Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 360 Sage Time

The wizard Tom Riddle fears the most is Albus Dumbledore, he doesn't even dare to kill him himself, instead he sends Draco Malfoy, a minor, on a mission to assassinate the White Wizard.

As long as Albus is guarded, his Horcrux will be safe. According to this direction, the reverse deduction, of course, that kind of poison is the best poison to kill people, and it will also attract the ghost corpse to drink the medicine. people drowned.

When Albus was investigating Tom, Tom was also investigating Albus, and Albus' father, Parvasil Dumbledore, who was imprisoned in Azkaban, was the best subject of investigation.

Tom Riddle is the most outstanding Legilimency master, and it is precisely because of this that he can see through other people's thoughts and train Occlumency masters like Severus Snape. In an early morning dream, a dark creature that looked like Silence or Voldebat told her the reason for Arianna's magical riots - she was drowned when three Muggle children tried to push her into the water.

Modern people can't imagine how crazy people were in the Middle Ages. From the 14th century to the 17th century, a plague would happen every once in a while. People are willing to attribute the crime to the devil and witches, as if as long as they kill these scourges, natural and man-made disasters will be solved. .

Compared with powerful devils, witches who are mortals have become an excellent scapegoat. In 1484, the Pope issued a decree, from the religious court to the local judiciary, who can arrest and execute "witches" at will.

Under such circumstances, a manual for hunting witches - "The Hammer of the Witch" came into being two years later. For example, a cow gave birth to a stillborn child, someone fell from a ladder, and the rosary of the cross suddenly broke. There are witches who are practicing witchcraft, so the lynching takes place in the chaos, the "witch" is chased, whipped, and even stoned to death, and the murderer only needs to go out and hide for a few days, and the squire of the village will come back , it is easy to win a pardon for the murderer.

Even if the death of a neighbor, friend, relative, or stranger is not lynched, it is still a death penalty in a regular court.

It is a common witch test method to pierce the body of a "witch" with a silver needle or a small knife to find the mark of the devil. If she doesn't die, then she is a witch, and she will be burned at the stake. If she dies, she will be proved innocent.

Although they were three little Muggle boys, their strength was enough to control a little girl. If they didn't want to be drowned, they would resist, and if they didn't resist, they would drown.

It was Muggles who ruined Albus Dumbledore's family, and he was friendly to Muggles.

After drinking that potion, Albus will be dragged into the water by the muggle-turned-inferi like Arianna, or watch the victim be dragged into the water like his sister, the white wizard always makes the right choice , and he is still a smart person, how should he choose in this case?

Some poisons are not poisonous if they are not lethal. Just like the diluted venom of the Winged Demon, it has the power to make people forget bad memories. Maybe Kreacher didn't die because he didn't drink enough. It's just a test product. , the amount of potion will be much more when used officially.

There was a great philosopher Socrates in ancient Greece. He, his students Plato and Aristotle were also known as the three sages of ancient Greece. He was sentenced to death for insulting the gods of Athens and corrupting the thoughts of young people in Athens.

Although Socrates had a chance to escape with the help of his students, Socrates still chose to drink the poisonous violet juice and died because he believed that fleeing would only further undermine the authority of the Athenian law, and also because he was worried that he would die after he fled. Athens will have no good teachers to educate people.

Was Albus Dumbledore a good teacher? If so, how could he teach such a monster as Voldemort, and such an ignorant savior as Harry.

There is no material in this world that is more suitable for "Sage" Dumbledore to drink than poison viola juice, a common and highly poisonous medicinal material.

The initial symptoms of poisonous viola are malaise, weakened heartbeat, muscle atrophy and severe pain. There is also poisonous viola essence in the fox meizi killer. Zygmunt Bach is the inventor of the Humeizi killer agent, and it is precisely because of the poisonous viola component in the medicine that paralyzes the Humeizi. This herb is also harmful to humans. Albus Dumbledore is a master of alchemy, he is also the winner of the Gold Medal for Pioneering Contributions at the Cairo International Alchemy Conference, a friend of Nicole May, he will definitely investigate before drinking that potion, Scarpin's Appearance Curse He would definitely know how to analyze the ingredients of this low-level potion. Knowing what he wants to drink, Albus can choose not to drink and leave directly. This is how Tom Riddle, as a student, let his teacher survive. How "sage" demeanor.

Socrates was a questioner, he was the smartest of the Athenians, but he was so humble that he thought he was not smart enough, he was ignorant, he needed to keep learning, he debated with everyone he met.

It may be the next street corner, or it may be next to the fountain. Socrates compared himself to a gadfly, urging people not to rush around for life all day long, but to give themselves time to think. These ordinary people are no match for Socrates. Socrates makes people who are confident and smart doubt their intelligence, so many people don't like this wise man.

There was no jury in ancient Greek trials, but a council of 500 people, which was the core of the democratic system of the ancient Greek city-state Athens. This council of 500 people was composed of 500 citizens who had reached the age of 30.

After debate and evidence in the courtroom, the members of the 500-member council began to vote. In the first round, Socrates was convicted by 280 votes to 220. Socrates asked to defend himself again. The others also changed their minds and sentenced Socrates to death by a vote of 360 to 140.

Socrates’ devotion to faith and truth is commendable, and it’s not a mockery of the world. After Socrates’ death, people miss him, and at the same time think deeply about the revelation brought by Socrates’ death—the law can only be obeyed. There is authority, which is the cornerstone of legal civilization in the Western world. James Potter said that the law is a rule for the little people, and he never took the school rules seriously.

His arrogance of a typical rich child is disgusting, but he can provide Lily with a comfortable life. Who asked Lily to write the protest against house elf slavery with Pomona.

The Potter family is a pure-blood family. Although there is no genealogy of the twenty-eight holy families, as long as it is not a declining pure-blood family, there will be house elves.

Lily left a "crime record" in the Ministry of Magic, no one will hire her, and it is impossible to enter the Ministry of Magic. It is not that simple to stay in Hogwarts. Even the Dark Lord failed, not to mention she is just a relatively good young witch .

She has no other way but to marry, and some mistakes can't be made once, just like the Death Eater logo on the arms of Severus and Draco, once branded, it can't be erased.

"What am I doing?" Pomona looked at the potion tumbling in the cauldron in a daze. Its smoke was blue and looked very dreamy.

"How do you feel?" Severus used the Bubble Curse at some point, and Pomona was furious.

"Why didn't you remind me!"

"Do I still need to remind you? The venom of the Winged Demon has such a strong medicinal effect after being diluted by ordinary rainwater, let alone the water of Wangchuan River. Tell me how you feel."

She recalled that process "it was more empty than amnesia, it was like a ghost coming out of the body, it made people jump and happy, all troubles were purified, and the whole person was extremely relaxed."

"Even you will be hit, let alone an ordinary person." Severus looked at the potion and said, "It's not a forgetting potion anymore."

She stretched her arms around the Potions Master, and lingered in his arms like a kitten.

"Whatever it is, can you cook another pot, master?"

"Are you poisoned?" He said with a sullen smile, "Repeat the steps I just did."

"Put 2 drops of Wangchuan river water into a crucible and heat for 20 seconds. Put 2 parts of valerian into the crucible and stir clockwise 3 times. Wave the wand and wait. Put 2 parts of standard ingredients and 4 parts of mistletoe berries into a mortar and grind. Add two portions of powder to the crucible. Stir 5 times counterclockwise, wave your wand, and you're done!"

"That's an ordinary oblivion potion, when did I add the Winged Demon venom?"

She began to remember.

"I don't remember what just happened?"

"What is your last memory?"

"You kissed me while you were grinding the parasitic berries."

"The parasitic berry powder is the time for me to release the venom, and 2 drops are enough." He said triumphantly, "More than 40 minutes is not too bad."

It takes 40 minutes to an hour to boil a pot of amnesia, but Pomona thinks the smile on his face is an eyesore.

"Why are you so bad!" She casually picked up the potion book on the table and threw it at him. She often saw Hermione beat Ron Weasley like this, and she wanted to do it a long time ago.

Severus dodged it with deftness no nerd should have, and moved the cauldron away from the fire, and flung open the window with a flick of his wand.

The cold wind outside the house also cleared her mind a little, and that sense of powerlessness struck again.

"Are you okay?" The Potions Professor held her waist and smiled maliciously.

"I...I can't control it." Pomona pointed to the smirk on her face.

"Do you need an antidote?"

"No." She hugged him contentedly again, rubbing against him like a cat. "That's fine."

"Is this your catnip?"

Pomona purred comfortably as if drunk.

Cats are usually so cold and cold. It is obvious that the cats are raised by humans, but it seems that they are the masters. Filch was so devoted to taking care of Mrs. Norris because he thought he could slap her casually.

The happy potion professor took advantage of his little black cat to be in a good mood, and took her to the bedside where he slept when he was a child, and seized the opportunity to "stroll the cat" and enhance his relationship with her by the way, as if he had a new pet.

People are powerless in the face of natural and man-made disasters, they can only passively bear this misfortune. People hope to find a logical explanation for these misfortunes, and find a vent to spew out their anger. Find the culprit.

They first looked for low-status women such as slave girls, beggars, heretics, and widows, and then gradually developed to high-level women, because bullying weak women could no longer satisfy their desires.

In the 16th century, the queen of England, the second wife of Henry VIII, and the mother of Queen Elizabeth I of England, Anne Boleyn was accused by Muggles of being a witch. In fact, she was a squib. She was finally beheaded for adultery.

Not only did she bring great changes to the Tudor dynasty, she became Durrahan after her death, hunting those Muggles who had accused her.

It's easy to kill a kitten, the problem is that it depends on who its owner is.

Black wizards are not easy to mess with, but some people still want to mess with them. They can still cast spells normally under extremely depressed emotions, and the power they display is incomparably astonishing.

Pain will distract the weak-willed and concentrate the strong and unyielding. If there is the blessing of the Elder Wand, the power will be even more terrifying.

Pomona was lying on the black wizard's lap, enjoying the gentle touch, imagining the scene when Albus Dumbledore used his best Vulcan to open the way without any scruples, it must be very splendid.

Muggle sages will die if they drink poisonous pansies, but wizards and sages may not die if they drink it. Poison beard is poisonous alone, but it is non-toxic to humans when mixed with other materials. The antidote after mixing multiple poisons The sum of the antidote of each component should be superfluous, and at the same time, the mixture of multiple poisons may also cancel each other out, without the poisonous effect.

They had another disagreement over a pot of potion. The main reason was that there was no sample. If there was a sample, it would be easy to resolve.

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