Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 381 Goat and Boar

The French Ministry of Magic is located in the center of Place Furstenberg in Paris. In 1998, because of Fleur's participation in the Battle of Hogwarts, both Britain and France awarded her the Medal of Courage.

Although Newt Scamander prevented Grindelwald's plan to destroy Paris in 1927, he did not receive a medal because he crossed the border to Paris illegally, and he caused a lot of trouble in Paris.

Europeans are very interested in things from the East. A circus owner and animal trainer has raised many magical animals from the East. One of them is called Zouwu, which escaped from prison after a performance. Its cage happened to be encountered by Newt Scamander, who made it obedient with a cat teaser.

There are not as many fire dragons in the east as in the west, but there is a magical animal called the candle dragon. It is very, very huge, its body is like a snake, it has no wings or hands and feet. It usually sleeps underground, and it will move when it opens its eyes. The mountain shakes, there is no way to tame it except to let it sleep peacefully.

Just like the Hogwarts school motto says: "Don't disturb the sleeping dragon", the price of awakening the candle dragon is heavy, but no one can really find it, people can only find the tunnel it left when it left. Just like the London Underground tunnels.

"The Muggle police received a case. A person got off at the wrong station and disappeared suddenly after getting off at the hidden station. Recently, disappearances have often occurred. After the family members reported the case, they thought that the person would never be found again, but three days later He showed up again." After the Three Broomsticks "fed and drank", Severus' mood improved again, and he began to chat with her about his new experience "The missing man said he went to heaven."

Leaning on his arm listlessly, Pomona walked the streets of Hogsmeade.

"Did you go to heaven just now? My dear." He deliberately pretended not to care, but said brazenly in a complacent tone.

"Why did you suddenly mention the subway?" She said in a hoarse voice.

"How good is the entrance that the French use, the birdcage elevator, the entrance to the British Ministry of Magic is really disgusting, anyway, there are so many empty subway stations, it's the same to change the entrance to those places."

"That's Kingsley's concern."

"No, it's not Kingsley, it's his cousin Robert who is handling it." Severus smiled playfully. "He and Fudge are more like brothers."

She yawned and snuggled up to him docilely and obediently. When passing Honeydukes, a person came out of the Owl Post Office across the street. It was her student Ernie McMillan.

He didn't recognize Pomona, after all, she looked like a Hogwarts student now, and Ernie turned a corner and walked towards the east of the village.

"Should we follow him?" asked the Potions Master, as if he had nothing else to do.

"Of course!" Pomona took out her invisibility cloak, "They used to follow us, now it's our turn to follow them!"

Severus cast a Disillusionment Charm on himself, and the two invisible men followed Ernie far away. He didn't stop all the way, and when he came to the corner of the road, he turned right and entered the road where the Pig's Head Bar was located. street.

It's still the same. It's been cramped, dirty, dark and weird for hundreds of years. The guests who come in and out of here cover their faces with hoods and veils. It's quite weird to see Ernie with shiny blond hair appearing at the door of the store. .

The Pig's Head Bar was the headquarters of the goblin rebellion in 1612. Many secret passages could pass by it. Dumbledore asked his brother to guard it.

The White Wizard may have made a lot of mistakes, but his purpose is to protect Hogwarts from the arrogant thinking that a few people can rule Muggles with a population a million times their own.

Muggles are not as slavish as house elves. They often launch revolutions for reasons such as freedom and equality. The French Ministry of Magic was established during the 1790 Revolution.

At the beginning, the revolutionaries represented justice, but they gradually became corrupt. Louis XVI's crown jewel was actually stolen from the treasury.

No matter how beautiful an empire is, if it is ruled by a group of incompetent people, it will be overthrown by others.

Under the leadership of Umbridge, Slytherin formed a search team to find troubles with DA members. As a result, Umbridge fell, and she could leave, but the conflict between members of the Slytherin search team and DA members remained. When they got down, Hannah, Ernie, and Susan used the Transfiguration Torment Curse on Malfoy, turning them into slugs. Although they didn't cause physical damage, they did mental damage.

"I heard from the Dark Lord that Arianna had a magic riot after being pushed into the water by three Muggle children." Pomona watched Ernie's back disappear at the door of the bar and whispered, "She's very lonely playing alone. , just looking for some friends, she was only 6 years old at the time."

"People with a vicious heart are like this no matter how old they are." Severus said calmly.

"Have you ever taken revenge on those who bullied you at Muggle school?"

He didn't answer, and entered the bar before the door closed while someone was leaving.

Ernie was talking with Aberforth behind the bar. Obviously, their negotiation was not going well, and Aberforth's face was very ugly.

"How many times have I told you, it's impossible." Aberforth yelled, "This is a bar and you can only sell alcohol and food. You can use it for parties, but not for classes!"

"It's not a class, it's a fee-based tutoring class, just like the apparition class, one more person who can call the guardian is support for Kingsley's policy of canceling dementors as Azkaban guards."

"You can go to the school to find a classroom, not here!" Aberforth put two dirty empty beer glasses on the bar counter.

"I'm not only targeting Hogwarts students, but also wizards who have graduated." Ernie curled his lips. "If you are afraid of suspicious people coming in, don't you think there are too few suspicious people here?"

"You want to be an unwelcome guest, Ernie McMillan? Get out before I get mad!"

"Why are you so stubborn! It's better to have someone with you than to play with goats!"

Enraged, Aberforth drew his wand.

Pomona immediately used a swoon on Ernie.

"I'm sorry, Aberforth," she said, taking off her hood.

"Go back and talk," Severus said in a voice only three could hear. "Take him."

Aberforth froze for a moment when he heard Severus' voice, but he didn't say anything. Pomona floated Ernie up with a levitating spell, and went to the room where the portrait of Arianna was hanging under the eyes of the guests. s room.

This place used to be the "railway station" where DA members came in and out of the Room of Requirement. It was different from the white King's Cross train station that Albus was guarding. It was very dirty, but there were two things that were very clean. One was Arianna's painting frame, one is a mirror hanging on the wall.

The mirror is missing a corner, it is not complete, it makes people feel a little lacking.

A perfect work makes people feel relaxed and happy, but the flaws of Venus with Broken Arms create another kind of beauty. Everyone has their own god of love in their hearts.

She looked at the mirror on the wall, originally there was only her own face in the mirror, and then Severus' side face appeared, she quickly snapped it over, and took out her pocket watch, The flame pointer pointed at the position of the little monster.

"You're still alive." Aberforth said calmly, without seeming surprised at all. "Since you've pretended to be dead and left, what are you doing here?"

"Why are you staying here again? Albus has already left, and you have no reason to stay." Severus stood in front of Aberforth with his hands behind his back.

"I hate change." Aberforth's voice shook with anger.

"Nobody likes it," Severus hissed viciously like a snake, "but the lightning strikes the tower, and the siren sounds, and choosing not to look or listen, and ignoring the harbingers of danger can lead to In a real crisis, fight back when you can fight back, don't wait until you have no strength to fight back and regret it!"

"What crisis can there be? The war is over!"

"No, nothing." Pomona said coldly, "Harry Potter is not a Horcrux. Albus made a mistake. At least one piece of the soul has not been found."

"Who are you?" Aberforth asked in surprise.

"Albus thought of me as a substitute for your sister." Pomona walked to Arianna's portrait, and she was looking at Pomona with a book in her arms. "Arianna was about my age when she died, and I Like her in this painting, she will never grow up."

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