Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 54 Definitely not a nerd

"Here, have a piece of chocolate, Pomona."

Frank handed her a bar of chocolate, saying why would he give her candy for no reason?

"No, thank you." She said listlessly, feeling very, very tired, almost overdrawn.

"You'll feel better with one," Frank insisted, and she reached for the loose candy and put it in her mouth.

The warm and sweet feeling from the tip of her tongue eased her emotions, but after a careful taste, it was not the sweetness of chocolate, but more like hellebore syrup.

It was a palliative, and she was drinking a potion, but if Neville had made it, would she be kept awake?

"Don't worry, I made it." A gentle baritone said, so she drank it boldly, and the restlessness where the potion flowed disappeared.

The balm consisted of hellebore syrup and moonstone. She looked up at the moon in the sky. It looked big and round, but was it a full moon?

"Don't worry, he'll understand." Frank reassured her, but the reassurance didn't feel very honest.

"Why do I need him to understand." Her voice was extremely cold. "This is my true face."

"You also have a younger sister in France." Frank seemed to have found out his conscience, and actually revealed her life experience. "Don't worry, we won't force her like you. She will grow up like an ordinary human girl."

Then why are you forcing me?

She couldn't figure it out.

"You are the chosen one." Frank sighed, "Hagrid also has a younger brother, but he is a giant and cannot go to Hogwarts. Dumbledore allowed Hagrid to take him into the Forbidden Forest. If you want to see him If your sister..."

"Why do I want to see her?" She wrapped the thin woolen blanket on her back tightly. "Except for blood, she doesn't know me at all."

"I just think that you will be very lonely." Frank said softly, "There is someone related to you that you can rely on in the future."

"I've found it." She stroked the black dog, which was much bigger than normal. "He will protect me in the future."

"Is that how you and Sirius Black met?"

There was a sarcastic voice behind her, and when she turned around, she found that the middle-aged Snape was behind her.

"Why did you stop exercising!" she yelled at him, Snape's face was stunned, and then the moon and the screaming room disappeared, and she was back in the house where Irene spent the last time.

"Professor Snape?" Neville asked cautiously, "What curse did you cast on Professor Sprout just now?"

"None of your business." Snape put away his wand, with a puzzled expression on his face.

There was the sound of water being pumped from the bathroom, and an unknown Muggle woman came out of it not long after.

"I think it would be strange to see an old woman in a long gown and a pointed hat in this area. What do you think of me now?"

Professor McGonagall was still wearing a green dress, only her calves were exposed, and there was a beautiful brooch on her shoulder.

"You look too rich." Snape said coldly, "You might as well wear that outfit just now, people will think you are crazy."

Neville and Professor McGonagall looked at each other awkwardly, looking at a loss.

The atmosphere in the small living room suddenly became dull.

"Besides your family, has anyone else been here before?" Professor McGonagall covered his chest, but looked at Pomona.

"Narcissa Malfoy and Bellatrix." Snape draped a blanket over the expressionless woman with surprisingly gentle movements.

"What are they doing here?"

"Let me take care of Draco, the year I killed Dumbledore."

"We all know you're here to protect Harry," Neville said.

A dimple curled up at the corner of Snape's mouth, his hands were stuffed into the pockets of his jacket, and he was dressed in a black robe without wind, looking very much like a demon king.

"Do you know how many times I've heard people say that Harry Potter has Lily's eyes? A man with a woman's eyes on his face looks disgusting, and he'd be better looking with goofy eyes."

Professor McGonagall had intended to stop Snape from swearing, as if he thought Neville was underage, and only stopped when she found out that Neville was taller than herself.

"I see, I'd better change my clothes." She said as she walked back to the bathroom, and when the door closed, only Snape and Neville were left standing in the living room.

"Tsk." Before he could speak, Snape clicked his tongue.

"What's wrong?" Neville looked around at himself.

"I never thought you would have the guts to kill the Dark Lord's pet Nagini." He turned his gaze to Neville's hands. "Is it with those hands?"

Neville looked at his hands, they looked so soft and girly.

"It's so sad." Snape didn't know who he was talking about.

"What do you mean?"

"Does your grandma know where you are?"

"She thought I was at Hogwarts."

"And you have to go home to accompany her on your rest day, right?"

Don't be in such a rush, take your time.

She thought to herself, the two people in front of her looked around the empty room as if they heard it, and looked at each other again after finding nothing unusual.

She had heard from Lily that Muggles had to pay for water. No one lived in it for so many years, and the room still looked clean, and the water was still flowing. Who did this?

"Robby," Snape called suddenly, and with a "poof", a house-elf appeared behind him.

"Robby is at your command, master." Robbie was full of joy, his eyes kept looking in Pomona's direction.

"Make something to eat, it's lunch time." After speaking, he pulled his robe and pushed the wheelchair towards the bedroom.

"Yes, Master." Robbie disappeared with another poof, leaving Neville alone in the living room.

Snape put Pomona on the bed, not the big bed in the master bedroom that Irene and Tobias used, but the small bed that he said he would make a "creak" sound when he turned over when he was a child. , there is a teddy bear on the bedside, holding a heart in the bear's arms, it says "from Lily", other than that, there is nothing else in this room, not even a wardrobe, let alone a clothes.

"Tell me, to be myself, the method of Lucius Malfoy is not suitable for me." He sat on the bed and looked at the living person who was as beautiful as a doll. "How do you know?"

Because that peacock of Lucius Malfoy is a nobleman, you are not!

She wanted to curse but couldn't make a sound, and Draco, like his father, had thin arms and legs, and didn't grow strong until he started playing Quidditch at school, but he always wanted to use his broom advantage to beat Ha Lippert, it's putting the cart before the horse!

Hagrid's younger brother, Guggp, was sixteen feet tall, thick-skinned and thick-skinned unlike his half-giant brother, and Sirius' spell had no effect on him, and instead irritated him.

Thick muscles help improve magic resistance, at least they won't be easily disarmed. The great Dark Lord Voldemort was defeated by all the first-year freshmen's exterminators.

"You told me to become stronger in order to gain a foothold in Slytherin, why are you so lenient towards Neville Longbottom?" Snape's tone was full of jealousy.

Slytherin is the most powerful. Maybe pure blood, mixed blood, rich and poor will affect the class division at the beginning, but as long as you have enough strength, you can also go from the bottom to the top. At least no one thought about it in his contemporaries. Snivel Snape could be the youngest Slytherin ever to be the Head, maybe even the Headmaster.

He was a Death Eater protected by Dumbledore and despised by the entire aristocratic class. It was with the help of Lucius Malfoy that he was accepted by the upper class again.

It has not been easy for him along the way. There are many pure-blood nobles who want to be the head of Slytherin, but in the end they are all convinced by his knowledge and strength. Drinking a week before the full moon, his talent for potions lived up to his Prince name.

Excellent people are appreciated everywhere. After the first Death Eater War, the pure-blood nobles suffered heavy losses. Many nobles wanted to recruit him. Not only did they offer generous terms, some even directly wanted to marry him. He said no.

"You never know how much I wanted to kill Sirius Black." He narrowed his eyes again, showing that bloodthirsty smile "Dumbledore thought I didn't know why he set up his stronghold in Black's old house? He He has never looked down on me, he will always be the Head of Gryffindor, not just the House Cup, he will also keep you in Gryffindor."

He leaned over and pressed his forehead against hers, their breaths were intertwined, "Do you think Sirius is very handsome?"

I never thought about it that way.

She thought with some fear, and subconsciously used Occlumency.

"Pomona, he wants Sirius to rejuvenate the Black family and be revitalized by Sirius who was born in Gryffindor. The marriages of the Black family are all over the magic world. At that time, even if he is not the Minister of Magic, he can give orders. Let me think about it. Who is the new Minister of Magic? By the way, it is shacklebolt, who is also a member of the Order of the Phoenix. After the Battle of Hogwarts, he became famous. Gryffindor received honor and status. The Slytherin family was either demoted or expelled Ministry of Magic, Dumbledore is a politician, not a saint, that's why I never wear that damn hat, and Sirius knows the same, why are you so stupid to let him dictate everything!"

She squatted down, closed her eyes, covered her ears and didn't want to hear anything.

Pete, why are there so many bad people in the world? I want to go home.

"You can't abandon me..."

She heard a child crying in the dark, and it was so pitiful that he was crying so sadly.

She took his hand and led him forward in the dark.

"Who are you?" he asked her.

She raised her finger at him, covered her lips, and motioned to silence. This is a secret that only a few people know, and everyone who knows these secrets is by no means a nerd.

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