, Sissy, you are an evil witch." Pomona criticized cheerfully and pretending to be righteous.

Narcissa let out a hearty laugh that sounded exactly like Bellatrix's.

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