Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 888: Minority Showdown

In European and American exorcism movies, there is often a famous demon who possesses the body of a simple child. Then, what did these famous demons do after finally returning to the human world?

Eating spiders, crawling backwards, digging walls, swearing, spitting, any naughty kid can do better than it, no wonder Zodiac said that the 1973 The Exorcist is a comedy movie.

"The Key of Solomon" is an important document of demonology. The oldest version of this book is published in the early 17th century. It should be written before the French Revolution. Solomon's seventy-two pillars of demons are also derived from this book.

Not all the demon gods in this book are evil. Stolas, who often appears in the image of a raven, taught people astronomy and art.

Phoenix sounds like a urchin, is kind and gentle in nature, and is a poet.

But there are also people like Asmotai who occupy other people's wives. The seventh demon god Amon has the ability to know the past and the future, and to turn friends into enemies or reconcile.

The seven-star ladybug is just a kind of insect, because it eats aphids, so it becomes a beneficial insect. If a ladybug that does not eat aphids ruins human crops, it is still a pest even if it is a vegetarian.

Human beings distinguish between beneficial insects and harmful insects, and gods and demons are all based on the standpoint of their own interests.

The Coke Company also has sugar-free Coke, but customers still choose sugary ones when they buy it. It is always easier to blame others for the fault.

According to Zimbardo, the first step in combating the Lucifer effect is to admit your mistakes.

But before admitting a mistake, make it clear that the fault is not yours. Yes, why do you have to admit it?

Similarly, before exorcising demons, you must learn to "identify the devil" and distinguish who is really "obsessed" and who is suffering from a disease or "mental disease", "neurosis" or "neurosis".

According to the records in the literature, possessiveness is usually accompanied by fever, after all, the devil is from hell.

The Seven Sacraments of Christianity: Baptism, Confirmation, Eucharist, Confession, Anointing of the Sick, Wedding, and Divine Order.

Tobia's exorcism is after the wedding, which means that theoretically all the seven sacraments can be used to exorcise demons.

What bride would tolerate an exorcism at her wedding?

So baptism and anointing are traditional exorcisms.

To use a more scientific explanation, bathing can cool down, and there are special herbal ingredients in the ointment.

Catholics usually use "holy water", which is completely absent in Protestantism, and crosses or other "props" are not used.

Protestantism generally rebukes the devil and casts out the devil in the name of Jesus Christ. This is a kind of prayer, there is no fixed "mantra" with "magic power".

It is not the priest who drives the devil out, but the possessed man himself. If he chooses to listen to the devil's sweet words, no one can help him.

The devil opposes all forms of love, whether it is parents, brothers, men and women, religions, countries, these can bring light and happy memories, he wants to pull people into darkness, be arrogance, jealousy, rage, laziness, greed, lust, Gluttony, extreme, domineering, vicious, slavery, fear and other dark emotions that violate love surround.

Some lunatics like to roar, and when she returned to the church, it was extremely quiet inside, but in broad daylight, it gave her a chilling feeling.

This hot and cold feeling was really like malaria, she tried her best to ignore the uncomfortable feeling, and walked to the previous room, the other priests had left, only Severus and the long-faced priest were left, they Sitting and standing, staring straight at the young man who was tied up in a corset, his eyes were closed at the moment, and he seemed to be asleep.

"What's going on?" she asked.

"I gave him a sedative and a sedative," Severus said. "He's in the dark."

"Warning them not to spend the night on the island, some people still don't listen." The pastor said angrily.

"Evil spirit or good ghost?" asked Pomona.

"They told him to leave, they didn't attack him," Severus said.

"Then why is he so scared?"

"He said he was caught by a group of doctors and nurses, who tied him to an operating table and were going to operate on him." Severus pointed to his big nose, "They're going to mummify his body." The brain is taken out of the nose."

"Ouch~~" Pomona screamed again and again.

"That's his hallucination, his brain is still in his skull, CT has been checked." The pastor said.

"Send him here after the doctor's done?" asked Pomona.

"Do you have a better idea?" Severus asked.

"He said he remembered being dusted all over his face." The pastor said, "Do you think the ashes caused hallucinations?"

"I just know he can't stay here," Severus said. "We'll have to move him somewhere else."

"I know a place," said the pastor. "I'll get someone to come."

"I can handle it, as long as you don't make a fuss," Severus said, taking his wand from his sleeve.

The pastor weighed it up, and finally chose silence, and left the room.

Severus levitated the young man, Pomona quickly cast a Disillusionment Charm on him, and they followed the priest down the dark passage.

"What about the real estate agent we're talking to?" Pomona asked.

"You go and deal with him." The old bat said coldly.

"Wait." Pomona shouted suddenly.

"What?" asked the pastor.

She took out the key that can go anywhere, and taught it to the priest.

"Take this key, think where you want to go, and it will take you there."

Pomona tried, and the key couldn't open the door of Hogwarts, which was indeed the safest place.

The priest looked at the key.

"Is this Gaap's power?"

"Every organization has one or two mysterious items. I heard that you have a very magical necklace?"

In 1973, a 23-year-old woman in Bavaria was tortured by two priests to exorcise demons, and died after starving to only 31 kilograms. This woman Anneliese. Mijia suffered from hallucinations, auditory hallucinations and epilepsy. She underwent 67 exorcisms without success.

Two exorcist priests and the victim's parents were sentenced for resorting to religious power instead of sending her to hospital for treatment.

The radio station once played Anneliese. During part of the exorcism, Miga can be heard roaring loudly and letting out long, horrific screams when the priest commanded her to tell the truth "in the Holy Name".

After this tragedy, the German Catholic Church strictly controlled the exorcism, and the exorcism had to be approved by the bishop, but there were very few cases of permission.

She weighed only 30 kilograms before she died, but it took three strong men to control her when she became ill. Accompanied by severe high fever, contusion, neurasthenia, and pica, the last prop on stage was the necklace, but she just die.

The pastor didn't say anything, he took the key to meditate, and opened a door with it after a while. Inside the door was a very simple church, unlike St. Mark's Church with golden mosaics, and only White ashes, and several ascetic monks wearing medieval monk's robes praying inside.

Jiabo is the 33rd demon god among King Solomon's 72 demon gods. He can deprive people of knowledge and make them wise. He can change people's likes and hates, answer people's questions about the past and future, or make people teleport elsewhere.

Raphael is the Latin name for Raphael, Raphael is the healing angel, and his image is always pleasant.

In addition to curing people's sufferings, he also taught Noah the knowledge and skills of building the ark. He not only healed people's bodies, but also people's beliefs.

He represents the wind of the four elements. There was also a painter Raphael during the Renaissance, and the Madonna he painted was so pure and quiet.

In fact, there are other demon gods with the ability to teleport, but the priest first thought of Gaap.

Extraordinary wisdom is the greatest wealth of human beings.

Wisdom used in the wrong place is bound to be a catastrophe.

Those "scholars" and "authorities" who take other people's money and talk nonsense are not afraid of going to hell after death.

It doesn't matter if you eat sugar in moderation. Remus will eat chocolate after being attacked by a dementor, but eating too much is harmful.

It is a pity that public opinion is in the hands of "a few people".

It is said that the truth is in the hands of a few, and only time will tell who is right and who is wrong.

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