Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 352 Foxtrot


The daily teachers' meeting was over, and the new headmaster of Hogwarts stopped her.

She calmed down and looked at the murderer who killed Dumbledore calmly.

"What's the matter? Principal." She said coldly. The dementors surrounding the castle made this autumn extremely cold, and going to school became mandatory. He made the school look like a prison.

"Do you know where Dobby went?"

"He's a free house-elf, Hogwarts is just offering him a place to stay and work, don't worry, he's asking for far less than he deserves, a Galleon a month, and only one day off .”

"I'm asking you, where did it go?" he said, looking into her eyes, as if he was about to burst into anger.

"I don't know, Headmaster."

"You can answer my question like this without providing me with additional information."

"Can I go then?" Pomona said wearily and sadly.

"Be nice to the new Muggle Studies professor, just like you used to do, smirk, you can do it."

Keretti Babbage disappeared, but she was replaced by a Death Eater. Not only Pomona, but also other faculty and staff guessed her ending. Everyone looked at Severus Snape Only fear.

He didn't appear to be very proud, nor did he occupy the "throne" that originally belonged to Dumbledore. The opening speech was made standing up. He finally knew what to do so that people would not hate him even more. Worse than Umbridge in the eyes.

"Okay, principal." She said with a sweet smile.

"Also, replace your male and female prefects. They are all members of Dumbledore's Army. Ernie McMillan has publicly supported Harry Potter. Don't get yourself into trouble."

"They are graduating soon, let's wait for the next class." She turned around and was about to leave the principal's office.

"Did you get my message?" he asked behind her. "It's from my patron saint."

She didn't understand the meaning of "Save yourself, be careful Dumbledore" conveyed by the silver deer Patronus, but she understood his reminder.

"I am the dean of Hufflepuff." Pomona said, "I think there are more important things than protecting myself at this time."

"You didn't listen to me!" He slammed the table angrily. "Don't be stupid, Pomona!"

The Order of the Phoenix is ​​over, and the mysterious man has won. If anyone pretends not to see it, he is playing a joke on his own life.

Kerretti disappeared because she openly supported Muggles and wizards being no different, Muggles can't even see dementors, how could they be like wizards.

"Did Albus tell you anything?" he asked wearily after a long silence, as if he'd been on a long walk, breathing heavily.

Listening to the sound of breathing, those quiet nights came to mind in her mind.

Being a neutral faction is not that simple, especially when both sides are wooing, the choice determines the fate, and if you make the wrong choice, you will lose miserably.

"Nothing." Pomona wiped away tears "Can I go?"

"I don't want to do that, he forced me." He said to himself, "Do you believe me?"

She escaped.

She could insist on burying Albus Dumbledore at Hogwarts, but she couldn't trust a living man.

The moment the door closed, she felt that everything was over and everything was on the right track, and she just pretended that the secret relationship never happened.

She needs a clear mind to make the right choice at this life-threatening moment, instead of acting willfully like the dark wizard. The Carlo brothers and sisters lost control, and they actually used the children in confinement to practice the Unforgivable Curse.

'Where are you? Harry Potter? '

She looked at the gloomy and oppressive sky outside the tower, the guy inside would disappear at night, it seemed that he devoted his spare time to the Dark Lord and went to find the savior with other Death Eaters.

Even if he was Lily's child, even if he had Lily's eyes, he was still nothing to Severus Snape.

There are always some men in this world who think that women will follow after success, so women and love are nothing to them.

Nothing touched his heart, and he flattered himself with his indifference and the wisdom behind it.

A woman is a tool for him to manipulate, and she will never give him the opportunity to control her.

There are no Muggle-born little wizards in this year's freshmen, and Hogwarts has closed the door to them.

They must be in need of help, because they can't figure out why so many strange things are happening around them, and their Muggle parents can't solve it.

There is always a place in this world where the power of human beings cannot compete. Dumbledore could not cure Arianna's magic riot, nor could he use a spell to bring her back to life, so he put on the cursed ring inlaid with the resurrection stone .

She closed the door, just as Lily had done to him at the door of the Gryffindor common room. She would not break off with him easily after being scolded for a few words, but Severus killed Albus Dumbledore, with such solid evidence and being witnessed by so many people, how could he still say that he was forced?

"Thank you for your patronage." The Muggle salesperson smiled ambiguously and handed her a pocket. "I wish you a good night."

It was only then that Pomona realized that she was not in Hogwarts Castle, but in Muggle London. She was here to pick up the skirt and buy some other "birthday items" by the way.

This time the clothes were very "naughty", which is not what a good girl should wear, but she is a witch.

Seamus Finnigan's father was terrified when he found out that he had married a witch. His family lived in Ireland, where there were far more witches than in Scotland, and they roamed the moors, crying all the time. Seamus' Boggart is a female ghost. He returned home during the summer vacation after the Triwizard Tournament. He didn't know what he was thinking. He was shocked to death. Fortunately, the two of them were passing by at that time, otherwise he would have died long ago.

He also participated in the Battle of Hogwarts, and it was he who passed the news of Severus' death to everyone in the auditorium. At that time, her mind was blank. She was even more stunned when the black wizard appeared.

He asked her if she would go with him, and she agreed without thinking. She left a letter for Minerva when she was packing up, and then left the human world without hesitation, and found a trapped man in the wilderness. Abandoned house, began a hermit life.

During Dumbledore's funeral, Seamus had a fight with his mother in the Great Hall, which ended when his mother agreed to stay and attend the funeral, so he suffered a lot in seventh grade.

He is a half-breed, but not as noble as Neville, a pure-blood. Instigated by the Carlo brothers and sisters, the Slytherin snakes tortured him very hard. If he didn't escape to the Room of Requirement, he might be tortured to death. The scene was almost the same as when Severus was a child.

Slytherin is supreme, and almost all students are proud to join the Death Eaters. After they killed people, they threw the corpses to the werewolves, which not only destroyed the corpses but also had a deterrent effect, but it was very troublesome to clean up the crime scene at the end, because there were human remains everywhere.

It is precisely because of this that Wormtail can fake his own death illusion with his own little finger.

Seamus is a very talented kid. He studied very hard to get revenge on his cousin when he opened Apparation class. He was the first to learn it. He is very good at the explosive spell. He has the potential to become an excellent "dancer" .

"That nasty boy." Pomona gritted her teeth and whispered. Babo tuber pus was disgusting, but what kind of attitude was he talking to her.

This liquid has a strong corrosive effect and can also burn violently. Together with the fried-tailed snails raised by Haig, children will have a great time "playing".

"No..." In the forest, a woman whispered.

"Nobody's going to see it," said a man vaguely.

"I said, no, not in broad daylight..."

"Oh, what the hell!" After leaving Harrods, she remembered the scene she had encountered in the Forbidden Forest.

In good conscience, the year of the Triwizard Tournament was her happiest memory, especially the "invitation letter", which was definitely the most daring thing she did in her life.

Her heart was once cut by an ice knife, from a complete heart to full of hard-to-heal wounds.

The dark wizard told her that she was as lonely as the weeping myrtle, and he couldn't bear to see a girl cry so sadly that he stayed with her.

Who is merciful to whom?

She took out her wand and pointed it at her ring, which had the word "Naughty" written on the inner ring.

"You said I could use it whenever I wanted, Severus," she said as if to excuse herself, and said the spell.

Harry Potter's life was screwed up, although many felt he was a blessed child.

The old hat was hesitating between Slytherin and Gryffindor when they were sorting, and the 11-year-old kid was unwilling to enter Slytherin after hearing Hagrid's one-sided words.

Pride and prejudice, Draco and Harry Potter can only become friends if they let go of these two points, how difficult it is, and I don't know if she can live to see that day come.

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