Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 359 Forgetting Potion

After eating the crucible cake, the cold feeling in his shriveled stomach disappeared, and the director of the Badger House sat down on the fat arm sofa and dozed off contentedly like an old man.

"Deduct 10 points, Hufflepuff, for that smirk on your face all the time."

Nightmare Snape appeared, wearing that long black cloak, as dark as the Pillars of Solomon, with a malicious, sarcastic sneer on his lips.

If sweetheart Hufflepuff was sweet nettle wine, then the old bat was undoubtedly the fang of a viper, whose teeth she wanted to crush right now.

"Why, Severus!" she screamed in a bad temper. "Why are you always like this?"

"What's wrong with me?" The potions professor seemed to be in a potions classroom at the moment, full of oppressive deterrence.

"It's nothing." The arrogance that the herbal medicine professor had just raised was extinguished in an instant.

"Are you going to lie on the couch all day?"

"Let me sit." She gave up half of the sofa.

"No." Fang Fang Snape looked her up and down, and ruthlessly rejected her invitation. "Today is my birthday, so I can do whatever I want, right?"

"That's right," said Pomona listlessly, though she made up her mind not to call old Slytherin Basilisk Master.

"I want to turn my former room into a laboratory. The equipment is still there. Maybe we can do some experiments."

"Ugh, it's evil..." Pomona has always disliked potions class, look at the materials used, caterpillars, cockroaches, frog brains, and what's worse is that those things have to be drunk, not to mention how disgusting they are.

But when the death gaze of the old bat swept over, she shut up obediently, and followed him into his childhood room.

Slughorn only took Severus in for one summer, the incident happened the following summer, and he never went back to his home in Spinner's End.

There are green silk draperies hanging on the log wall, and a silver lantern hangs from the ceiling. There is no carpet on the floor, and there is no fireplace. A small bed and a wardrobe with a full-length mirror are placed against the wall, occupying most of the room. The one next to it is a long laboratory table with a full set of chemical equipment on it.

If she became Pomona, she would not be able to do the experiment anyway, sleeping in the strong smell of ammonia. Slughorn would wear a smoking shirt and a velvet hat to class, while Severus was less particular that he always smelled strongly of potions.

He only uses sage-scented cologne for dates, and now that they're a "married" couple, he's stopped.

Pomona thought of Cedric again. In addition to the potions used for healing, the Herbal Academy can also prepare perfumes. His perfumes are birch and jasmine, giving people a very unique oriental sentiment.

Although Voldemort didn't remember it himself, Pomona had seen him once. At that time, he was in his prime, with handsome appearance and unparalleled strength. Everywhere he went, there were disciples who knelt down and kissed his robes.

He also wears a perfume, a floral scent that mixes English oak, red currant wood fruit and rose, very fresh and light.

This kind of fragrance can be used by both men and women. People who are close to each other will always be contaminated with the smell of each other. Bella always has the smell of Voldemort on her body. The nature of The Witcher's Rise also went from hope, to notoriety.

No secret stays buried forever, and Remus's secret was discovered by James Potter, Sirius Black, and Pete Pedilu after a year of hiding it. Slughorn's secret about the Horcrux was finally obtained by Harry after passing through Pomona and Lily.

Tom Riddle was not the first person to create Horcruxes, Helbo was a Greek dark wizard, and he was one of the earliest dark wizards. While he is credited with being the first to hatch a basilisk, he was also the first to create a Horcrux, and nowhere in the world is more memorable than his residence.

No one mentioned whether Hai Erbo's horcrux was destroyed. The horcrux is different from the human body. If it is preserved properly, it can be immortal. If someone borrows the horcrux to revive him, it will be a disaster.

She opened her mouth to ask Severus Dumbledore if he had dealt with this matter before swallowing it.

Today is his birthday, don't mention those annoying things anymore. But Albania is very close to Greece, and it is indeed worth checking out.

If a young man really wants to date a girl, don't ask a potions lab freak. Pomona watched Severus skillfully clean and manipulate the equipment, and all she could think of was the animal carcasses in his cellar soaked in strangely colored potions. If Severus really wanted to impress girls by demonstrating how he made potions, he'd be single for life.

"Don't you wonder where the water for Goblin Burglar Falls comes from?" Severus asked as he cleaned out the shiny crystal flask.

"What?" Pomona was stunned again by his English accent and deep voice.

According to Hufflepuff's internal rumors, if you don't look at Professor Snape's appearance, irritable temper, acrimonious way of speaking, greasy hair and other shortcomings, his voice is recognized as pleasant, as soft as velvet in his hands , can obediently wipe every corner of the ear.

"I said, don't you wonder what the antidote ingredients are for my Polyjuice Potion?" He deliberately said in a voice that is very suitable for talking about love. Same soft.

"You mean you used water from Goblin's Burglar Falls?" Pomona tried her best to keep her voice calm.

"The forgetting potion also needs the water of the Wangchuan River. Do you know what the Wangchuan River is?"

"That's one of Hades' five rivers, the River of Lamentation, the River of Hatred, the River of Flame, the River of Sorrow, and the River of Forgotten."

"No one knows where the Wangchuan River is. We can only buy it in Diagon Alley. Each bottle is 4 Galleons. This business is actually very profitable. You only need to take a bottle to the river and fill it up to sell it for money. I The potion ingredients used for the compound decoction antidote were also bought from the goblins. The Dark Lord once asked the goblins to share some secrets, but they refused. They thought that those rivers belonged to the goblins, so he used some means to let the goblins share some secrets. Remember where those rivers are." He said in a slick tone, "I have a guess, Kreacher said that he drank the potion in that pot and it hurt like fire, and he saw something terrible, maybe that emerald. The green potion added a little water from the River of Fire, Dumbledore said he wanted to die after drinking that potion, what do you think he saw that made him want to die?"

He smiled in a good mood, as if he was glad that Dumbledore was dead.

"I have no idea……"

"Is it the death of his sister Arianna, or is his career ruined and his reputation ruined by the exposure of his relationship with Grindelwald? He is a man who cares about his reputation, but he needs help in Aberforth. When he was Chen Qing, Albus Dumbledore did nothing, allowing his younger brother to be maliciously slandered. Later, Rita Kister reported Hagrid's identity as a half-giant, and he used the story of Aberforth Tell Hagrid, look at his brave brother, how bravely he lived in the face of so many accusations, and didn't leave the Hog's Head, what did Hagrid do? It's not him, he's still a perfect saint." He said as he took out a purple glass bottle containing a clear liquid from his change lizard pocket. "He helped Hagrid, didn't he? Just like He supports you like Lily wrote the protest case, Lily signed the letter, she can't work in the Ministry of Magic like Hermione, you are much luckier than her, you can stay as a teacher at Hogwarts , because Dumbledore protected you, not her, she is actually very jealous of you."

"You didn't say that at first..."

"Most women would believe it if they heard that Lily was jealous that she was prettier than her, and would hide her limelight if she didn't invite herself to the wedding, but you don't believe it." He said angrily, "You are really hard to dismiss."

Pomona blushed, she wanted to bite him now.

"People will want to drink water after dehydration, or take in a lot of salt, and the locket will appear after the potion in the basin is drunk. Thimercury and salt are the basic substances in alchemy. The medicine is not a known formula at all, it is some kind of salt made through alchemy dissolved in water, the Philosopher's Stone itself is a catalyst that can change the base metal into the precious metal gold, its function is to reorganize the basic properties of matter , cannot be created out of nothing. Transform some ordinary substances into precious substances, just like the corpses in the pool, they are useless when they are alive, but after they die, they become the guardians of the Dark Lord's Horcruxes. Extraordinary, they should be honored."

"This is crazy." Pomona was still trying to keep her composure.

"That potion isn't poison. If it were, Kreacher would be dead. The Dark Lord really wanted the Philosopher's Stone. I think he tried to make one, but he didn't succeed. Maybe he made the green salt." The semi-finished product of the Philosopher’s Stone, after all, it took so many people’s lives to refine it, so it cannot be wasted.” He smiled maliciously and said, “It’s a kind of tonic, Kreacher is very old, but the Battle of Hogwarts It can also go to the front and fight Death Eaters with a cleaver, and that potion makes it strong and healthy, but it drinks human life."

"You can't drink it!" Pomona tugged at his robe. "Is there any left of what he gave you? Destroy it, Severus, this thing can't stay in the world!"

Even dark creatures like vampires were worshiped by so many people, Pomona couldn't imagine what terrible things Muggles would do in order to live forever.

In ancient times, in order to obtain the elixir and the touchstone, the rich and the nobles invested a lot of money, which promoted the development of alchemy, but liars mixed in and made people no longer believe that alchemy was true, thus the birth of "chemical science". ".

Immortality is impossible, everyone has to face death, and everything is going to a process of destruction from the day of birth. Human body refining and refining elixir are forbidden arts, but who can stop parents who are eager to have children from trying IVF?

This kind of desire can make people go to the head, and the crime Grindelwald committed is to untie the shackles of those pure-blood wizards who yearn for freedom-the International Statute of Secrecy, they are preventing Muggles from destroying the world, and they are the messengers of justice ...

"Compared to this kind of crime, a teacher-student relationship doesn't seem like a big sin, does it?" Severus interrupted her thoughts with a smile.

"What you're talking about is a hypothesis." Under the restlessness, she said helplessly.

"It's indeed a hypothesis, but it's not impossible. It's like his style." The potions professor in black bent down, and left an extremely pure kiss on the lips of Hufflepuff's female student." Have you heard of Meng Po?"

"It is said in Chinese legend that boiling soup at the head of Naihe bridge makes the dead forget the old lady." She said tearfully.

He closed his eyes and pressed against her forehead, "Thank you for helping me forget a lot of bad memories."

She stood and dared not speak, time was passing slowly, and they were doing something that was meaningless to others, but she thought it was very interesting.

The person who was once younger than her was aging faster than her, who made him human.

"This is the content of today's class, forgetting the potion." He returned to normal, stood up straight and said slowly.

"I have the venom of the Winged Demon." She took out the test tube emitting blue light and the Wangchuan water in the purple glass bottle from the flannel bag, and put them side by side. "What effect will it have if you mix them?"

"Worth an experiment." Severus smiled. "Why aren't the other students like you?"

"You don't think I'm really a student, do you?"

"I think the underworld should be beautiful." He looked into her eyes and said, "There is a clean river, and there are blue winged demons flying like butterflies on the bank. It is much more beautiful than my hometown, Dumbledore. Lido will be happy there, forget him Pomona."

"He's with Tom now, and if he leaves, Tom will be alone again."

Severus watched her shake his head, then took out a silver-white dagger and began to process the experimental materials.

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