Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 353 Riddikulus

The Leaky Cauldron is located between a large Muggle bookstore and a record store. Most wizards pass by these two stores, and few wizards think about visiting the Muggle bookstore.

As veteran "bookworms", the two of them went to the bookstore for a date after meeting in Hyde Park.

If Lucius Malfoy saw it, he would definitely shake his platinum blonde head and say "that's pathetic" slowly, so the place where peacocks date would not be so "common people".

As for the red-haired Weasley, none of them actually liked reading very much, Percy was an exception, and the twins were more mischievous, as if they wouldn't stop until they drove Filch crazy.

"Why are we here?" Pomona said dryly, ready to be "naughty", but the person who received the invitation didn't cooperate.

"We're going to a dinner party tomorrow, and I don't want people to think I'm a pompous person." Severus was wearing a Muggle black trench coat with a silver-gray woolen sweater underneath, looking really like a Muggle university professor.

What they are looking at now is the history of ancient China, and there are many books on the China-UK Cultural Exchange Year.

She hesitated between reading and harassment, and finally chose to read while holding his arm.

"Why don't you wear Slytherin's green scarf!" Fool Hufflepuff adjusted the earth yellow scarf around his neck. "Don't you feel cold on your neck?"

"You have already graduated, and you are still the dean, why do you still wear it?" The old Slytherin bat stared at the book, not looking at the sweetheart dean whose IQ was rapidly declining.

"Have you ever worn the sweater I knit you?" She remembered the reindeer sweater, which had been ruthlessly faded away.

"I don't know why you and Molly like knitting so much." He put down the book and said, holding back his anger, "Don't be like her."

"Neville just loves the sweaters I knit," she said with a smug smile. "He's wearing them today."

He made a disgusted expression as if he had eaten a fly, and then turned his eyes to the book again.

Pomona glanced at the title of the book, it was about the Hundred Years War between the Tang Dynasty and the Turks, and she knew it was boring at first glance. It happened that there was a book signing meeting downstairs, so Pomona focused her attention there.

"The annual rings of trees are the best indicator of past climate change. According to the temperature and precipitation of different years, the annual rings of trees grow differently. There are wide and narrow rings. Wider annual rings represent good growth conditions in that year. However, The more informative thing is narrow growth rings, especially extremely narrow growth rings, it shows that the trees are not growing well in the summer when they should be flourishing. We found a piece of oak in a peat bog in Ireland. The history It can be traced back to the sixth century AD. Microscopic observations show that the annual rings are very clear from 532 to 536 AD. However, in the 540 year sample in the park, only the spring has grown extremely narrow tubes. The subsequent seven-year sample annual rings Neither showed signs of summer growth. The narrow growth rings in this sample confirm that an ecological catastrophe occurred in the sixth century, and that tree rings all over the world tell the same story. From 536 AD onwards, the global climate suddenly changed. It gets so cold that the trees almost stop growing, heat is the engine that drives the global weather, without heat there will be less evaporation of seawater, less precipitation on the surface, the normal operating patterns of the weather will be disrupted, and plants will suffer from lack of water And withered, as the crops failed, famine began to break out, and we believe that the decline of the Eastern Roman Empire was related to that natural disaster..."

"Interesting, this book also says that the demise of the Turks was related to the weather." Severus also heard the speech downstairs, and brought his book to Pomona. "From 627 AD, three consecutive years In winter, there will be blizzards in the East Turks, and the cattle and sheep will be frozen to death, so they will go south to plunder the Tang Empire."

"Oh my God," Pomona exclaimed.

"War, cold, famine, how do Muggles survive." Severus smiled sarcastically, put the book under his arm, and started looking for new books on the shelf.

Can Weather Destroy Civilization? Pomona looked at the indifferent Muggles in the bookstore. The issue of abnormal weather has been talked about for many years, but no one really paid attention to it. The Indonesian tsunami did not affect the lives of most ordinary people. A few days of reports made people feel dull.

If you see death too much, you will feel numb. Just look at the doctors in the hospital, but the vast majority of ordinary people rarely experience death, so they cannot be indifferent.

Harry didn't see Thestrals until after fourth grade, at the beginning of fifth grade, which means that the memory of witnessing Voldemort killing his mother didn't overshadow him.

Cedric Diggory, a fair and just young knight, it is a pity that he died.

"Neville contacted you?" she whispered, leaning on his shoulder.

"No, what does he have to say to me?"

"I want the three-legged stool to become a four-legged stool again. The path in the Forbidden Forest is not the dividing line between Slytherin and the other three houses."

"It's a beautiful wish, but it's impossible to come true." Severus sighed, "Don't worry, come all of them."

"I met a werewolf in Hogsmeade..."

"Is it alone?"

"No, Aurors are following."

"Then everything is as usual, don't worry." He kissed her forehead, "Go and play by yourself, don't disturb my reading."

Pomona glared at the hateful bastard who treated her like a child.

"Why would I marry you?" She gritted her teeth and complained.

"Well~ look at us two, bickering like old couples." He squinted his eyes and curled up the dimples at the corners of his mouth.

"We've only been married for two days." She was so embarrassed that she didn't know what to do.

"Normal people should be on their honeymoon at this time, but we are working. Do you know what is the most tiring thing about being a dean?"

"No personal time at all." Pomona felt extremely miserable when she recalled the past, "And those roaring letters."

"Why do you still reply?" The old bat couldn't agree more and was amazed.

"That's because the three of you didn't reply, and the parents don't know what's going on in the school." She said tearfully.

"They will write letters to their children and probably know more than you, and you are completely unnecessary."

Pomona remembered the summer vacation the two of them were forced to spend together at school after Lupin's identity as a werewolf was exposed. They were preparing for the Triwizard Tournament. It's as bad as screaming.

The Potions Master now looked as good as the young man in the white shirt back then.

"Do you remember the Justinian plague that Professor Binns said? It seems to have erupted during that time."

"Sounds like the end of the world, are you afraid? My lady." He put his arm around her waist and smiled.

"We can find an uninhabited island to live in like Zygmuntbach. Anyway, I don't have to worry about not being full." Pomona looked at his black eyes, which were not clear and charming at all, but they went straight to hers. "You can concentrate on researching potions like Bucky, and leave this book for future generations."

"What about your research?"

"I just hope you're alive," she said as tears began to fall. "I'm sorry I misunderstood you."

"I know you'll regret it," he said grimly. "Neither you nor Minerva believe me, but Aberforth, because he knows his brother so well."

Pomona felt like a knife had been stabbed in her heart.

"When I flew away from school, at first I just wanted to get some fresh air, then I wanted to find out what the hell he was doing when he left school, Pomona, do you think you really know this Albus Dumbledore person?"

Although his anger had subsided a lot, Pomona still felt the killing intent.

"Arianna was hurt by three Muggles, and his father was imprisoned in Azkaban to teach the three Muggles a lesson. He should act like a big brother to take care of his family instead of his father, instead of traveling with friends In the world, he never worried about his family, and always hid in his room to read when he got home, let his Muggle mother take care of the daughter of Magic Riot, and he didn't stop traveling around the world until her mother died, He stayed to take on the duties of a big brother, but he didn't do this job for long, only a few weeks, and Grindelwald appeared. It's a shame for such a talented person to take care of his crazy sister at home every day. Albus has done a great job Career, but neglected a little girl, the sister he said he cared about the most, he could give Arianna the best, but except for time, even if he gave her an extra minute, Albus felt that it was superfluous." He tucked her messy hair behind her ears "Do you think he's starting to ignore you after you have Harry? That's what he is, I hate his smart speeches and I don't want you to take his too Learned to go, love does not have to be verbal, it can be expressed in another way, I told Aberforth about Albus's plan, but unfortunately his reputation was completely ruined, because of the 1982 a hell Goats, rumors and newspapers are overwhelming, no one will believe what he said, you want to know who did it?"

"Stop talking." Pomona covered her ears and shook her head.

"No, you misunderstood, it wasn't Albus' fault, it was someone else." Severus smiled and said "Millison Barnold, she said that famous line 'I uphold our inalienable The power to celebrate'. Every time the Death Eaters rioted after World War I, they would say that they were 'celebrating'. She wanted to defend herself, so she planned to use Albus to divert the public's attention. Unfortunately, Albus was flawless, so she As far as Albus’s younger brother Aberforth is concerned, those ordinary people can only follow what others say, just like Sirius Black escaped from prison, and it was said that he wanted to kill Harry Potter in the end, most people don’t know What are you doing, you can’t control your tongue. If you care too much about other people’s opinions, you will end up with the white wizard sooner or later. Do you know why Furong is so happy? Because she will ignore those who are jealous of her, and She doesn't think it's sad for a beauty like her to be a housewife, she's living a life that she thinks is happy, not a happy life in the eyes of others."

"You talk a lot to me now too, Severus, are you demagogic too?"

"I used to want revenge, Pomona, for what you hurt me, and then I found out that I love you a little more, I want to live, I don't want to die." He sighed, "But it seemed a bit late at that time, Nagini bit me, a lot of blood came out, I couldn't stop it, I was scared, senior."

"How could you be so stupid to punish me in this way?"

"What do you think the end of the world looks like? Do you think there is only panic?" He tilted his head and said with a smile, "There is also regret, why don't you wake up earlier, some tragedies can be avoided, as long as you are prepared in advance, natural disasters and man-made disasters It's like an exam. Those who are well prepared can survive, and those who are not prepared will be eliminated. You never prepared that one day I will die, right? Because I am younger than you, I am naive than you, right? ?”

But what's the difference between what you're doing and teenagers committing suicide to punish their parents?

"Why do you always hurt the people who love you, Severus?" she asked puzzled, whether it was Irene or Lily.

"Because I'm a mortal, Pomona, I thought an apology would always work and I'd be forgiven." He said deadpan, tears streaming down his cheeks silently, "but some mistakes can't be made once, right? "

She opened her arms and gave him a hug.

Is Severus Snape a saint or a villain?

Leave it to future generations to comment, this is the meaning of history, isn't it?

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