Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 887 Prince of Darkness

Sometimes parents will give their children a lot of expectations, hoping that they will become scientists or pianists when they grow up, and send them to various cram schools from a very young age.

For most people, it is impossible to be proficient in architecture, surgery and violin playing at the same time. This unrealistic fantasy will give teenagers too big ambitions, so that they are beyond their control.

He thought he was Superman, but in fact he was an ordinary citizen waiting for Superman to save him. This kind of blow could easily make him discouraged, give up his efforts and start a new one.

If it's a woman, she wants to be at the top of her field while also being the consummate housewife and dressy chic.

This requires the cooperation of the husband and children. She arranges everything for the family, drives the children to cram school, goes home to clean up the housework, cooks dinner, writes something by herself, and lives in a luxurious house in the suburbs. The life of this kind of woman should be Everyone admires it.

However, one day, she suddenly found out that her husband was having an affair, and her children seemed to have entered a rebellious period and would not listen to her.

There is an American drama "Desperate Housewives" currently on the air. It tells the married life of a middle-class housewife in an ordinary Muggle town. The suicide of a housewife caused a storm. The plot digs out the fairy tale of "living a happy life" The truth about the lives of the heroines.

That gated community is not perfect at all, and there are all kinds of problems behind the surface.

Compared with the cheating husband, the more troublesome thing is the rebellious children. After all, the husband can divorce and kick him out of the house, but the children are his own.

Now many unmarried mothers in Japan, the government provides subsidies to them, so that they live together to take care of each other.

Anyway, with artificial insemination and sperm banks, women can choose donors who are highly educated, good-looking, and healthy, and give birth to smart and handsome children, without the need for men to bear the responsibility of raising them.

This kind of community is very harmonious. That's what Nakamura Yuki's mother did. She gave birth to a child and took care of her career well, but Nakamura Yuki's grandmother was very annoyed by this.

Her grandfather was quite open-minded. According to Japanese tradition, after marriage, a wife should take her husband's surname. Now there is no need to change the surname. The Nakamura family has successors, and the daughter did not stop her when she immigrated for academic purposes.

It’s just that Grandma Nakamura often bombarded the mother and daughter with phone calls. Not only that, she also mobilized her relatives in the United States to force marriage with Nakamura Yuki. She must be asked to wear a beautiful kimono to take beautiful photos, and sell them to the son of a politician like a commodity pick.

After getting rid of the man and not having to worry about him cheating, Dr. Nakamura can focus on academics and the education of his children with less distraction.

Nakamura Yuki's rebellion is different from the kind of family where both parents are present. She knows exactly what she wants.

Whether it's coffee, tea, soda, or chocolate, most people consume caffeine on a daily basis. In healthy people, caffeine can provide a pick-me-up, but in diabetics, caffeine has the potential to make it harder to control blood sugar levels.

Coke also contains caffeine, and sugar can stimulate the brain. After drinking Coke, the whole person looks radiant like a little daisy.

Sugar has ruined the health of at least two generations of people in the United States. Although it is not as addictive as opium and is difficult to get rid of, the profit chain it generates makes it difficult for many food companies to get rid of it. After adding sugar, the taste of food and drinks will be much better , People have hidden sugar intake every day.

Starbucks, Costa, and many small cafes sell almost all Italian coffee, latte, cappuccino, American, caramel macino, espresso, all of which are Italian coffee.

However, the Italians drink Espresso coffee without sugar and milk. The taste is sour and bitter, almost the same as traditional Chinese medicine. Many people can’t accept it. There is a very popular functional drink in the United States, Maryland 14 The 12-year-old girl Fournier suddenly fell into a coma while watching a movie at home, and died after being sent to the hospital. According to the forensic examination, the cause of Fournier's death was "cardiac arrhythmia caused by caffeine poisoning". It is well known that sugar is often added to beverages. Is the sudden death of the little girl just because of caffeine or sugar as an accomplice?

Diabetes will reduce immunity. The "immunity" referred to by Western medicine is Wei Qi in Chinese medicine. Wei Qi refers to the function of defending the immune system and eliminating various foreign substances in the body from outside. Regulating Wei Qi is not just about eating Medicine, but also pay attention to daily diet and living habits.

Modern western medicine only focuses on treatment, and only believes in "war mode" and high technology. The emergency room is like a battlefield.

Chinese medicine pays attention to the daily conditioning and pays attention to "balance". To Westerners, yin and yang are like superstitions, and "qi" is even more incomprehensible. Chinese medicine is not scientific at all, but like witchcraft.

The Japanese have learned a little about traditional Chinese medicine and take a long-term view of the problem, but Nakamura Yuki’s worry is the same as that of the professor in the movie The day after tomorrow. Before the emergence of the virus in the US medical defense system, all assumptions were made. The president will not give up the tax revenue provided by the sugar industry group for a hypothesis.

The United States is at war in the Middle East, and the closure of these sugar and food companies will cause a series of chain reactions.

Jack called for the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions at the climate conference. The oil and power generation industries will be affected, and many people will lose their jobs. Not only the vice president, but all the leaders attending the conference did not care. People did not care until the "black swan" appeared. Understand the seriousness of the matter, but at that time it was too late to evacuate all the American people to the warm Mexico.

The only thing the abandoned people can do is to stay at home, try to keep warm, prepare enough food, and pray that the disaster will end soon.

The good old days are gone, although it seems like it was yesterday, but it has gone with the wind.

This is the result of the collusion between academic authorities and interest groups to deceive the masses. There is no medicine for regret in this world, and the more basic it is, the easier it is to be ignored. From the 1970s to the 1990s, the incidence of chronic non-communicable diseases in the United States peaked. , and this is also the period of rapid development of the sugar industry group, which has created many Fortune 500 companies. It should be very decent to work in such a large company, but the success of these companies is based on sacrificing the health of Americans. If it does, that's another matter.

Once the authority is overthrown, no matter how much the masses believed in them in the past, they will cast aside them. The indicator of a person's health is not only physical health, but also mental health.

Another kind of child who is not as rebellious as Yuki Nakamura is like the child in "The Sound of Music", deliberately making trouble.

People with compulsive dominance often lack the ability to get along with others on an equal footing. This type of person must lead others, otherwise they will become at a loss.

She feels that her life is under control by controlling others. She hopes that others will follow her plan and arrange things step by step. It’s nothing when children are immature. When they reach a certain age, they will have all kinds of troubles. There is no way to be a perfect person.

In American culture, there is a belief that hard work can change destiny. In cartoons, if anyone has a good idea, a bright light bulb will appear in his mind. That light bulb was invented by Thomas Edison. It took a lot of experimentation and hard work to find the right material to make the filament.

In addition, he is still the king of inventions, invented many things, and he is almost as versatile as Leonardo da Vinci.

He said that genius requires 99% effort. The mother with a strong desire for control said to her child: The reason why you are not successful is because you did not work hard enough. If you really worked hard, it would not be this achievement.

In the end, her children will show some anti-intellectual behaviors, as if they have suddenly become low in IQ, and their grades have dropped terribly.

It is useless to seek counseling from psychologists and teachers. Those rebellious children are obviously pretending, non-violent non-cooperation, and rebellion for the sake of rebellion.

At this time, she had to accept the fact that most of Thomas Edison's more than 1,000 patents were bought from others. People at that time were not very interested in these innovative inventions, so the inventors were poor. Down and out. Edison, on the other hand, had the foresight to support these people with a large amount of money, and only asked for the patent rights to Edison.

Edison was not an all-rounder. The technicians and scientists who received funds for research but were bought by him for patents did not leave their names in history. Edison was placed on the lighthouse like a shining light bulb. His sentence The adage that hard work can become a genius has inspired generations of people. Those who questioned this sentence were said to not work hard. Failure is inevitable. How can others do it?

The reason why Hermione was bullied by Draco was because she was "someone else's kid", and Lucius kept saying that he couldn't even pass the Muggle test.

How many people can not regard "other people's children" as their "old enemy"?

When you go to school, you compare your grades. When you graduate, you compare your school and academic qualifications. After you work, you compare your occupation, income, and spouse. Parents’ comparisons have a great impact on their children, especially the adverse effects, and then they have their own. It's a rebellious behavior that ruins your future.

It was a self-defense mechanism, the stress was too much, and he wasn't doing as well as his parents expected.

If parents don't understand him, they will go to the other extreme.

The colors in his life disappeared, leaving only black, white and gray. Barty Crouch Jr. was a very worry-free kid with good grades. No one thought that he would join the Death Eaters.

He said "Hello, Dad" to Barty Crouch Sr. in court.

It was as if the father and son were meeting for the first time.

If you have too many interests and ambitions, you will end up accomplishing nothing, wasting your talent in vain.

Tobias was actually very smart, but he didn't like anything that much, he didn't have the concentration of Severus who was obsessed with black magic and potions.

Tobias is a Greek Hebrew name meaning "God is merciful". According to the apocryphal "Book of Tobias" in the Old Testament, Tobias assisted the Archangel to help Sarah drive out the devil, and Sarah became his wife.

This volume is also recorded in the Dead Sea Documents.

In the city of Maedekbatana, Sarah, the daughter of Ragul, lost her seven husbands because of being possessed by the demon Asmodeus and was pressured by the slander and slander she received. She wanted to commit suicide, but she prayed for death instead. And God heard the prayers of these two men and sent His angel to heal them.

Asmodeus is one of Solomon's seventy-two demon gods, and is said to be the demon king representing lust in the Seven Sins.

Sarah's seven husbands were killed by her before they consummated the marriage with her. Tobias, under the guidance of the angel, exorcised Solomon's demon god with the smoke of burning fish's heart and liver before the nuptial chamber, and the angel took the opportunity to tie him up. .

Legend has it that King Solomon once signed a contract with Belial, the king of demons, and obtained the power to command all hell demons. He used his magic ring to print on the necks of each demon, driving them to serve him. In return, he will offer his soul to Belial after his death.

She didn't know if the young man in St. Mark's Church at the moment was really possessed, or just confused.

If there was any book she didn't want to read, it had to be demonology.

Staring into the abyss didn't feel good at all, because the abyss was staring back at her too.

She hates this feeling.

There is a book called "Neurotic Personality in Our Time", which is written by a German female writer. It talks about humanistic psychology. If you are interested, you can read it.

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