Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 382 The Brave is Fearless

Albus and Aberforth don't actually look that much alike, but he has the same blue eyes as Albus, and they do look alike at first glance.

Unlike Albus, who received an orthodox aristocratic education, Aberforth doesn't like reading very much. There are no jingling silverware in his room, and there are not so many portraits of the headmaster. Arianna is the only one on his wall. portrait of man.

He didn't have as many shining titles as Albus, he was just a bar owner, but Pomona's shocking words didn't surprise Aberforth too much. He sat down on the only chair in the room and looked at her with those blue eyes that looked like Albus.

"What is your evidence?"

"Sybil Trelawney's prophecy..."

"No, what I want is evidence that you are my brother instead of Arianna." Aberforth interrupted her coldly. "Don't you think you are too whimsical, girl."

"She's Pomona Sprout, you've seen it before." Severus twisted his thin lips and gave a weird smile "Polyjuice Potion is also my specialty, that thing was handed out during World War II Useful, isn't it?"

"Why did he make you drink that?" Aberforth asked inexplicably.

"Prevent men like me from harassing her." Severus said proudly, "Although he likes men, he also knows what type of women men like."

Aberforth did not speak for a long time.

"Who is my brother's lover?" asked Aberforth.

"Geywater Grindelwald." Severus looked at Aberforth suspiciously "You don't know?"

"My brother is very good at keeping secrets." Aberforth slumped in his chair as if under a withdrawal spell, "and this secret has been buried for more than a hundred years."

Severus and Pomona looked at each other, who would have thought that Albus hadn't even told his closest relatives about this secret.

"So Grindelwald didn't kill Arianna that day because she distracted my brother's attention, but Grindelwald wasn't the only one my brother cared about?"

"I don't know, and I'm not interested in the romance of the White Wizard. Her original surname was not Sprout, but Lestrange. She is the last descendant of the French Corves branch, Cowsles. Trange's child?"

"Which Kovus Lestrange, the fourth or the fifth?" Aberforth whispered.

"Little Cous, she is a Veela mixed blood, a pure blood married a Veela, Cous Lestrange IV removed the fifth king." Severus continued, "For some reason, she Came to England from France, was adopted by Albus, Credence..."

"Enough." Aberforth raised his hand to signal Severus to shut up, "I'm an old man, isn't what you just said enough for me?"

"It was you who asked us to provide evidence that she was your sister's replacement." Severus said flirtatiously, "If she hadn't met, I would have been docile and obedient until she was 39 years old..."

"Shut up, Severus!" Pomona yelled through gritted teeth.

"He wants you to come pure and go pure, but I've stained you like a black spot on white paper, you're not as clean and pure as Arianna, and in irreparable circumstances he wants to You give it to someone you can trust, Sirius Black, a handsome, noble, and rich Gryffindor, I will always be so disgusting in his eyes, until Sirius Black died, I became his helpless choice, But I let him down, I summoned the same Patronus as Lily, told him that I have always been like this, and then he wanted my life, no one knew that he begged me to kill him, I solved his pain, The only one who knew about it was Albus Dumbledore's disgraced brother, Aberforth, who would trust us both? Pomona, tell me who else? You learned to resist, you became less As docile and obedient as Arianna, he only put on the ring because he wanted his sister back, why can't you be single like his aunt for the rest of your life?"

Severus started to gasp after yelling at her, and Aberforth didn't say a word, his eyes staring into the void, as if lost in thought.

"Hagrid, the half-giant, told me he wished he could be as brave as I am," said Aberforth a long time later, "to be able to go my own way regardless of what others tell me, but my brother doubts that I can read, not really. brave."

"There must be some misunderstanding..."

"I didn't misunderstand anything!" Aberforth said tremblingly, "Don't talk about things you don't understand, girl, I know better than you what kind of person my brother is. He is not there when he helps and takes care of him. He is a great man who lives in the eyes of outsiders. He turns the school into his home, but he rarely "wastes time" for his only remaining relatives in the world. From Hogwarts How far is it to Hogsmeade? It's only a minute away on a broomstick, and you can't really think he's a kind old man just because he looks kind and kind."

"Stop that Halloween joke!" Pomona yelled at Severus before he could speak. "We're not here today to discuss this."

"Oh, you sound exactly like my brother, I'm starting to believe what you're saying." Aberforth sarcastically said, "What's the business of you coming?"

"About the secret passage behind Arianna's portrait, can you guard it by yourself?"

"You don't have to worry about that, honey, it can only be opened from the inside, not from the outside." Severus smirked.

"What are you looking for in her?" Aberforth looked at Pomona's figure with disappointed eyes. "Compared to Ms. Rosmerta, she looks like a child who hasn't grown up."

Pomona clutched her wand tightly, as if she wanted to set the sheep-smelling house on fire.

"The Dark Lord said that those three Muggle boys attacked Arianna and pushed her into the water, is that true?" She controlled her emotions and said coldly, Arianna in the portrait mumbled closed his ears.

"She used magic in her own house to make the flowers bloom in the garden, just like you do in the greenhouse. She didn't mess with anyone. It was the Muggle children who were watching her through the garden fence. I guess they was terrified, so jumped over the fence, stopped her like mad, and pressed her head into a bucket. Without learning the spell, wizards are drowned and burned like mortals, but that The three Muggle children obviously didn't know this. They decided that a six-year-old child was a witch. If she was a witch, she would not be drowned. Since then, she has never been normal again. When her power is out of control, she will Made her pretty scary and dangerous, but she was cute and non-hostile most of the time, my dad found those bastards and taught them a lesson, but the Wizengamot found my dad guilty. Harry Potter’s great-grandfather, Henry Potter was a member of the Wizengamot. I don’t know what role he played at the time, but he was the backbone of the wizards’ participation in World War I. My brother stood on his opposite side, Using the one no one verifies, but everyone has whispered that wizards interfering in Muggle wars brings a curse, my brother who hated the International Statute of Secrecy became a law-abiding man again, after my mother died He came back to take care of Arianna, but I think he must have thought he was stuck, wasting his time, I said I wanted to drop out of school to take care of Arianna, he said he was going to take care of it, then Grindelwald showed up and they were mysterious I was secretly planning something, Dorje was taking care of her at this time, a young man was taking care of a 14-year-old girl, and I was very angry at Albus's negligence, and then I argued." Aberforth said bitterly, "Our How stupid she was, I didn't expect that she would marry one day, and we would not be able to take care of her for the rest of my life."

"Henry Potter..." Pomona murmured. In her weird dream, there was also a man named Henry. He used a time converter to go back to the past, but he ended up dying on his work chair. Just like falling asleep.

What does he want to change? Was it the trial of Parvasil Dumbledore, or his own arguments for wizards' participation in World War I?

"How did the Dark Lord know?" Aberforth said wearily. "My father kept it a secret, because if the Ministry of Magic knew that Arianna's illness would lock her up in St. Mungo's forever if she knew about it. .”

"He didn't care about his father in Azkaban. Your father has no will to live under the siege of dementors. The Dark Lord is the most successful Legilimency master ever, Albus investigates When Tom Riddle, the Dark Lord was also investigating the story of Albus' childhood." Severus said with a smile, "He is indeed his father's son, and he has the same desire to avenge his daughter."

"He didn't hurt the Muggles," Aberforth sneered.

"It's easier to make wizards smarter than to teach fools who are easy to fool, and Harry Potter is far smarter than his great-grandfather." Severus said with a smirk. "Oh, the Savior himself is a pure Blood against pure blood, no wonder he can get along so well with the pure blood traitor Weasley family."

Pomona looked at the two and shook her head.

"You're all twisted."

"My brother has the heart of a lion, guess he's King Arthur or Richard the Lionheart?" Aberforth said, looking at Severus.

"Whichever it is, he is a great man worthy of being remembered." Severus said with a sneering smile. "Only the one who killed them is always a sinner."

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