Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 95 Past Playback

Slytherin's locket was eventually destroyed by Ron Weasley with Gryffindor's sword.

Pomona looked at the dirty fireplace that hadn't been used for a long time. The last person who got out of here was Harry Potter. It was twelve years ago, and the traces he left were almost gone. Not visible, proving that this fireplace has not been used for a long time.

The Floo network is managed by the Floo Administration under the Department of Magical Transport of the Ministry of Magic. To connect fireplaces to the Floo network requires permission. Hogwarts fireplaces are usually not connected to the Floo network, but individual fireplaces can be connected to the Floo network without permission. Link, Pomona is almost sure that there is no evidence of the link between Bork and Bokin's fireplace and the Weasleys' house. If you search rashly, you will be stunned. You only need a simple spell to disconnect the fireplace from the Floo network Link, it feels like dancing on a spider's web, one carelessness will attract groups of eight-eyed spiders.

She doesn't want to think about the entanglement between the Weasley family and the Black family, which are also the sacred twenty-eight families. She just wants to pass on the news she got to him. Now she has no control over his whereabouts, just like Naxi Sha, as long as old Malfoy doesn't come home, she has no idea where he spends the night.

Men say they are members of the family, but they don’t seem to be there most of the time. Only women and children stay at home. When Draco grows up, he will also become a man and leave the family. Narcissa has always pampered him and let him Never grow up.

But the men need to fight, to push this sweet boy into battle, kind of "manly," because they're short on men. He promised Lily that he would let Harry live. He had already died once, and this time he had to let another child who was born at the end of July in the prophecy come out to take responsibility, but to let him risk his life, he must first convince his grandma, she The blood of the Longbottom family will not be broken in her hands.

Aside from the dance in her office that only the two of them knew about, the only time she'd danced with him in public was at the Malfoy's party.

Prince is an ancient potion family, who have been potion masters for generations. Many potions in history were invented by the Prince family. It is said that the collection of books of the Prince family is comparable to that of Rowena Ravenclaw. .

However, as the last heir of the Prince family, Irene Prince, married a Muggle, the Prince family had no pure-blood heir. The Prince Award was awarded to thank the Prince family for their contribution to the magic world, and as the highest award in the potion field, it was an honor that every potion master wanted.

Severus Snape was nominated for the Wolfsbane Potion, and the Triwizard Tournament was held at Hogwarts. Lucius, the peacock, held a grand party in the manor to expand his international presence. In terms of influence, as the main guest Severus must bring a female companion.

Excellent people are chased everywhere. She believes that there are many women looking forward to being invited by the head of Slytherin. That scene is just like Hermione Granger and Victor Krum. She doesn't believe in good luck at all. It will be my turn until Dumbledore gives her a black dress robe.

"I'm sure you'll need it then," said Dumbledore. "It will be cold at night after autumn, and you'll feel warm wearing it over your dress."

"Dumbledore!" She looked at the simple black dress robe on the headmaster's desk in surprise and surprise.

"I've been telling you to restrain yourself and don't spend energy on dressing up, but I think it's okay to enjoy it once in a while." The old fool said casually, "It's just that I don't know what kind of dress is suitable for dancing. You have to choose."

"However, I didn't get his invitation." Pomona calmed down at this moment.

Don't take yourself too seriously, silly girl, you're not special.

"You don't have to worry about this, it was Professor Snape who asked me to arrange a female member to cooperate with him." Dumbledore said calmly, "There are many of his former Death Eater friends at the party. "

"Oh." She felt an indescribable disappointment.

"Even if he doesn't say it, I'll ask for it, Pomona." Dumbledore grabbed her shoulder, his eyes behind the half-moon glasses smiled into crescents, "I think I'm really a partial old man, I hope you can be happy."

"What is my mission?"

"Chat, drink, dance, I will temporarily open the Floo network for you in the fireplace of the Transfiguration classroom, by the way, Pomona, can you dance?"

She shook her head.

"If you allow, let me teach you, how about?" Dumbledore was a gentleman and asked her to dance.

"Okay, principal." Pomona curtsied, then jumped up in the principal's room.

After jumping two steps, she realized that she was a Veela hybrid. What if Dumbledore was influenced by her?

"Don't be afraid, Pomona, remember the dance steps and learn to control yourself." Dumbledore said softly, "Lupine can already stay awake while transforming. This is a good start."

"It's because of Severus' Wolfsbane potion," Pomona corrected.

"Do you really admire him because he is the only young man around you?" Dumbledore asked. "Siris is back, and Black's old house will become the new stronghold. I remember that the Black family used to be very close to the Malfoy family. , how about you go to the banquet from there?"

"What do you think will happen when Severus and Sirius meet, Dumbledore!" Pomona suspected that the two of them would cooperate to demolish the crumbling old house of the Black family.

"Leave this question to me to think about." Dumbledore said sadly, then turned to smile again "Don't think about it, turn around, Pomona!"

So she quickly learned to dance under the guidance of an excellent tutor, and finally she was not ashamed in that very formal social occasion.

She felt extremely happy, as if this was the best memory in her life.

"I remember who you are." After crying, Narcissa accidentally saw the cursed opal necklace on the shelf. "You are the female companion who accompanied Severus."

"Do you like the dress I was wearing at the time? Sissy." Pomona said with a smile. It was a silver-white long dress like moonlight. Madam Malkin said that the dress matched her eyes very well.

"It's very beautiful, and the Christmas ball is very beautifully arranged." Narcissa pressed her chest. "I really hope to dance in such a venue."

"Still not as good as you, I remember that the theme of that day was..."

"Moonlight." Narcissa interrupted Pomona coldly, covering the disgust on her face with a handkerchief, "That's the only beautiful thing associated with a werewolf."

Pomona felt that it was more than that.

She also felt the pure friendship and tireless hard work. It took Severus more than ten years to develop the wolfsbane potion, and it seemed that he finally used the blasphemous forbidden technique given to him by the Dark Lord. He extracted the magic power from Fenrir's blood, and once Fenrir was dead, the medicine would be useless.

No wonder the students said he was so vampire-like, because he was famous for his blood.

"I've always felt that you lack a necklace." Sissy looked at the beautiful opal necklace and said with regret, "I remember you have a pearl hairpin, right?"

"How do you remember, that was many years ago?"

Narcissa laughed, "You don't know how beautiful you are. Many people are asking who you are, and they can't believe that Severus knew such a beautiful woman."

Reminiscent of the fireplace in Snape's house that was also covered with cobwebs, and his greasy hair for many years, the golden Prince was thrown into the trash can by Pomona, and he was still the same when he returned to school. The vice-student looks like no one to get close to, no one can see how much he has achieved, but he seems to be a few years younger, and his intelligence has become the same as that of an adolescent boy. He thinks that dating a mixed-race Veela is the pinnacle of life.

"Pomona, do you remember what Severus was wearing that day?" Narcissa asked.

"Ceremonial robe." She said somewhat evasively.

"You haven't looked at him from the beginning to the end." Narcissa sternly accused, "Can't you feel his eyes at all?"

The insanity and the mind made eye contact, and Pomona thought he was trying to cast a spell on her.

"I thought Severus would be heartbroken sooner or later, because he gave his heart to a woman who didn't love him. Now it seems that he was right. Lily Potter died long ago, so don't let that ghost bother you." It's clean."

"It's easy to say, Narcissa, it's what you just said."

"He has suffered enough, Charlotte, a bystander, can't stand it anymore, why don't you have any sympathy?"

"He doesn't need pity." Pomona looked at Narcissa and said coldly, "This is the greatest insult to him."

Narcissa was shocked.

"Tears belong to the weak. He is walking the path of the strong. Don't you think he has changed from a pitiful little bullied to a ruthless character that you are even afraid of?"

"I really don't understand what you're thinking?"

"Me too." Pomona sighed. "That man can make people go crazy with him. After all, he is Tobias Snape's son."

"It's just a Muggle." Narcissa showed disdain.

"But the captain of the High Rock team is obsessed with him. This is the charm of the father and son. Don't get involved, Narcissa. Although Malfoy is unfaithful, he will not drag you into hell. He can." Pommer Na cried and laughed, "I don't even have much motherly love left because of him. I always felt that Irene ignored Severus very irresponsibly. Now that my own daughter is dead, I don't feel sad at all. I spend all day with him." He was fooling around happily, don't you think I'm ugly like this?"

She hugged Narcissa and wept bitterly, just like Dumbledore said, she is an idiot, and only such an idiot dean can teach so many idiot students.

She killed Cedric, she should protect him from harm, this is a teacher's responsibility, but she forgot all about it, she was really disappointed in herself.

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