Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 354 Serious Trouble

The staff haven't been at school for Christmas since Billy's bad Christmas pantomime nearly burned Hogwarts Great Hall down, and the Christmas holidays are a social season each year, when the two of them go from party to party , while Minerva will be reunited with her nephews.

The half-fairy Felix also appears sometimes. He has many female friends. The three of them always deliberately avoid the appearance of words such as alliance in social situations. The arrival of Furong seems to have blown away this barrier. Everyone was caught off guard.

The mess she creates is endearing, though the girls are jealous of the boys being silly enough to ask her out.

The real chaos is disorder. Most people flee in terror, looking for a chance of survival. The uninhabited islands and wilderness that no one went to before are actually inhabited.

Sirius was always a problem. He and James had joined the Order of the Phoenix in 1977, when the Sorcerer's Stone had come to England, and they met three Death Eaters on broomsticks when they were in charge of transporting it.

In Sirius' original words: "Those three idiots would never have imagined that what their master dreamed of would actually be on the two of us."

A nobleman is always talking about idiots, idiots and other uneducated words. I really don't know whether to say that the Black family is unlucky.

While evading pursuit they encountered two Muggle policemen, Sirius was speeding, and neither he nor James were wearing helmets.

Sometimes Pomona also had to admit that Lily was so messed up that she designed a phoenix T-shirt. Sirius and James look like two rock youths in their clothes, especially Sirius, his handsome appearance and arrogant temperament are very similar to the lead guitarist in the band.

Lily didn't take this secret organization founded by old fool Dumbledore seriously at all. She probably thought the Order of the Phoenix was a protest group.

In the mid-to-late 1960s, many massive student movements broke out in the Muggle world. There were many "hippie" bands, and there were also many music festivals. It was an era of "rock and roll". Lily's phoenix T-shirt looks like a band logo. When the two Muggle policemen chased the two of them into a dead end, they decided that they were members of the band when they saw their clothes. When they were questioned by the two policemen, the Death Eaters appeared. Sirius and James The three Death Eaters were blocked by the Muggle police car, and the two Muggle policemen collapsed to the ground in fright.

It would be fine if things got to this point, but Sirius said to the two policemen, "We owe you a favor", and took James "flying" away on a flying motorcycle.

The Order of the Phoenix complies with the International Statute of Secrecy. Sirius and James both forgot to give the two Muggle police officers a look after their work.

It took Pomona a lot of trouble to find the two Muggle cops, erase their memories, and fix the police car they had wrecked.

Hufflepuff's poor dean is always "cleaning up" like house elves, and this time she's cleaning up the house in Ottery San Catchup where Severus used to stay after he left home at age 11. village house.

Erin was admitted to a nursing home because she was implicated in her son's magic riot. In the last two years of her life, she was taken back to her home in Spider's End.

Severus put the Princes' books that he had collected over the years back into the old house in Spinner's End, trying his best to make it look like the Princes'. After Irene's death, he will not return to Cokeworth. This small wooden house built in the low mountains has nothing to do with the Order of the Phoenix, nor has it anything to do with the Malfoy family. It belongs to their own house, but since 92 Years later no one lived there.

There is a simple small kitchen, bathroom and two rooms, the walls are logs, the house that has been empty for more than ten years is full of dust, and what's worse is that the old Slytherin bat doesn't allow Pomona to clean it with magic. Doing this kind of boring, hard and meaningless work is his usual way of punishing students, and Pomona didn't expect that she would have a taste of it one day.

It is not so easy to persuade a sunny 17-year-old minor to die. If others tell you to die, do you just die? The old fool had put his own life on the line to teach Harry what sacrifice is, and everyone had no other way out except to follow his plan.

Even more stupid was Severus Snape, the old fool did not leave a way for the double agent, he still carried out the mission, fortunately Harry finally cleared his name.

"What are you holding?" he asked standing in the doorway.

"T-shirt designed by Lily." She stuffed the dress into the bottom of her suitcase, which was the same as the standard Hogwarts student suitcase.

Just as the Order of the Phoenix did not give up resistance when the overall situation was settled, the Death Eaters did not give up resistance immediately after Voldemort's death.

"A lot of people died, and my memory is like everyone's grave, just like Jack only exists in Rose's memory."

"That's why he uses the Pensieve." He stood against the doorframe. "Albus Dumbledore is a hundred and fifty years old."

"I'm 50 too." She pouted. "What the hell have I done?"

"Some people say that people become soft-hearted when they get old, why don't I feel the soft-heartedness of Wizard White?"

"He told Grindelwald never to hurt each other," she said sadly. "He's a liar."

"Who is he? Grindelwald or Dumbledore?"

"Both of them." Pomona cried, covering her face. "Poor Tom."

Who would believe that such a powerful Voldemort was actually a tool used by Dumbledore. In the end, the Anti-Dark Arts League won, but wizards also lost the ability to protect themselves, and human beings became meat waiting to be slaughtered on the chopping board , Even werewolves don't see humans in their eyes anymore.

He groaned in his nose, came over and bent down, and helped her up. At this time, the fire was already crackling in the fireplace, and Pomona felt warm all over her body, as if she was taking a hot bath.

"We've never done that here." He looked her in the eye and unbuttoned her. "Where's your school uniform?"

"No!" she exclaimed.

"Why not?" he laughed. "I like Hufflepuff's schoolgirls."

"You are so shameless, what do you think when you look at the girls in my academy?" Pomona swung her fists and beat the black wizard who was completely black from inside to outside!

"I'm thinking of you, senior sister, pure and lovely, without any pollution." He stroked the yellow scarf around her neck "That's why he has been protecting you and leaving those dirty jobs to me Because of that, you and Lily look so beautiful playing together."

She was touching a restricted area that she shouldn't be touching. In the quiet house, only the whistling of cold wind and the rustling of clothes could be heard.

Beautiful and holy things should not have evil thoughts, such as Ravenclaw's diadem, but Tom desecrated it with black magic, because he was so proud that he felt that the diadem was worthy of his soul.

"Stop!" she screamed suddenly.

"Give me a reason." He pursed his upper lip and said every word.

Weird and weird, that's what she felt now as she looked into his dark eyes, the crazy light in his eyes, and he was about to lose his mind.

Following Voldemort was to gain the power to be free, to fly like a bird, but now he is trapped, a prisoner of the oath.

"I bought two sets of clothes, which one do you like?" She took the shopping bag containing the "naughty" clothes out of the flannel bag, "French maid, or the little black cat?"

The violent aura on his body disappeared in an instant.

"Can I call you 'Master,' or would you prefer me to call you Headmaster?" She changed the scarf around her neck into a pink ribbon bow, and held a white lace garter in her hand.

"Damn!" He complained with a tangled face.

"You don't like it?" Pomona said with some frustration, she was wrong last time.

"You silly girl, why are you so stupid?" He reached out and hugged her, and then his shoulders began to tremble, and she patted him on the back clumsily, just like when he was wronged and had nowhere to vent when he was a child Same.

Patience is for revenge, but how painful the process of endurance is, so the taste of long revenge is even sweeter.

After crying bitterly, he began to search for her lips again intending to continue making out, this time she did not refuse.

It's a terrible feeling to see a portrait of a young headmaster moving in the headmaster's room. Fortunately, you are still alive, Severus, you are a half-blood prince who is not handsome.

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