Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 380 The Outsider

Hogsmeade is the only village in the UK where all wizards exist, and in turn, there are Muggles everywhere except here.

Because of the competition, although the winter vacation is over, it is difficult to book a small hotel here.

The Three Broomsticks was overcrowded again, and the first floor was full of drunks yelling and drinking.

The decoration of all the houses in Hogsmeade is very simple, and it looks very poor from the outside. It is not as clean and tidy as the Muggle community at all, but a completely different atmosphere can be felt here.

There is no electricity in wizarding villages, and kerosene lamps are still used for lighting. Children born with Muggles must first adapt to life without electrical appliances. There are no electric lights, telephones, TVs, computers, and video games. Civilization has suddenly regressed back to the 18th century. It became extremely limited, and when the Whomping Willow was first planted, a group of stupid children played a very stupid game to see who would dare to touch the tree on a broomstick, and it turned out that there was a man named David Graham The boy almost lost an eye, and no one has dared to approach it since.

Now Severus was exuding the aura of not getting close to strangers, he took Pomona directly to the second floor, the female boss took a peek from behind the bar but dared not make a sound.

Mrs. Rosmerta dared to yell at Fudge, the Minister of Magic, but she didn't dare to be arrogant when she met a real villain.

Slytherin never hides his evil temperament. This kind of blatant evil is not the same as a person wearing a hypocritical cloak. You will not be wary of a hypocritical person. The Half-Blood Prince wears the cloak of protecting Lily and becomes the leader of the Order of the Phoenix. A spy who escaped prison in Azkaban and landed a pretty good job.

The style of Hogwarts is aristocratic, unlike Muggle high schools, the environment can change people, the boy in the former slums already looks very aristocratic.

Beautiful poisonous snakes are often very poisonous, but humans still can't help reaching out to touch it. After coming to the private room where Draco Malfoy received guests again, Severus cast an anti-Arajo spell on the door and Some kind of curse, and after using defensive spells such as safe guarding and earplugs in the house, he took her by the arm and came to the sofa, and began to enjoy his "lunch".

He was hungry and angry at the same time, hungry people are often angry people, Death Eaters are complex, weak people seek refuge, ambitious people want to gain some authority, and people who are naturally cruel are killed by someone who can teach them higher forms of cruelty. attracted by leaders.

At the beginning, they were originally planned to be called the Slippery Persian Knights. The initial members were mainly wizards who pursued pure blood supremacy. They fanatically use black magic and disregard the international law of secrecy. The Lestrange and Rozier families were all Grindelwald's believers. It is easier to follow a new leader than to rescue a leader who is in prison. Some, under the white wizard's deliberate appeasement policy, the Dark Lord is getting stronger and stronger.

Although Gellert Grindelwald is good at playing tricks, he is still a human being after all. Tom Riddle has gone farther than anyone else in the pursuit of longevity. After his rebirth, he is more like a monster than a human being.

Choosing the wrong enemy is more deadly than choosing the wrong friend. The white wizard "won" Tom Riddle by playing magic, provided that he has 7 Horcruxes. If it is 8 or 9, then he can Reborn again, the old fool was placed by his own students, just like the trophy that was made into a portkey at the end of the Triwizard Tournament.

While he was busy dealing with people outside, his two most trusted subordinates slept together in a sneaky way, giving the enemy a chance to take advantage of the loopholes.

But they can't stop. Love is not only the love of parents for their children, the love between friends, of course, it also includes the love between men and women, but the love between men and women often has to come into contact with a person who is not decent, in public places and in front of children. It's not suitable to mention, but it's a topic that makes people extremely curious. This was completely banned in the Middle Ages, and it didn't appear until the Renaissance.

What Platonism advocates is the god of love in the sky, which is pure spiritual love, admirable but not profane. The Virgin Mary who gave birth to the Son is a typical example.

But it is impossible for a virgin to give birth to a child, which is as ridiculous as a rooster laying an egg. People in the Middle Ages just believed that the love that Plato advocated was just fantasy.

The goddess of love on the ground is much more secular. Although Hera, the queen of Greek mythology, has emotions and desires like a goddess, she will also be jealous, especially after Zeus has ambiguous entanglements with strange men and women outside.

Jealousy is a nature, why kill it?

Severus hoped that Pomona would be jealous of Lily, which would of course make him elated, but it was also a kind of liberation. You are not a saint, you don't need to be fair and just at all times, and you don't need to show your tolerance and generosity all the time. The ego is nothing to be ashamed of.

After being bitten, a person becomes a werewolf, from superior to inferior, and can be sentenced to death like an animal, loses "human rights", and no one will go to the werewolf office to register.

However, the Aurors who were bitten because of fighting werewolves in the battle need to be resettled. They cannot be "destroyed" just because they are useless, otherwise no one will be willing to do this dangerous job in the future.

Although some people live in the world of wizards, they don't live like wizards. The "celebration" should stop at a certain point, and it can't go on endlessly. The noise from downstairs made Pomona feel very noisy , she is not the kind of cheap waitress.

"What's the matter?" The Hungarian Horntail was pushed away, its big nostrils were blowing out fireworks like a little urchin who had eaten black pepper.

"Don't you think I'm self-indulgent?" she said, sobbing. "That's what Tom said about me just now."

"No." He said with a serious expression and tone, "I never thought that one day a woman would fall in love with me, let alone you who are so beautiful and smart."

"I met Luna today and she told me that her dad was after the Deathly Hallows to resurrect her mom."

"That brat," Severus cursed.

"That stone is the size of a ring, and it can be easily hidden. Be careful of Xenophilius."

"Aren't you worried that I'll resurrect Lily with the resurrection stone?" He took out a cigarette from the silver cigarette case and started smoking.

"Lily loves Harry Potter, you and James stand aside." Pomona straightened her school robes. "She is an excellent mother."

"Aren't you jealous of her?" he said in a deep voice.

"Of course she is jealous, but she is indeed an excellent mother." Pomona angrily beat the dark wizard hard. "If it wasn't for you, we would have become very good friends. You ruined our friendship!"

His mood suddenly improved.

"Maybe this is why Sirius Black wants to kill me. I am poor and have no looks, but two outstanding women like me. He is rich and looks, but no women like him. It's really sad."

"How do you know Lily likes you!" Pomona screamed angrily.

"I lost to James Potter's gold coins and black magic. He is lazy and arrogant, and innocent and cute. Stupid dog is like him, so he can donate his ancestral home for the headquarters of the Order of the Phoenix."

"There are a lot of women who like Sirius, and one woman who claims they were having a romantic candlelit dinner the night Sirius killed Twelve Muggles and Pete Pedilou."

"Oh, yes, Sirius Black, what a handsome man, what were you thinking about him?" He glared at her suspiciously as he smoked a cigarette.

Pomona hesitated between saying and not saying.

"He's creating strife, you know, the Dark Lord is good at that," Pomona said pitifully. "His purpose is to separate us."

"Then hostile, and eventually one dies at the hands of the other." Severus sneered. "I can't believe he could have done better."

"Once the seeds of doubt take root, they will grow quickly. Don't underestimate him." Pomona warned, "Have you investigated the situation in France?"


"France is the favorite to win this year's Quidditch World Cup, and the final may also be held in France. You can just take this opportunity to send someone to investigate."

"I don't want to talk to you about this." He pulled her yellow scarf and pulled her closer to him. "Let's do something interesting."

"I want to drink butter beer!" She pulled back her scarf. "I'm at the Three Broomsticks. I won't agree to any request until I drink it."

"Damn it." He stood up with a stiff face, strode forward, unlocked the curse on the door lock, and went out.

It was cold in the private room where there was only one person left, and she lit the firewood in the fireplace with her magic wand.

"Indulging in illusory dreams and forgetting about real life, which of us is dreaming unrealistic dreams? Albus."

The flames in the fireplace trembled after hearing her question, and it was unknown if the white wizard who had a phoenix as a pet was answering her question.

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