Chapter 53 Return of the God of War

"It's been six years, Severus. I couldn't believe it when Neville told me you were alive."

No one answered her.

"How many people know you are here?" McGonagall continued to ask.

"I know Charlotte."

"Can she be trusted?"

"I, I think it's okay." Neville said cautiously.

"Go and ask her if the patient can be transferred. It's not safe for the two of them to stay here."


Neville has already become a professor of herbal medicine, why is he still as obedient as he used to be when he was studying.

"I need your help, Severus," said Professor McGonagall. "Werewolves surrounded Hogwarts, and they threatened that they would not let Hogwarts go if they didn't release their leader from Azkaban." Reopening the school would even shut us down permanently."

"What does it have to do with me?"

"For the sake of preventing you from doing something stupid, you owe me a favor." Professor McGonagall said sternly, "What were you thinking just now?"

She heard heavy breathing from the corner of the room, which sounded like the growling of some kind of animal.

"Someone said that they once saw a woman who looked like Bellatrix appearing on Privet Drive. I remember that your previous home lived nearby. Do you mind if I borrow your house?"

"Whatever, you can set it on fire."

Bella, Bella again, that woman really lingers.

"You know that souls who commit suicide will go to hell. Barlow killed Helena and then he killed himself. He was afraid of going to hell, so he didn't dare to go on, and finally became a Slytherin ghost. There are enough lingering people, and I don't want to see you again."

"How did you know that I would become a ghost?" His voice was full of hatred. "Whether I go to heaven or go to hell, I will find that saint and tear his soul apart."

He also has a white grave on the small island in the middle of the lake.

Pomona thought boredly that she wanted to dig up that grave and punch him again on the crooked bridge of the nose.

"Don't sit here stupidly, pack up your things and we'll go right away."

"Are you being followed?"

"Of course, I'm not like you. People greet me everywhere in the hospital." Professor McGonagall spoke lightly, and Pomona felt that someone was going to be blown away.

"Do you love me?" Snape asked her one morning, still looking horribly scarred by Nagini's neck.

"Of course."

"Then what did you see in me?" He asked again.

Pomona suddenly understood why Irene couldn't leave Tobias Snape.

The father and son ran amok in the human world like beasts. Although they were bruised, they looked beautiful.

"Are you going to hurt me? Just like your dad hurt your mom?"

"I won't." He took her hand and said as if taking an oath, "but if you betray me, I will kill you."

"You obviously don't treat Lily like that."

"I could watch her marry James Potter, but you can't." He rolled over, drawing her into his shadow. "I know there are dark magics that are more painful than the Unforgivable Curse, don't make me use them." It's on you."

At the wedding, we must take an oath to be loyal to each other and support each other, regardless of life, old age, sickness and death, poverty and wealth, adversity and prosperity, we must never leave, forever.

He loved Lily and was willing to trade anything for her safety. She felt that her relationship with him was like cheating on Lily, and she felt a strong sense of guilt.

As the song says, it's a sin.

"Do you know why the Dark Lord uses Horcruxes instead of making the Philosopher's Stone to live forever like Nicolome?" He whispered in her ear like a child whispering, "That's because, it's because of the defilement of the Holy Spirit." It feels really good."

She felt that this secret was disgusting, how could there be such a dirty person in the world.

"You belong to me, no one can steal it away." He began to appreciate the details on her body, and his empty eyes suddenly sparkled.

"Why do I feel like I'm your thief?" She felt that at this moment he was not so much a snake as a mouse hiding in the dark.

The metaphor made him laugh out loud.

"I sneaked into Dumbledore's house and stole his most precious treasure."


"You!" he said complacently, "do you know how beautiful you are?"

"How beautiful can it be? A Ravenclaw diadem?" She sat up halfway up on her elbows.

"It's better than that," he said with an air of ecstasy, and pressed it down again.

If one day I am no longer young and beautiful, will you still love me?

Although she couldn't open her eyes, she could still feel the scorching sun outside, as if it was summer now.

"Where are we going?" Neville asked.

"Take my hand, Professor Longbottom." Professor McGonagall said to Neville, "Severus, where is your home?"

"No. 23 Spider's End Lane." He said in a disgusted tone.

With two "pops", they apparated directly in the hospital, and after a brief whirlwind, she just felt a sense of solidity when she smelled a strong stench.

Spider's End is a slum, and Tobias Snape is a boxer and sometimes in charge of training.

In the Quidditch match, if you can widen the score gap before finding the Snitch, then you can still win. Although the wizard rides on a broomstick, there are still a lot of upper body exercises. As the captain of the High Rock team, Irene thought of using boxing Come to train the players.

After a lot of searching, she chose Tobia, and the result was out of control, from a powerful witch to a woman bullied by Muggles at will.

There are many rules in boxing matches. The rule Tobias gave Irene is not to use a magic wand. Even though she is an athlete herself, she is not a match for a semi-professional boxer. Severus has basically had a criminal record in this kind of neighbor since he was a child. He grew up in an environment of thieves, robbers and liars. If he hadn't met Lily, he would have continued to be bad.

What kind of dean brought out what kind of students, the Slytherins brought out by Professor Laghorn were all aristocratic, and what he brought out were little bastards who were used to petty theft, even Draco Such aristocratic young masters have dirty hands and feet, "Oh, Saint Potter", is the catchphrase of the two of them, and even the expression of sneering is exactly the same.

In which eye did Lucius Malfoy go blind and find a rogue to be his son's godfather?

"You have become lighter." If you don't look at the appearance and only listen to the voice, he really has a good voice, very pleasant, just like a cello.

When she started walking, the wind picked up, and the silk cloth felt very comfortable against the skin, and she felt that it must look very elegant.

A new round of war is about to begin, and Tyr, the patron saint of the oath and contract, is back, but in the myth, Tyr has one arm, but she has two hands, which can hold her horizontally like a princess.

She felt a strong sense of security and happiness.

"My warrior." She originally wanted to say the champion, but since there was only one champion and there were two men here, she changed her words in order not to cause unnecessary fights.

"What did she say?" Neville asked.

"Watch your feet, Longbottom." He said angrily, "If you dare to step dog shit into my house..."

"I'll clean it up!" said Neville hastily, flinching when the scary old bat came back.

Pomona thought she had found the reason why Neville was single now.

If he continued to be under the control of his grandmother, even if he did not participate in the war, the blood of the Longbottom family would be broken, because no girl would want to marry a manless loser.

At least Harry is aggressive, it's hard to turn a sweater-wearing sweetheart into a sweaty, fist-pounding seed, so come on, Coach, that's your next challenge.

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