Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 829 Maritime Customs

Once, while delivering fish, Alessandro went to a luxurious hotel near the Rialtoial Bridge.

The decoration inside is extremely luxurious, like a courtesan's boudoir, the walls are covered with brocade, heavy silk curtains, thick luxurious carpets, and the terrace can enjoy the scenery of the Rialtoial Bridge. Satisfy Louis XIV.

In fact, he is not very keen on these things. What he is envious of is that rich people can do nothing and wander around with beautiful girls.

The minimum legal drinking age in Italy is 16, but that rule has been largely non-existent.

Sometimes he would go to the bar in Cannaregio to drink abbey ale with the football team. The decoration here is very retro, the beer is bottled in oak barrels, and tourists in fancy clothes would come to the bar to "experience" A glimpse into the lives of the locals.

People in the team made fun of them while watching to see if any girls who were alone were looking for opportunities to strike up a conversation.

He remembered Aunt Alicia, whom his mother Giuliata always compared to. Giuliata was not as beautiful as Alicia, and she didn't have as many dreams. She married Fernando, a very ordinary gondola boatman.

Alicia's first husband was a photojournalist, but he was not well-known and mainly made a living by giving tour guides.

After having a camera, everyone seems to be able to become an artist, and every tourist wants to capture the perfect scenery of Venice with the lens.

A good tour guide can take tourists to secret corners that few people know about. Monica charges 100 euros a day, which is considered a small amount. If he meets a good client, he can earn 600 euros in half a day. It is absolutely no problem to support the family .

But one day he disappeared, maybe on the train from Santa Lucia, or maybe on some cruise ship, or whatever. Alicia cried for a long time, drank her sorrows, and completely ignored her two daughters.

Giulietta was pregnant at the time, and Monica and Raula were taken to Uncle Fabio's house.

It was later heard that she had an affair with a captain.

Fernando was a boatman, but he didn't like sailors, especially those from England and America.

Sailors generally have the habit of getting drunk. After returning to port, their first destination is the tavern.

The depravity of the crew is worthy of sympathy, because they generally work in harsh environments and have just graduated from school and stepped into the sea. Their thoughts generally have longings for the beauty and romance of the sea, yearning for the various scenery of various port cities, the world Customs and customs from all over the world.

But there is often a huge gap between dreams and reality. In school, they cannot experience the long-term lonely life on the ship and the panic and fear brought about by the harsh sea conditions.

In the promotional posters of travel companies recruiting sailors, the sailors often wear bright sailor uniforms and shiny leather shoes, standing on a neat and luxurious ship and smiling kindly.

But the reality is that apart from being on duty for 8 hours, the crew has to stay in the small cabin for rest for the remaining 16 hours, and go to work immediately if something unexpected happens.

Tourists are for sightseeing, and their rooms are much better than those of the crew. Some young crew members who come from poor inland mountainous areas usually abandon the sea and land after working for a few years.

There are few risks on land, stable work and rest, and the most important thing is that there is no lonely sense of drifting. British and American sailors love to drink and often get drunk. This habit has existed in British merchant ships since a long time ago.

There is a "British sandbar" in Istanbul, which every time a British merchant ship hits.

The captain and senior crew only cared about the interests of themselves and their employers, regardless of the life and death of the crew and other merchant ships. This kind of reckless neglect caused them to run into it again and again, and they did not tell others or set up warnings when they hit themselves. Now they don't hit the sandbar again, not because they have learned a lesson, but because the navigation system is better.

Venice is a port city and a trade center, and there are many gossips. Alicia and a "captain" will sooner or later go wrong.

Later, as everyone expected, the "captain" was not the captain at all, but an ordinary crew member, and he was married. He could not afford Alicia's support, and suggested that she should not take Veronica born to.

Alicia finally "wondered through it", she did not find someone to remarry, and raised her three daughters by herself. She was aging so fast that it was hard to imagine that Giulietta was actually older, and her mother always warned Alessandro not to be an irresponsible man, but everyone was like that.

If he doesn't flirt with girls like everyone else, people will think he's weird, maybe even gay, and there's nothing worse than being called gay on the soccer team.

Later, he met the strange British tourist.

It's strange that she is still full of curiosity about the sea, thinking that being a sailor can really conquer the stars and the sea, but Alessandro thinks she has a mind reading ability and knows what he is thinking.

He wanted to make a fortune and live a different life, and it was not impossible to be a shipwreck hunter.

He wanted to change a bit, Venice used to be a small fishing village, and now it really is becoming a fishing village.

He wanted to get out of this routine life.

He told his father what he thought, and Fernando told Alessandro that "you don't need a high degree to go boating, you can choose a different way of life", and he also told him some things.

Shipwrecks are not just shipwrecks, there are also cases of famine involving ships that don't sink.

Maybe it was ice that blocked the route, or maybe it hit a rock and broke a hole, which just washed away the supplies. The sailors had to face a situation-drawing lots, the person who got the shortest lot was food, and the person who got the first lot was the food. The second short is responsible for being the executioner.

This is a common practice at sea. At the beginning, everyone will endure as much as possible. When the endurance reaches the limit, they will have to face this problem.

This kind of lottery is fair, including black slaves who are regarded as commodities. If only black slaves are eaten and crew members are not eaten, then black slaves will rebel.

Even if white sailors had been drawn to bear the dead man and black slaves had been executed, no one could have reversed their relationship.

Usually the captain will play the role of peacemaker, telling everyone to be patient for a few days, and everything will get better.

The first mate is responsible for being the bad guy. He and the crew are not as lucky as the captain. There is an important saying in the maritime law tradition that "the captain and the ship live and die", which means that if the captain fails to evacuate all the crew and passengers, the captain himself will sink with the ship. Beyond going down, the captain is often the last person to be rescued.

The captain is not just the supreme commander of the ship. At the beginning of world maritime trade, the cargo owner and the ship owner were the same person, and the ship owner was often the captain himself. They hired others or let their servants follow the ship to transport the goods to Sold at other ports.

If there is no captain, the crew will be hanged as pirates if they sell the goods privately. In order to punish the pirates, the British will hang the pirates for a long time and die for a long time.

In order to save himself and others some trouble, the captain will live to the end, he doesn’t have to draw the life-and-death lottery, the crew can completely ignore him, and steer the ship to the direction they think is most likely to be rescued, instead of the scheduled delivery port .

After going ashore, the "captain" is no longer the captain. When faced with that extreme situation, people will change from humans to animals in order to survive, and some people refuse to eat people, and finally starve to death.

Then that person will become someone else's food, at least it will save one lottery.

"Sometimes people have to face such a choice. You know that the bones of St. Mark were brought under the pork. There is a rule in the Saracen teachings. When life is threatened, this canon can be People understand how difficult it is to make such a choice.” Fernando said, “But you should also understand that apart from the Puritans, the earliest immigrants to the New World were more criminals, including robbers and female infanticide prisoners. After the gallows in this world, you can continue to do evil in the New World, but you never thought that you would be buried in the sea, God will not give up the pursuit of some unforgivable people.”

"The Indians who helped them were killed because they were sinners?" asked Alessandro.

"I don't know. I know some prisoners. They learned how to grow vegetables in the prison. Now they are still growing. They don't have to worry about having a criminal record. No one will not hire them." Fernando said. Forgiving, some theologians imagine God as a father who can go crazy and punish at any time, but I think he is a loving father."

"He didn't do a good enough job," Alessandro said. "He still spared some sinners."

"It's not his fault. God can't enforce justice, but people can. British judges are just like British captains, making some reckless decisions for vested interests. This is very similar to their usual style, asking for the last use value of that person. Squeeze dry."

"Vampire!" Alessandro said indignantly.

"British people are like vampires, they only suck blood." Fernando poured a glass of wine to Alisandro. When dying of thirst, there is only one bowl of water, and half of them can barely support them out of that hell, while the Americans will swallow that bowl of water alone, and let the one who didn't drink water try to find water to drink, but he didn't expect The man who didn't drink died of thirst while he was talking, and no one listened to what he said."

"Like the captain who was thrown aside by the crew," Alessandro said excitedly.

"I would rather say that he is a lonely person. No matter how much he asks for help, no one responds." Fernando put down the wine bottle, "Even God gave up on Cain, but this 'Cain' didn't stone Abel to death, but He died of thirst."

During the Great Depression in the United States, so many people poured milk when they were not full enough to eat. Alessandro felt that the analogy of his father was very appropriate.

It is simply unrealistic for a person who has drunk enough water to "inspire" a person who is dying of thirst. Anyway, he just talks nonsense and doesn't understand other people's difficulties at all. If there are so many water sources in the desert, is it still called a desert? ? You drank the only bowl of water, how can others live?

When you are full, you will not be thirsty anymore, and you can talk endlessly, but the audience is dead.

Maybe he was still cheering and rejoicing that now he had food and water, and then dragged the corpse to continue trekking in the desert.

It looked like a perfect person.

Alessandro sat on the steps in front of St. Mark's Basilica, watching the passing tourists, trying to find a way to identify Americans.

God put a mark on Cain so that no one would kill him if they met him, but Alessandro searched for a long time but couldn't find anything special about these people, so he gave up.

At this time his mobile phone rang, and the message from Monica was displayed on the LCD screen: I am busy at the DFS by the Ritoial Bridge and come to pick me up.

Alessandro glanced back, but didn't see the English wizard and Gianluca, so he patted his ass and left.

In fact, not every rich man has a smooth date. Gianluca's pursuit of Monica is too difficult, and he can't bear to make trouble.

It's just that on the night of staying in Padua, when Gianluca wanted to knock on Monica's door, he was caught by the wizard.

He took them to the fireplace in the living room and taught them to use a sort of "floo net," and when the green flames went up, it was almost like the devil appeared.

He took them to Gianluca's home on the island, and then asked Gianluca to buy houses in France and Germany.

It doesn't have to be huge, but it must have a fireplace, and those houses will serve as safe houses in the future, like they are spies for a secret organization.

He has indeed lived a different life, and besides being happy, he is also thankful that his parents and Uncle Fabio have not abandoned Alicia, and without Monica, he would never have met them.

When a young man hurried through the flooded St. Mark's Square, the Sistine Chapel in Rome in the distance, the cardinals in red were discussing the resignation of the Pope and the election of the Pope while he was alive. About the new pope.

The election of the new pope adopts closed ballots and democratic elections, which is different from the drawing of lots by the Governor of Venice, and it is also different from the drawing of life and death on a ship.

In fact, cannibalism is just a way of survival, just like people eating animals. No one thinks there is a problem, until someone suddenly jumped out and said that cannibalism is too cruel. People have the distinction between good and evil, and then there is pain and conscience. .

Learning correct knowledge can enhance the ability to distinguish right from wrong, good and evil; learning wrong knowledge can reduce the ability to distinguish right from wrong, good and evil.

But the more you distinguish, the more distress you will have. Instead, it is better to be happy all the time.

Where there is light, there is darkness. That forbidden fruit is full of years of wisdom. Even if there is no Adam and Eve, there will be other animals who can’t help but take a bite out of curiosity. What will happen to them then? What kind of trouble?

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