Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 830 “Followers”

Confucius said: You don't talk about strange power and chaos.

Confucius was not superstitious about ghosts and gods, but he valued sacrifices. He worshiped ancestors and parents, expressing his heartfelt remembrance and grief for parents and ancestors. Even though he had very strict requirements for sacrifices, those who believed in him were still pagans.

But even pagans would say something reasonable, "Sacrificing to a ghost that is not their own is flattery." It is flattery to some people to sacrifice to a ghost that is not the one they should sacrifice to.

Holy Communion is a "sacrament" reserved by Catholics, Greek sects, and Protestants after the Reformation. Even in the dark Middle Ages, people would sacrifice through painting, music, and fasting.

The Carnival of Venice, a pre-Lenten feast of feasting and revelry, was already very unruly, and the Protestants were even more unruly.

If the bishop represents depravity, then they are even more depraved without the bishop. What were they thinking in their hearts when receiving Holy Communion?

The bread is bread, and the wine is wine. It is not like some people think that the bread and wine have been blessed and turned into flesh and blood after prayer.

Many people sinned and deserved to be crucified, but Christ died on the cross for their sins.

It is not all Christians who slaughter Indians, but those sinners exiled by Protestants. It is an ancient festival created by Americans themselves.

Who are they thinking about when they have a family reunion over turkey? A gift from the Lord, or the success of their prisoner ancestors?

Even the U.K. is keeping Thanksgiving at arm's length, but the president of the U.S. is calling to say hello.

The Pope was once assassinated by the Communist Party, and perhaps the President of the United States thought he would harbor hatred for it.

When the European Union was negotiating a new constitution in 2003 and 2004, the Holy See failed to put "Christian heritage" on the agenda, which was the pope's favorite goal.

The secular world just wants to put on a layer of sanctity and disguise what they are doing as righteous.

In 2001 the pope accomplished a feat, becoming the first pope to visit Greece since 1291.

The locals were not enthusiastic about his visit, and some protested against his visit.

He later met in Athens with the Patriarch of the Greek Church, Christoszulu, and after a 30-minute meeting, the two spoke publicly.

Christozulu listed thirteen crimes committed by the Catholic Church against the Orthodox Church after the split between the Eastern and Western Churches; including the sacking of Constantinople during the Crusades, for which he never repented.

The pope immediately responded, saying that "the children of the Catholic Church, past and present, ask God for forgiveness for the crimes committed by their Orthodox brothers and sisters in their actions and mistakes", which received instant applause from Christozulu.

It is irrational to remain divided in the face of greater threats, the Confucius Institutes in Rome, new heresies around the world, and Islamists as refugees invade Europe.

Uncle Sam is separated by the Atlantic Ocean, which is much wider than the Mediterranean Sea. When talking about the refugee issue, the spokesman said it was a "tragedy". It is "hypocritical" to deny it, and at the same time, the American media swarmed to criticize Europe's "cruel" treatment of refugees.

Joshua moved away from the humming group of cardinals before his anger got the better of him.

Some people say that the devil is in the Vatican, and the devil interfered with him just now.

Birth, old age, sickness and death are natural laws that cannot be overcome by manpower. The Holy See will lose another wise leader, and those old cardinals don't know whether they will elect a wise leader.

He doesn't know whether the Holy See is corrupt or not, but it is obvious that it is old. In the face of the temptation of this world, who will listen to the call of the other side.

Taking a vow of celibacy was hardly a sacrifice, and there was nothing wrong with being celibate, but giving up all one's possessions seemed horrific and irrational to some.

Obeying the vocation and practicing the priesthood are often associated with various scandals, as if every priest has a dark secret.

I have nothing to hide, so why should I be afraid?

When passing by the Last Judgment painted by Michelangelo, Joseph looked at the masterpiece that had been "shamed".

"Privacy" includes more and more extensive content, and even women's abortion is included in the category of "privacy".

Birth inspection prevents some babies with congenital deformities from coming to the world, but there is no equipment to detect the deformed souls.

Serial killers look like normal people, but their souls are "sick". What's the benefit of worshiping these demons?

Behind this worship, perhaps, is its own desire to be a sadist.

I'll be in heaven watching "worms" burn in a sea of ​​fire.

Joseph smiled complacently. According to the Gospel of Mark, God is no respecter of persons, but he chose Abel’s sacrifice, so God is still a respecter of persons in the end.

He will give to each man according to his deeds.

He will look forward to that day coming soon.

"Father Joseph."

The young priest followed the voice and saw that the person who greeted him was a cardinal from Argentina. This bishop who loves football and tango is the second most popular person in this pope election. With his simple life conduct and cheerful personality Admired and loved by believers.

The most popular candidate is the head of the College of Cardinals, a Benedictine monk from Germany, the former head of the Faith Department of the Holy See, the chairman of the Pontifical Biblical Commission, and the chairman of the International Theological Commission. He is proficient in ten national languages, but he is not a cardinal conferred by the Pope. Bishop Ratzinger.

These are two people with completely different personalities and hobbies. Ratzinger is a conservative, while Bergoglio is a reformer.

A rolling stone never grows moss. Only by continuing to move forward and reform can the church get closer to the ever-changing times and people's hearts.

In other words, join us and play.

Conservatives believe that some current phenomena should not follow the trend. Ratzinger is a recognized conservative in theology. He opposes the use of contraceptives and condoms, refuses to appoint women as priests, and "de-Christianity" in many developed countries. Under the trend of increasing "globalization" and secularization, it is necessary to restore the value standard of primitive Christianity in Europe.

Especially in terms of ethics and morality, he believes that Catholics who remarry after divorce should be banned from participating in the communion service, Catholics and Protestants cannot participate in the communion service at the same time, and priests who distribute communion for both Catholics and Protestants should be expelled .

Most importantly, he strongly opposed the Latin American liberation theology, which would be exploited by politicians in order to gain material and spiritual life for the oppressed, exploited and "inhuman" poverty-stricken people.

Don't be superstitious and credulous about something you don't understand, even if it will bring you material and spiritual enjoyment.

"Good day, Bishop," Joseph said to Bergoglio coldly and politely.

"I heard that the Pope prayed for the believers at the window of the hospital just now. Is he better now?"

"I don't think this is something you should discuss now." Joseph said, "Even people who are not so familiar with history know that every papal election is full of intrigues and intrigues."

"Maybe it was 400 years ago, but it's not the same now," Bergoglio said. "I was going to retire and go back to being an innocent and happy priest, playing football with the kids and stuff, so you don't have to be so nervous. , this is just a simple greeting."

"The Holy See has had his trachea cut and he can't speak." Joseph said, "Other than that, everything is fine, but there is still a long way to go before he recovers and plays football with you, Bishop."

"He can't preside over the Easter service?" Bergoglio asked.

"It's not my business."

"Then what is your authority? The Pope's servant? Responsible for overseeing the progress of the secret meeting? Several bishops are curious about what you do, can you tell me, how should I introduce you to others?"

"You can tell them that I am responsible for protecting the safety of the Vatican and the Pope." Joseph said with a smile.

"I think the Swiss soldiers are already up to the task, and the security companies."

"The church is an ancient and mysterious organization. Although it is not the oldest and mysterious organization, there are many secrets hidden here. I suggest that you should be cautious in your words and deeds in the city." Joseph said, "These ancient buildings and sculptures are very fragile and fragile. It's not suitable for playing football in it, and please try not to go to places with few people, there are already many ghosts who don't want to go to heaven."

"What?" Bergoglio asked strangely.

"This is an old house. It's not surprising that there are one or two ghosts in red clothes. They died before they were ready to go to heaven. Are you ready, Bishop?"

Bergoglio did not speak for a long time, Joseph bowed respectfully towards him, then turned away.

Although he was wearing a black robe of a seminarian, his walking posture was like that of a rock star on a stage.

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