Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 886 Coffee nap

In Leonardo da Vinci's last supper, John, who looked like a woman, was pointed at the neck with a hand like a knife, as if threatened, and Judas, who was holding the money bag firmly, faced him sideways.

Women are often threatened with death and money, so they have to make some choices to turn away from Jesus, and they have to keep a smile on their faces.

It's a hopeless life to live like this.

Obsessive-compulsive disorder is a kind of neurosis, and the proportion of women suffering from obsessive-compulsive disorder is higher than that of men.

Highly educated women around the age of 30 are especially prone to OCD. The working environment they live in is characterized by high pressure, fierce competition, and high elimination rate, so they are prone to OCD.

This kind of pressure is also reflected in men, but men can vent through drinking and having fun, while women have relatively fewer vent channels, and some women vent through plastic surgery.

In this era where thinness is considered beautiful, many women are always picky about their body shape. If they have a slim body, their breasts will be smaller, so more and more breast augmentation operations are performed.

In addition to silicone filling, there is also autologous fat filling, as if your body is made of plasticine.

After the chest surgery, I felt that the buttocks were not firm enough, and then the buttocks were adjusted, and the buttocks were adjusted, and the chin was not good enough, so the chin was adjusted again, as if I would not die on the operating table and refused to give up.

People pursue perfection and expect to achieve perfection. High demands do not necessarily mean perfectionism, but there is nothing perfect in this world, and the pursuit of perfectionism is a disease, and any flaws are unbearable for them.

Perfectionists not only have high demands on themselves, but also always expect others to do things perfectly, so they often criticize others and mess up interpersonal relationships. It is very tiring to live with such people, and it is easy for men to leave this "beauty" Goddess who coexists with wisdom".

"There is no gold, and no one is perfect." It is a utopian assumption to ask for a perfect lover. Because there are shortcomings and shortcomings in the relationship between lovers, they have to support each other together, be tolerant to others and themselves, and treat each other. forgiveness.

Churchill once famously said: "Perfection is paralysis."

Because perfection has no standard and does not exist, so the truth or the result that people who pursue perfection finally see is not perfect. Because of this, perfectionists will always fall into the trap they dig for themselves and cannot extricate themselves. Suffering from the contradiction of pursuing perfection but not achieving, and torturing oneself in the midst of compulsion and stubbornness.

She not only tortures herself, but also tortures others. If she fails to meet her requirements, it means that her subordinates are not capable enough, so do it again!

Neurosis can often feel bad emotions, tension, anxiety, fear, depression, etc. and various functional physical discomforts.

Menstruating women experience lower abdominal discomfort, and their temper will become manic, uncontrollable, and unreasonable, but this is not a neurosis.

As soon as the male surgeon meets the woman he is arguing with, he feels that she is on her period causing a neurosis.

People with a good temper can practice yoga, but Yuki Nakamura has a bad temper. She practices kendo, and every time she chops the head of that "superstar" with a bamboo knife, she especially relieves her hatred.

A person with a strong heart knows what he wants, what he must do, and what he can do, otherwise his behavior can be easily influenced by others.

If you don't want to work overtime, you have to ask that woman with plastic surgery, what's wrong? Instead of silently "imagining" her request, there is a bottom line for tolerance. The logic of a madman is logical first, and then it is a moral issue. Japanese people often work overtime and have a high suicide rate.

Ancient Greece believed that it is despicable to continue working overtime after earning what is needed for life. A person needs time to think, get along with his family, and master the balance between work and life.

Falling into the logic of perfectionists, they will continue to work hard to complete their impossible fantasies and prove that their abilities are good enough. As a result, their ability to distinguish right from wrong is gone.

Unreasonable requests can be refused. Overtime work that violates labor laws is a kind. A young waitress in a fast food restaurant is asked to strip and search her body. She can also refuse. She can even call 911 for help. How could she end up being sexually assaulted?

Mental illness and neuropathy are half-understood, and another neurosis comes. There are so many problems with Muggles.

But these are not the most desperate.

The vast majority of people feel that they are not sick, or can rely on their own psychological adjustment, just like a cold can be cured.

This kind of perfectionist instills his own logic into others, demanding that they also have the same high standards as himself. Everyone will encounter such a client and keep making demands.

A plastic surgeon is not a psychiatrist. It is necessary to dig deep into the unconsciousness of the client. It would be easy if the client can draw his own thoughts. The problem is that she does not have the ability to draw.

Highly developed left brain with super logical thinking ability and children's right brain with graffiti level. Painting is one of the effective ways to treat depression and other mental diseases. It belongs to a kind of psychological projection test. Raphael's paintings are easy to understand , he is very stable, just as quiet as the Virgin Mary he painted.

Da Vinci's paintings are very difficult to understand.

He was once accused of being gay, and his paintings have many female features, especially the painting of the Redeemer, which can be said to be androgynous.

His sleep method is also different from ordinary people, much like a sleep disorder caused by neurasthenia, but it is very attractive to urbanites who are always short of time. The polyphasic sleep method was first proposed by an Austrian psychologist. It is suggested that many people have the habit of taking a nap.

For "successful people" like Fernandes Li, wasting too much time in sleep is a kind of laziness. Eight hours is too much, let alone a nap.

People who use polyphasic sleep method believe that if they sleep for 3 hours a day for 20 years, they can live 11 years longer than ordinary people who sleep for 8 hours. As a result, people who try to sleep find that it doesn't work at all.

Autonomic nerves affect sleep, and at the same time manage internal organs and endocrine. Men with disordered autonomic nerves can understand women's mood during menstruation. Men also have estrogen, and the human body has a biological clock. Jet lag is to adapt your biological clock to morning and evening, Daphne Oddly, that kind of work and rest method is not suitable for ordinary people, or his autonomic nerves are mutated, and he is naturally different from ordinary people, so the polyphasic sleep method is suitable for him.

The boss asks you to work overtime and you don't want to work overtime, do you still want to do it?

If you don't want to leave in style, you have no source of income. Although you work in an office building wearing a shirt, you are still a proletarian in essence.

The means of production mentioned by Marx include land, factory buildings, machinery and equipment, tools, and raw materials. Factory buildings are not buildings sold by real estate companies. They are not means of production, unless they intend to do handicrafts or tailoring shops in them.

The pathological competition of neurosis has three characteristics. First, it always compares itself with others, even when there is no need to compare.

Is it a good thing to have obsessive-compulsive disorder? She would say that this disease can urge herself to do things to perfection, and it is a good thing if it is used correctly. If the house is not pleasing to the eye, it will be cleaned up, and it will become tidy and clean in a while. It is called a cleanliness addiction.

Even if you are sick, you have to compare with others to see who has the most serious obsessive-compulsive disorder. He has only one goal in life, which is to surpass others, whether it is fame, charm, power, or wealth.

The second feature is that it is unique, outstanding, and omnipotent like a superman.

The third feature is the hidden hostility in ambition, "Only I can succeed, only I am the most beautiful, smartest, and most capable person." For him, seeing other people's failures is more important than his own success.

This kind of person often has a strong desire to control, not only to control himself, but also to control others. He will not allow anything that is not initiated or approved by him to happen.

Or another form of downplaying, he allows the other party some freedom, but he needs to know all the whereabouts of the other party, once he hides something from him, he will fly into a rage, just like a wife who suspects her husband of cheating.

If others don't do what he says and wants, he will be annoyed, and he will never give in to the pursuit of power. Even those who agree with him will be regarded as a kind of weakness by him. .

Those who resist will be suppressed by him, and those who do not resist will be considered weak by him. How can you work and live with such a person?

So his relationships are a mess.

Albus Dumbledore doesn't get along very well with people close to him, Aberforth ignores his brother, his lover is locked in the tower by him, Severus hates him now, only those who don't know him well People think he is a good man.

But Pomona thinks that he should not suffer from neurosis, and he has no other symptoms of neurosis other than sweet addiction.

Unlike neurasthenia, he is not depressed, but he is in good spirits, and his demeanor is not that of a 150-year-old man.

"Can sugar cause neurosis?" Pomona asked Yuki Nakamura.

"Of course." She turned her computer around to Pomona. "Aren't I writing a dissertation against the sugar industry? It's sugar that causes obesity, but they say it's fat. Excessive sugar intake causes diabetes. If you have underlying diseases, your resistance will drop, and it’s not easy to recover from trauma or viral infections. Do you know how many people die from influenza in the United States every year?”

Pomona is not interested in the internal affairs of other countries.

"There are more and more children with diabetes. This is a time bomb, and it will explode sooner or later." Nakamura Yuki said desperately, "If there is an epidemic like the Spanish flu, many people will die."

"Medicine advances..."

"You don't understand that medicine has its limits. The recovery of the disease still depends on the patient himself. A person who has no desire to survive has no hope of being rescued." Nakamura Xue said, "And sometimes the desire to survive alone is not enough. .”

Pomona does not know how many people suffer from diabetes in the United States, but she thinks that the sugar industry group should be condemned for fabricating lies for the benefit of scientific authorities.

Children can't control their behavior and like to eat sugar. Adults will give them as much as they want. This kind of indulgence is ruining the health of children.

Every year, freshmen are very excited on the first night of enrollment. They don’t know whether they ate too much sugar on the train or they arrived in a new environment. Hufflepuff will hold a party, dance to burn off the sugar, and then go back to the dormitory to sleep.

"Good luck," Pomona said. She felt that the anti-sugar faction had little chance of winning. After all, they were fighting against the rich and powerful sugar industry groups, and they were just academics who made money by working.

Like a praying mantis blocking a car, what you do is beyond your control.

"Thank you for listening to me so much, I feel much better." Nakamura Yuki sighed listlessly, "Do you also think what I did is stupid?"

"Do the right thing because it's right," Pomona said after a moment of hesitation.

"What's your job?"

"Teacher at the boarding school."

"What's the name of that school?"

"Hogwarts." Pomona smiled mysteriously, "It's a magic school."

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