Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 52 Death's Price

If there is a balance between gods and humans, there is a certain price for each life saved by humans, no matter what it is. Buckbeak exchanged Sirius for two years. If anyone is willing to try, he can weigh more Creatures, such as how much life can be extended by saving a rune snake, but the premise is that someone is willing to do this business.

When Sirius first escaped and wandered for a period of time in order to avoid being hunted down, all kinds of rumors spread everywhere, and some people even believed that he was going to kill Harry Potter.

At the beginning of the third grade, Harry was restless. Maybe he heard the rumor. It wasn't until the Shrieking Room that Snape followed after him, and the misunderstanding between him and Sirius was clarified.

A woman may fall in love at first sight, but a man will not immediately turn an enemy into a friend and become an irresistible friend, especially if the other party is the "killer" Harry once feared. If Sirius died at that time, Harry would feel very sad at best, It's just that Sirius is still a stranger to him.

Two years later, Sirius was hit by Bella's Killing Curse during a melee at the Ministry of Magic. At that time, he and Sirius were already very familiar, and even regarded him as a substitute for his father. The memories of being with Sirius were very happy, but it was even more painful when he lost it. This pain even made him lose his mind, pestering a The ghost asked the question of life and death, he made almost headless Nick cry, and talked about it everywhere in the ghost, except for the bloody Barrow, who had a gloomy personality as usual, even Hufflepuff's fat friar sighed. , The summer vacation of that year was the hardest for Pomona since she entered school.

The reason why the forbidden technique is called the forbidden technique is not because it is forbidden to use, but because it feels less sacred and has a sense of blasphemy.

The vast majority of wizards are atheists and skeptics. They usually use Merlin's beard instead of GOD and other gods. On the contrary, the church is a devout believer. They think that the experiments done by wizards are unholy, and then There are various restrictions.

After the Black Death raged in the Middle Ages, the church and wizards began to reconcile. The witch hunt was buried in the tomb of history. Gradually, there were wizards with faith and monks who believed in witchcraft. It was also during that time that Nicolome Refined into the Sorcerer's Stone, also known as the Philosopher's Stone, it has extraordinary magic power and can make people live forever, but refining it is also a forbidden technique. The Sorcerer's Stone that Harry originally used to destroy Tom was recycled. Dumbledore and Nicole worked together to destroy it, and there was no more Philosopher's Stone in the world.

Now, another lunatic appeared in this world, and he actually wanted to practice that thing.

"We once found a research institute in Albania, which used to be opened by the Germans. When Hitler came to the end, he wanted to use black magic. Some of them were conducting research on the Philosopher's Stone. They thought that as long as they provided enough sacrifices, you know , just like during the Black Death, as long as you collect enough souls, you can get the elixir."

You're a damn potions teacher, don't even think about it!

Pomona tried to scream, but she couldn't, and then the idiot started talking again.

"The Dark Lord didn't bother to eat Muggle souls. He left the information to me. It can at least ensure that your body won't become weak. Neville said it's a good thing you have a reaction, but Charlotte said that the Longbottoms have been around for a little longer. There is no reaction, the situation is better than yours, I seem to have made a mistake again, I shouldn't use that snake egg."

It's a very simple formula, saving a magical animal will prolong its life, killing one will reduce its lifespan, but she would rather choose the latter if she had to choose between a drowsy long sleep and a short waking life. Lily can choose to hide her abilities, live like an ordinary Muggle, and find a fat and arrogant man like her sister Petunia to live a stable life, but she chooses magic, a freak in her sister's mouth, who died at a young age died.

Even if Harry Potter was given a hundred chances to re-elect, Pomona believed that he would definitely choose the wizarding world. Everyone in this world should have something to pursue desperately.

"Hide them, hide them all, I beg you."

The young Death Eater almost knelt down to Dumbledore, but Dumbledore was still unmoved. When he hardened his heart, the sugar-loving old man was quite a ruthless person.

"What would I be willing to give in exchange, Severus?" Dumbledore lowered his voice.


What does this anything include? Including your life and soul?

"Memory doesn't lie, Pomona." The old wizard put his right hand behind his back and said sadly, "I once had a student who believed that hard work was more important than choice. He blindly pursued strength without thinking. After the consequences, the result is the current situation, and no matter how hard you try, he will not let you take Lily's place."

Then, he stretched out his curse-stained right hand and stroked her hair. "Watch out for that man, do you remember how Tom got the Hufflepuff Gold Cup?"

Yes, of course she remembered that she was cheated from a rich and fat woman who only knew how to eat. He only needed to use his pretty face to say a few sweet words, and the woman was fooled.

"Make the right choice because it's the right one. I don't know who said it, but that's the true Hufflepuff spirit. It's a very wrong decision to bring personal feelings into work."

"Then why don't you restrict Remus and Tonks from dating?" She slapped the cursed hand away in disgust "Do you want to see what the hybrid of werewolves and Disguise Mags will produce? bastard?"

Dumbledore was stunned. He seemed to never have thought that she could curse people.

"You let him in." She wiped the tears off her face, "If he didn't live in the castle, what we're discussing wouldn't have happened! You said you made Hogwarts your home, why did you let a Come in the snake!"

"He's homeless, Pomona, you should have some sympathy."

"Then who will sympathize with me? Dumbledore, I am different from you. I am not a saint. You said that Harry must die, because the soul of the mysterious man is in the scar on his head, and he must kill him himself." The last Horcrux of Li can be destroyed, Lily protected him with her life, I told her to do my best to protect him and keep him alive, now I can't even do this, have you ever thought about my feelings?"

She stood there crying heartbreakingly, her long gray hair began to deform.

"Severus will be here soon, do you want to let him see your transformed appearance?" Dumbledore said suddenly, his expression was very serious, just like when he acted that night.

"You never regarded me and Lupine as human beings, in your eyes we are all bastards!" She controlled her emotions at the last moment of loss of control, but she felt a part of her heart was broken "I was never you Dearest student, I'm just your experimental subject, you hypocrite."

"Get out!" Dumbledore roared sharply, as if his mask had been pierced.

"I hope you die! With the most painful way of death, you don't even know what evil you have done. I really regret coming to Hogwarts!"

Why was she so stupid at that time that she gave up the opportunity to study in Beauxbatons because of a letter, and instead took that old-fashioned steam train to that castle?

It turned out that she was really a fool, not just pretending to be stupid as she thought.

But that dream was so real. Together with all the freshmen, she rowed across the black lake in a small boat, lowered her head to avoid the curtain of ivy, and finally boarded the pier. The shaking was because the mermaid under the water was playing a prank. In panic, she grabbed the hand that was stretched out to her, and because she couldn't bear it for a moment, she pulled Pete ashore.

The mermaid can also predict, perhaps because the story she saw was too sad, so she wanted to kill the two culprits and let the two people who went ashore live a different life.

Like someone said, it was a mistake for Pete to be alive, so why aren't you? Pomona, it's just that you're doing your best to prove that you're not, that you shouldn't exist in the first place.


That voice was really far away from her, as if across the river bank, but she felt her whole body relaxed, she turned into fog, and soon became like the little mermaid who landed on the shore, and would soon become a ghost on the sea The foam disappeared completely.

Some people think it's sad, but it's actually a relief for Ariel, because being human is really tiring.

"The curse stops immediately!" A witch shouted, the moment she was hit by the curse, she felt the heavy body again, and fell back on the bed again.

Then she saw a pair of blood-red eyes, and the silver-white knife light was reflected in his eyes.

"Disarm you."


McGonagall and Neville shouted at the same time, and with a "clang", a dagger fell to the ground.

Seriously, why would a wizard carry such a murder weapon with him?

Pomona had no choice but to think that the lives of the two of them may not be equal in front of the god of death. Whoever said that the one lying unconscious on the ground was a human being.

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