Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 828 Montage

When night comes, the "devil" in people's hearts is often more active than during the day. In the Stanford Prison Experiment, guards tend to treat prisoners more cruelly at night, using various dirty methods to torture prisoners, because they think that there is no one in the middle of the night. Will watch their behaviour.

In fact, there are cameras everywhere in the reformed "prison", and their every word and deed have been filmed.

Human psychology has an adaptation process. If a potential customer enters the store, the salesperson will not just sell it, but let the customer try it out. When the customer feels that the product is really good for himself, he will be tempted and even buy it.

If Zimbardo's fiancée does not come to visit, then both the abuser and the abused, and even the professor who presides over the experiment, will be deeply involved in the role he played and cannot extricate himself.

A college-educated engineer may not have as much monthly income as a gondola boatman, but his understanding may be better than most of the boatmen.

At least he knows what the theory of relativity and Dirac's sea are.

There is neither divinity nor devil in Dirac's sea. Where there is matter, there is Dirac's sea. Imagine that the observed universe seems to be floating on its surface.

This is similar to the consciousness and subconsciousness in Freud's iceberg theory. Only a part is exposed, that is, the conscious level, the behavior or coping methods that can be seen by the outside world, just like what can be observed by us. The universe; most of the rest is in the unconscious, and the larger mountain under the water surface is the "inside" that has been suppressed and ignored by us for a long time. And most of these determine human development and behavior to some extent, including wars, riots, vicious struggles between people, and so on.

The macrocosm and the microcosm are a pair of categories in the history of Western philosophy that indicate the relationship between man and the world. The macrocosm refers to the entire world, and the microcosm refers to people. Uncover the secrets of the iceberg, and you will see your desires, expectations, perspectives and feelings in life, and see your true self.

And by observing the self to understand the great universe, Plato's recollection holds that the knowledge of the whole exists completely in the soul, and it is only due to the stimulation of the senses that people recall what he already knows.

This can be understood as unconscious memory, which is neither good nor bad, and the way advertising spreads is similar to unconscious memory.

People don’t wait for commercials while watching TV shows. While waiting for commercials to end, viewers involuntarily accept the information and sink into unconscious memory. When choosing oatmeal in the supermarket, he will give priority to Select where the ad appears.

If you don't want to be controlled by others, the best way is to turn off the TV.

However, modern people have been controlled by the media. Zodiac produced a world-class sensation in the 1970s. Many people want to decipher his code. Besides, he has many crazy believers.

The serial killer culture in the United States is not unrelated to the fueling of the media. People themselves are very interested in occultism and supernatural phenomena. Astrology has always been worshiped by people. Zodiac combines the two to form a new " American Idol", the public is induced by the media to view this bloody group with wrong values.

In this erroneous perception, serial killers are full of invincible intelligence, personality, and a rebellious spirit that the public does not possess.

Serial killers have sociopathic personalities, representing the negativity of the culture, chaos, violence, and some people's obsession with trauma.

That's the behavior of a lunatic. Many TV dramas and movies have exaggerated and added excessive details to the original case for the sake of ratings, enhancing the bloody horror effect, and doing everything they can to attract attention.

Those who can make money are practical, and those who don’t make money are useless. Fortunately, not everyone has the same high IQ as Zodiac, and there are very few such imitators.

Joan of Arc is easy to imitate, as long as she is a woman, she can imitate by wearing armor.

A writer in China wrote that when a death row prisoner was beheaded, people bought steamed buns stained with his blood one after another. In the old folk superstition, human blood could cure tuberculosis.

Joan of Arc's two brothers are eating human blood steamed buns, so it's fine if they don't avenge their sister, and they pretended that she was resurrected.

People should set a bottom line for their own behavior. Some people eat this kind of human blood steamed buns, and some people would rather starve to death than eat them.

The Secretary-General put down the typed paper in his hand. It contained the only cipher letter written by Zodiac that had been deciphered so far. The last eighteen characters EBEORIETEMETHHPITI looked messy and disorderly. After sorting the order of the characters, it became:


"Looks like a typo," the secretary said. "It doesn't look like someone with a high IQ would make it."

"He's crazy." Snape sank himself into the armchair. "My wife believes that the one who wrote the code was 'Coach'. He also has two subordinates. His killing mode is related to the phase of the moon."

"What's the connection?"

"New moon and full moon, December 20, 1968 was new moon, September 27, 1969 was full moon, October 11, 1969 was new moon, March 22, 1970 was full moon, July 4, 1969 What happened in Vallejo was a special event, and that place has special meaning to that madman," Snape said with no concealment of disgust.

"You also think that Zodiac is controlled by the devil?" Gianluca asked the Secretary General.

"Serial killers like to make disgusting jokes." The Secretary-General looked at the paper and said, "But the possibility of him being controlled by evil spirits cannot be ruled out."

"What do you think ETT is?" Gianluca asked.

"It doesn't have to be ETT, it could be TET and TTE." Snape said. "There are thousands of combinations, but she chose this one."

"Maybe she was led by the Holy Spirit." The Secretary-General said, "Want something to drink?"

"A cup of tea." The wizard from England smiled maliciously, "Remember to add more cantrella."

Gianluca shook his head expressionlessly.

"You are not a friendly person." The Secretary General smiled and said, "How could she be with you?"

Snape smirked "Are you jealous?"

"I will not admit what you fantasize about." The Secretary-General said, "I don't think you are luckier than me."

"What can you compare to me? Looks?" Snape shot back tartly.

"You have read a lot of secret books, so do you think the Black Death is really a doomsday catastrophe?" the Secretary-General asked.

"What brilliant insights do you have?"

"That plague did destroy a lot of lives, but it was precisely because of this that the tense demand for population and food was relieved, and humans did not have to kill each other for food, or even commit more terrible crimes, no matter how young Mondji was. Does it exist, does the sun really stop moving, and the cooling of the world cannot be stopped or intervened by human power." The Secretary-General said, "Where the Gospel is preached, the phenomenon of cannibalism will end. In 1956, five young missionaries It was originally expected to take 15 days to travel by boat to Ecuador, South America, but they all disappeared. The Mission Headquarters sent a plane to find them. For safety reasons, these five young men had guns in their hands. They faced a group of people with spears The cannibals have every chance of winning, but they didn't do it, even though they would be killed and eaten for it, do you know why?"

Snape didn't answer.

"And you, young man, what do you think?" the Secretary-General asked.

"I'm not going to preach to cannibals," Gianluca said. "That's stupid."

"One of the five young men named Elio, whose diary was found in the dormitory of his alma mater, Weedon University, at the age of 19, he understood a truth: in order to gain, never lose Such a person is by no means ignorant. What university do you go to?" asked the Secretary-General.


"Oh, I see, Galileo." The Secretary-General said with a meaningful smile.

"He felt he could explore more areas alive, and he did." Gianluca said with a scowling face.

"I didn't say he was a coward, I just thought he was not ready to go to heaven." The secretary-general said, "Impulse is the devil, kid, have you forgotten what I just said?"

"So, those five young men controlled their urge to draw their guns, and then lost their lives?" Snape smiled strangely. "That's funny."

"We are Catholics, and they went to spread the gospel." The Secretary-General said, "We will not kill those aborigines in order to occupy other people's land."

The Death Eater laughed even weirder.

"You said you were a boy's godfather, which one did you teach?"

"I'm a wizard," said Snape. "It's part of tradition that children have godfathers."

"So where did the tradition come from? The original tradition of the Oga people was cannibalism. After the five young people were eaten, they didn't change their meaning. Five years later, the wives of the five young people, with Their children once again set foot on the country where their husbands were martyred. Patriarch Oga received them, and he asked them 'Who are you? What is the reason for you to work so hard for us?', Elliot's wife Answering 'I am the wife of the man you killed five years ago, we are here again because of the love of God'..."

Snape cut him off with a sneering laugh.

"Do you love your wife?" the Secretary-General asked patiently.

"That's none of your business," Snape said stiffly.

"Love for God is something we cannot discard. Can you accept losing your wife? Like divorce, or death."

"Are you looking for death, Priest?" Snape threatened.

"Five men are dead, how can five women and five children be the opponents of those cannibals? But they still face the threat of death. Although I have never seen them, I live for myself and them Glory in a big family, they were all brave, when the cannibal chief asked them why the men who came in the boat didn't shoot them, the women said it was because they came for the boat gospel, oh The patriarch Jia accepted the gospel and stopped cannibalism. He also became the priest of that parish. They lived a civilized life and understood that cannibalism is a taboo. Are there any people around you who like cannibalism? For example, Yue A werewolf that appeared in the round night."

"You think it's a joke, the phases of the moon and crime have no effect?" Snape laughed again, "I know a werewolf who has never eaten people, he can control his instinct to eat people, but Muggles can't... ..."

"Muggles, you mean those who don't have magic?" the Secretary-General interrupted him.

"That's right!" Snape said resentfully.

"Are the Muggles your father or your mother, or were your parents both Muggles?"

"I'm half-blood," said Snape. "Muggle parents have another name."

"What is it, tell me!"

Snape didn't answer the priest.

"That title is a taboo for you." The pastor said, "You are a person with a limit, much better than those who don't know where the limit is. That woman saved you."

"How do you know it's a woman?" Snape asked.

"You are an ordinary man, and it's normal to like women." The Secretary-General said calmly, "Do you prefer men?"

Snape glared at the priest with hatred.

"Because of the death of those five young men, the cannibals have also changed their old habits. They chose the bright side, but the devil will lure people to the dark. You just asked me if I was jealous of you. Now I ask you, who saved you?" Is your woman the same person as your wife? I think that's insulting and she'll forgive you if you call her that. I'd like to meet a woman like that, but if it's not the same person, I gotta say, you're hurting your wife deeply, if she really loves you."

"Don't be controlled by him," Gianluca reminded Snape, "keep your head clear."

"You too." Snape looked at the pastor seemingly calmly, but his breathing became a lot faster.

"People can regain control of their behavior, but people who are possessed by evil spirits or invaded by evil forces cannot. Playing Ouija boards attracts not always good spirits. They reject God, but allow evil spirits to occupy themselves The body performs divination, and the final outcome has been decided at the time of 'possession'." The Secretary-General looked at the 18 characters and said, "Sometimes the characters that appear on the Ouija board are confusing and not always in accordance with human understanding. sequence instructions."

"So, you think Zodiac is a Ouija board player?" Snape sneered. "He wants to play love divination?"

"He may not, but Betis is possible." Gianluca said, "Will you play games with your girlfriend?"

"Or, he felt that he was cursed by the girl." The secretary said, "ETT is what she cursed him to be."

"Do you know what that abbreviation is?" Gianluca asked.

The secretary shook his head.

"There are thousands of possibilities, and it is also possible that it was a joke played by the devil and misleading us."

After a moment of silence, he said, "Sometimes I feel that cities are not as civilized as the cannibal tribes in South America."

"Moonlight," Snape said, folding his hands. "Have you ever dated a girl in moonlight?"

"Which girl would date a clergyman?" The Secretary glared at Snape.

"Evening primrose, moonlight, and candlelight dinner, how romantic, why did you go to the Nanjiao human tribe?" Snape closed his eyes, and said nostalgicly, "Do cannibals wear clothes?"

"This is the church!" The pastor roared, slapping the table.

"I asked you if the cannibals wore clothes, and you mentioned to me that this is a church?" Snape showed his yellow teeth and smiled triumphantly. "What logic are you?"

"This is the rule of the kingdom of heaven." Gianluca said, "You have to control what others think, and you have to stop thinking and associating, and you can only obey."

"Impulse is the devil, pastor, it's the 21st century, you can't burn us at the stake anymore." Snape smiled so wickedly, matching the veins on the pastor's forehead.

"Get out of my office!"

"Oh ~ someone is angry ~" Snape said defiantly, "So what if I don't go?"

"Impulse is the devil, mark your words." Gianluca fanned the flames. "How does it feel to be soaked in your own ink?"

"I now understand why so many people wanted to send you to the stake." The secretary-general gritted his teeth and said, "You unrepentant heretics!"

Snape and Gianluca rolled their eyes together, seeming to be too lazy to talk to the long-faced priest.

If you want to go back to the Middle Ages, think about it. The sunspots stop moving and people can't interfere. Carbon-14 is produced in the interaction of the earth's atmosphere related to the participation of solar cosmic rays. In the second half of the 17th century, the sun was indeed calm. , but whether this is directly related to the generation of extremely cold weather is not sure

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