When the Goblin King Ragnac I forged the sterling silver sword for Godric Gryffindor, Ragnac fell in love with it immediately, so he claimed that Gryffindor stole it from him. The sword, let your subjects go and get it back.

Gryffindor fought off all the goblins and cast a spell on them to go back and tell Lygnak that if he did such a thing again, he would kill him and all his subjects with the sword.

This ruby-encrusted sword of Gryffindor belonged to the king, so the goblins said after losing the sword. The Sword in the Stone is a famous sword in British legends, and it is often confused with the Sword in the Lake in many places.

The Sword in the Stone is the original sword of King Arthur. It has very complicated patterns on the body of the sword, which is not suitable for fighting, and it has been broken once, so its function is to show power and status, and it is a symbol of royal power.

The Sword in the Lake was given to King Arthur by Merlin with the help of the Fairy of the Lake. This sword is indestructible, but it is precisely because it is too sharp that it needs the protection of the scabbard.

However, King Arthur lost the scabbard in the end. King Arthur was killed by his illegitimate son and nephew Mordred. The sword in the lake was thrown back into the lake by the knight Bedivere, and returned to the legendary fairyland with King Arthur. .

Severus put the Gryffindor sword in the lake and asked Harry Potter to get it. This allusion was taken, although most people did not realize that swords should have scabbards. Where is Gryffindor's scabbard?

In folklore, the sword of Gryffindor is often considered one of the four artifacts of Danu, or King Arthur's sword in the stone, which must be pulled out by a real king in some folklore. The idea of ​​the right person to carry the sword of Gryffindor doesn't necessarily mean someone from Gryffindor House, but any house, Slytherin, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw Yes, it has also been used historically to get rid of other creatures or objects that have harmed the world.

It's a pity that the troll Harry and the idiot Ron didn't receive the malicious poetry of the old bat-the sword in the lake can only be returned to the lake after the owner dies. They hacked Slytherin's locket with the Gryffindor sword like a troll wielding a club...

As a neutral Hufflepuff, she shouldn't tell anyone this secret.

Hufflepuff likes to spread gossip and talk about other people's affairs, but she is absolutely loyal when it comes to keeping a secret. She must keep it secret, but Pomona thinks the old bat wants those two brats to know How annoyed he was then.

In a situation full of negative emotions, he still wants to conjure up the patron saint of the silver deer to guide them to get the sword...

Poor Head Slytherin, his life has been full of disasters since he met Harry Potter.

He hated all deer with horns, reindeer and elk, as long as they had horns. The Slytherin nobleman who was good at flattering gave him a small note, which recorded the recipe of staghorn wine, and the small note was full of evil.

Damn dark wizards, they deserved to be burned by fire, but they kept reborn from the flames like the ash snakes that set everything ablaze in their path.

The devil who came back from hell grabbed her by the wrist and looked down at her tear-stained face, observing her subtle changes as if observing the color of a pot of potion.

She kept sobbing, begging him to let her go, but he didn't respond to her pleas.

"You should be proud." The black-haired and black-eyed devil said coldly, "You have successfully attracted my attention."

She cried out in despair, trying to drive out the voice that suddenly appeared in her mind.

The angel of death with a pair of bat wings helped her up and brought her closer to herself. Under the constant impact, she saw white light in front of her eyes, and the white wizard Dumbledore appeared at King's Cross Station.

Beside him, the pitiful and disgusting little monster disappeared. He would definitely not take a train to "go forward", so he should have chosen to come back.

Just when she thought so and wanted to go back to report the news, a black figure appeared in front of her.

"He said that unless I try to do some repentance to mend my soul." The devil with red eyes shrouded in black smoke said with a smile, "But shouldn't he be the one who should repent most? "

"You wouldn't want to be a woman, Tom," she said, looking into those ruby ​​eyes. "You'd be disgusted."

"I'm the only one who can stop this. I once taught werewolves how to respect wizards." He said to Pomona in a circle, and she could almost hear the swish of his cloak. "The more powerful creatures reproduce The more difficult it is, the more rats and rabbits are easy to overrun. Do you know what harm will happen if there are too many rabbits on the grassland? Those muggles are like rabbits, they keep growing, even if the land can no longer support them, you can't Looking at the cuteness of the rabbit, I can't do it."

"Now you are starting to deceive people like them?"

"No, I'm just saying what you think in your heart. Those magical animals are almost extinct. It's all the fault of the civilization they are proud of. They think they are wizards and can do anything. There are really such idiots who think that There is no difference between a wizard and a Muggle, if there is really no difference, why would a human king do everything he can to become a wizard?"

"Are you telling me a fairy tale?"

"Isn't the Deathly Hallows something out of a fairy tale? On long nights, when I'm bored, I'll read that book, which is usually read by parents to their children, but I can only read it to myself." Look." He said in a voice that was not much louder than a whisper, "It was horrible, cutting a living woman in half, luckily the three Muggles who hurt Arianna were only children, and they couldn't do such a terrible thing, you Guess what they did to that docile little witch?"

"Stop!" She covered her ears, "I don't want to know."

"They put her in the water, what do they say with their low wisdom? If she's drowned, then she's not a witch, they wrong her, if she's not drowned, then she's a witch, They were going to burn her at the stake, and she was suffering because she was lonely and wanted someone to play with, and her kindness and friendliness didn't bring friendship, they just wanted to kill her, Because she scares them, they're terrified, they'd rather kill the freak than get over their fear, it's like righting a wrong for God, they don't feel like they've done anything wrong, why the Wizengamot Punish an angry father, his daughter was hurt, why can't he take revenge? Why can't the law of secrecy protect innocent and kind people, but protect those who do evil?" He said coldly, with strong disgust in his tone "Weakness is not the cloak of the god of death. You can use it to cover the eyes of the gods and help them avoid the punishment they deserve. I am doing the right thing, and you should help me."

"I can judge what is right and what is wrong!"

"Oh, is it? So what are you doing now?" he said mockingly "Harry Potter saw Sirius Black dead, his soul left his beautiful body, and the Resurrection Star is your friend , but you have sex with the murderer who killed him, is your friendship so cheap? Woman."

She felt a force pulling her down, like falling into an abyss, and she heard a "thumping" heartbeat in her ears. The sound was strong and gentle, but it came from a hook-nosed monster with black bat wings.

"You are so weak." She heard his last voice, full of disappointment.

"Did you feel it?" She touched his face and said in a hoarse voice, Severus' sweat dripped down the tip of his nose, and the white swan pendant around his neck dangled in front of her eyes "You are still alive .”

He cried and laughed, as if he hadn't woken up from that terrible dream.

"Which one of the four artifacts of Danu do you think the sword of Gryffindor is? The sword of the evil-eyed demon king, or the sword of vengeance?"

"Another bet?" he said, trembling.

"It's okay." She put her arms around his head and looked at the morning light coming in through the window. "Rest well, my warrior."

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