Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 358 Prescribing the Right Medicine

On January 9, 1971, Hufflepuff's senior sister took her two little attendants to Hogsmeade along the secret passage behind the one-eyed old woman at the end of the corridor of the third floor pharmacist Gunhir Hilda Honeydukes' cellar.

They were freshmen, and it would be another two years before they could get parental permission to go to the only village in the whole of England that was all wizards, but what was the difference between third year and first year, as long as the professor didn't find out.

After tapping the statue with the wand to read the left and right separation, the statue's hump opens, and after sliding down the slide, it will fall into a narrow and low dirt passage. The passage twists and turns, much like a rabbit hole. After walking for a while, the passage begins to rise and reaches the bottom of a stone step after ten minutes. After stepping on two hundred steps, there is a trap door. Behind the door is Honeydukes cellar.


Sensing someone passing by on the ground, sister Hufflepuff signaled to the Slytherin boy and the Gryffindor girl to keep quiet, and waited for the people to leave before climbing out of the trap door. There were many crates and other wooden boxes in the cellar , a long wooden staircase leads to the store above, and the rattle of the door can be heard when the door is opened and closed.

"Let's go." She encouraged the two of them, and took the lead along the wooden stairs to Honeydukes.

It was Saturday, and many Hogwarts students came to buy snacks.

With plenty of food in the castle's kitchen, she could throw a big birthday party anytime, but she thought it would be more fun to take them on an adventure.

Besides, the food in the castle is not safe now, who knows what kind of poison has been added to it.

Honeydukes was a truce, and Pomona aimed at pot cakes and chocolate cauldrons and put them in the basket. Today is half of Prince's birthday, and what better birthday cake than a cauldron cake for a heir to a potion family.

"Whoa, what is this?" Lily stared wide-eyed while holding a jelly slug.

"You can try it." The wicked senior sister smiled and watched the little fool being fooled.

Just as Lily was about to stuff the red jelly into her mouth, she was stopped by her bodyguard.

"Don't fall for her," Severus said viciously, throwing the jelly back into the aquarium.

On January 9, 2005, Pomona made a birthday cake for the increasingly difficult Potions Master in the kitchen of the cabin in the village of Ottery-San Catchpole.

The birthday cake Molly prepared for Harry was the Snitch, and Pomona planned to make a golden cauldron. Tom Riddle's birthday is only 9 days away from Severus Snape's if the year is not counted. They are both Capricorns. of.

The biggest characteristic of people with this constellation is stubbornness. Once they insist on their own opinions, they will not give up until they achieve their goals. This is a typical Slytherin character.

It is written in the Muggle horoscope book that Capricorn boys are rational first, naturally have calm judgment, and often start their own businesses from scratch.

They have a high sense of responsibility, but they always lack some flexibility and are not good at quick battles. Because of the habit of stubbornly and cautiously insisting on what you believe, you often pass by opportunities.

How accurate, these two people born in the cold winter did not hug each other for warmth, but kept a cautious distance from each other.

Pomona turned on her old radio, which she hadn't used in years, and Celestina Warbeck's A Pot of Love sang on it.

For those two people with cold hearts, I don't know if her fiery love can make them feel warm.

Compared with appearance, she prefers talented men. Voldemort is definitely talented, but his ingenuity is used in the wrong place, so he can do the kind of thing that does not treat Muggles as adults.

The life, soul and body of Muggles are just materials for magic. He must have collected a lot of souls after creating so many infernal corpses. Maybe he also tried to make the Philosopher's Stone.

He doesn't want to live forever, but to create a stronger and more perfect body. Although it is different from those muggles who do everything they can to achieve immortality, they are all for the purpose of obtaining the Philosopher's Stone. In this case, they can cooperate. Muggle rich and poor should be treated differently, and Malfoy is very good at this.

During the Justinian plague, Justinian himself fell ill, but he was rescued, unlike those who were thrown into the mountain of corpses.

Rich people can pay expensive medical expenses, and they still have another chance. Ordinary people don't. Medicine has tilted the balance of death, and the death that made everyone equal has become unequal.

The first people who were infected with the Justinian plague were the poor people who slept on the street. When people were talking to each other, they started to shake involuntarily, and then fell to the ground; when people bought things, they stood there talking or counting. When money is spent, death will also come unexpectedly. In the worst case, 5,000 to 7,000 people, or even tens of thousands of people, will unfortunately die a day.

In fear, he ordered the construction of many huge tombs capable of burying tens of thousands of corpses, and recruited workers with a lot of money to dig pits to bury the dead in order to prevent the further spread of the plague. As a result, a large number of corpses, regardless of gender, high or low, old or young, were buried together in nearly a hundred layers.

But later even the people who buried the corpses were also infected. The corpses were randomly dumped on the side of the road, and the whole city smelled like corpses. As a last resort, people chose to bury the corpses at sea. As a result, the corpses floated, and the entire Gold Coast was floating. Layers of colorful corpse oil.

In such a situation, it would be better if the body was burned, but Christianity does not advocate cremation of corpses, but it is not advocated and there is no prohibition. However, people at that time just couldn't turn this corner, and they were far less flexible than Easterners.

There have also been great plagues in the East, but there has never been a situation where the country was almost subjugated because of the plague.

Diseases and herbal medicine are opportunities for cooperation and exchange. She thinks Chinese acupuncture is amazing, and their perception of the body is completely different from that of Westerners.

The "meridians" are not on the blood vessels and nerves, and a few needles can achieve miraculous effects.

Knowing acupoints is a basic skill for oriental wizards. This is the same as Hogwarts first-year students who must know the floating spell. Wang Wei will also "feel her pulse" and know her bad living habits by touching her wrist. Really Amazing.

Although the peony is the national flower of China, she decided to decorate the dress with flowers that bloom in winter.

While she was busy in the kitchen, footsteps came from behind her. She turned her head and met the eyes of the Potions Master in black.

"Professor!" A female student wearing Hogwarts school robes and a yellow Hufflepuff scarf around her neck held the golden cauldron cake in front of him. "Happy birthday."

Severus Snape seemed struck by lightning.

"Do you know why I practice food magic?" She pursed her lips, "Because Professor Slughorn is a gourmet, and I want to get close to him."

"Why?" he said viciously.

"Praise, he often said 'good job' to Harry, but even after I became colleagues with him, he never praised me."

He looked at her blankly, not knowing what to think.

"Can you tell me once?" She looked at him expectantly, holding the golden cauldron cake in her arms.

"You did a good job, Pomona Sprout, and your industry and effort paid off."

She began to cry, and the tears and snot could not be stopped, and fell on the honey cake in the golden cauldron, so that it became a snot-scented honey cake.

There are things in this world that cannot be measured by gold and interests. Dumbledore once said that the Philosopher's Stone is not such a wonderful thing. With it, no matter how much wealth you want to have or how long you can live You can get your wish! Those are the two things humans want most—the problem is, humans just like to choose what is least beneficial to them.

A person's origin is not important, what matters is what kind of person he grows into.

Learning black magic is actually not a big deal, it mainly depends on what kind of person it is used on and for what purpose.

Too bad old Gryffindor didn't teach him that, he used a timeless genius on his old lover, ruined his reputation by being gay, and neglected his family.

His pot had already dried up, but the fire was still on. No wonder he used such outstanding fire magic.

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