Harry Potter Morning Light

383 Chapter 383 Ending a dead end

The definition of pure blood is that there are no Muggles or Muggle-borns in the family tree, but in fact, as long as you go back far enough, you can find Muggle ancestors in almost all wizarding families.

The current pure-blood families simply have the Squibs, Muggle-borns and Muggles removed from the family tree. If Lily, a Muggle-born, is removed from the Potter family tree, then the Potter family is pure blood, and it is not without reason that Harry was almost sorted into Slytherin House.

Many pure-blood families, such as the Black and Gaunt families, will marry inbreeding for the sake of pure blood. This practice has led to some consequences, such as serious violent tendencies and increasingly restless spirits. The combination of the two is irrational. Being belligerent, his brain is purely a decoration, and he can't think calmly at all.

Before World War I, Britain was very powerful and the hegemon of the world. Even the United States had to be ranked behind as a world-class military power.

Male lions do not allow other male lions to invade their territory. It is doomed for men to be warlike in ancient times. Men are responsible for hunting and women are responsible for planting. If someone declares war, Britain will of course fight instead of retreat, but after World War I, Britain The national power began to decline rapidly.

Not all pure-blooded nobles are idiots who marry close relatives to keep their blood pure, but also marry for profit. Back then, the most fierce opposition to the implementation of the International Statute of Secrecy was the pure-blood nobles headed by the Malfoy family. Many of their businesses were related to Muggles. Henry Potter's attitude of advocating participation in the war and openly supporting Muggles violated the International Secrecy Law.

Although the Potter family is a pure-blooded noble, they were excluded from the Holy Twenty-Eight Family because of Henry Potter's inappropriate remarks. Military exploits are often associated with winners. Britain has a great chance of winning. It is hard to say whether Henry Potter wants to Military exploits still really want to serve the country. But one thing is certain, Henry Potter not only did not make the Potter family more prominent, but caused its decline. The objects of marriage of the Potter family became those poor nobles.

After losing their aristocratic background, they became more and more like wealthy businessmen. After James’s generation, they were no different from nouveau riche. It is precisely because of this that this kind of family that guards the secret of Peverell’s Invisibility Cloak can accept people from the Muggle world. Lily.

"The patrilineal line of the Peverell family was severed in the generation of Aiolan Speverell, and there were only three beautiful girls. Aiolans inherited the Invisibility Cloak from her father as the eldest daughter, and later with Ha After Devin Potter got married, this invisibility cloak began to be passed on from generation to generation by the eldest son of the Potter family. It was Grindelwald who came to Godric's Hollow to find it. We brought her for Arianna's safety in the first place. When I went to the country, I didn’t expect that Albus would be so busy exploring the secrets with his friends that he forgot to take care of her.” Albus said sadly, “I only found out later that he and Grindelwald were looking for the Deathly Hallows. .”

Aberforth coughed twice as he said this, but Pomona thought of something else.

From whose mouth did the Potter family guard the invisibility cloak? Is it Henry? Fremont? Or James?

"Forget about the story of the Invisibility Cloak, Aberforth, do you know how Albus got the Elder Wand?" asked the murderer of the Great White Wizard.

"I don't know." Aberforth waved at them annoyedly. "Go, I want to play a game with my goats."

"Can I come later?" Pomona asked softly. "I think Arianna would like company."

Aberforth looked at Arianna's portrait with tender eyes.

"Do you want her to come?"

Arianna looked at Pomona.

"You can play Scrabble with me." Immediately she pulled out the repeating executioner from her pocket. "I know a family of interesting people who are good at making fun."

Arianna nodded hesitantly.

"She agreed." Pomona put the little toy on the table next to Aberforth. "This is for you, you can play with her."

Aberforth seemed to ignore her, and turned his head in another direction stubbornly.

"This place has special meaning to the members of da, Mr. Dumbledore." Pomona said calmly, "da is the abbreviation of Dumbledore's Army."

"Last Christmas there was a Silent raid on the Leaky Cauldron," Severus said suddenly. "Arianna was eventually swallowed by Silent, right?"

Aberforth stood up sullenly.

"I'm also parasitized by dark creatures, Aberforth, help me." Just as he turned to leave the room, Pomona begged.

"You know this?" Aberforth asked Severus.

"Yes, I know, it was my Unbreakable Vow that brought it on." Severus smiled and said "I understand how you feel, Aberforth, you'd rather have what happened to Arianna be your responsibility." , I also hope that if I break my oath, I will be the one who dies, but some things just don’t go according to people’s wishes.”

For the sake of his daughter, the father will burst out with amazing courage, even a Muggle will become a knight to protect his princess, and a coward will take up his wand for revenge regardless of the consequences. This kind of emotion is called love.

Any love that can be judged by reason is impure, either the love is not so deep, or that person has a hairy heart. Albus made the same wrong choice when he was young. He and Passive Sly is actually a lot like that.

He sacrificed a lot for this school, and he is buried in Hogwarts, where this treasure is.

He's an old fool, he's a joy to play with the kids, he defends the Weasleys and the mischievous James and Sirius like a grandpa who lets his grandchildren mess around.

But he is strict with "son", and "son" is the most trustworthy person. The greater the hope, the greater the disappointment. The anger is so hard to speak that he can't even pretend to be kind.

"You're lucky that Albus didn't just kill you, Severus." Pomona said wearily. "Don't disturb the Sleeping Dragon, have you forgotten?"

"But I'm useful, he used me so badly that there's nothing left, didn't you see?" He continued to smile and said in a good mood, "It feels so good to give up everything, he is so timid to give up You slipped into Gringotts and sabotaged such a delicate but fragile plan as the Gold Cup."

"Those three stupid kids let the dragon go!" growled Pomona.

"Now I think it's a good idea, let's finish the game together!" He put away his smirk, and said coldly, "Aberforth, if I were your father, I would kill those three morons." Little melon bastard, he’s going to enter Azkaban anyway, he’s going to die for a dragon, he’s going to die for an egg, if you start at the beginning, you’ll just go to the end, what your father did was not easy.”

"It's too cheap to kill them. My father made their life worse than death."

"Interesting, what did he do?" Severus asked with a smile.

Aberforth smiled and asked leisurely, "What do you want, Snape?"

"Lend the Pig's Head Bar to the kid lying on the ground, and you go to the Leaky Cauldron to garrison for a while, and this damn hell is about to turn over."

"What about my sheep?"

"She'll watch for you." Severus said, pointing at Pomona's face. "Be careful with Norberta, don't let her accidentally eat them."

"No problem." Aberforth agreed easily. "How about a drink? My treat."

Severus tugged at his robes and followed Aberforth out angrily. Pomona was left in the house with an unconscious Ernie McMillan and framed Arianna.

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