Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 3415: Horn and Alarm Bell

King Charles VIII entered Florence through the Porta San Friliano on November 17, 1494.

He wore gilded armor and a cape sewed with gold thread, and a crown on his head, like a victorious hero. In the way that military leaders of the time entered captured cities, he also held a spear in his hand, across his body. Four knights held up a luxurious canopy for him. There was a general on each side of him, followed by more than 100 royal bodyguards in gorgeous clothes; behind them were more than 200 knights on foot; behind the knights were Swiss guards holding steel halberds and officials wearing armor decorated with complicated feathers. Another 5,000 Gascon infantry and 5,000 Swiss infantry marched on foot, followed by 3,000 cavalry wearing carved armor and embroidered cloaks, holding velvet flags embroidered with gold thread. Behind the cavalry were 4,000 Breton archers and 2,000 stone crossbowmen. Finally, there were various weapons and cannons, pulled forward by horses instead of cattle or mules. This was Florence. The sight that the Rensa people had never seen before.

The image of the cuirassiers was somewhat ferocious and frightening, and the ears and tails of the horses under their crotch were cut very short, looking like monsters. The archers behind them were all from Scotland or other Nordic countries, and they were unusually tall. They looked more like beasts than people.

In the shadow of the porch, Georgiana looked at the gift given to her by the Marquis of Rollebon, which was a bone flute carved like an eagle.

A gust of wind blew into the flute, making a strange sound, which was like a rustling sound and a kind of whimper. Listening to this sound, it seemed as if she was not in a beautiful Italian manor, but in a simple tent camp in the Siberian forest.

"Your breakfast wine." Rabastan Lestrange said, placing a glass of wine on the small table next to Georgiana.

"Thank you." She smiled at Lestrange and put the bone flute aside.

"Did you find this?" Lestrange asked, looking at the bone flute.

"No, it's a gift. "Georgina took the glass and took a sip of the wine, which seemed to be a brandy.

"This gift is dangerous, I think you can feel it." Lestrange said.

"Of course I can feel it." Georgiana looked at Lestrange and smiled, "Even the person who gave the gift felt it, he was a Muggle."

Rabastan smiled sarcastically, as if he didn't agree with some of Georgiana's views.

"Sit down and chat with me, how about others?" Georgiana asked.

"Are you asking about the wine or something else?" Rabastan asked.

"You know what I mean." Georgiana said.

"Not bad." Rabastan put the wine on the table, "but not good enough. "

She sighed silently.

Mothers always try to stop their sons from entering the grave, but they always go in.

Freedom is a dangerous thing, but everyone craves its taste.

She still doesn't understand the principle of Grindelwald's "hookah", and perhaps it won't be of much use if she does.

Destiny cannot be changed, no matter Voldemort, Snape, Bonaparte, or anyone else who doesn't believe in fate.

Harry wanted to change Sirius's fate, so he used a time converter, but Sirius died in the end.

Of course, Harry probably couldn't accept "This is fate." "It's fate" and other words, because it was Bellatrix who killed Sirius.

Sirius was also imprisoned in Azkaban, but he didn't express loyalty to the "master" like Bella.

Sirius thought he had killed Wormtail, and in this way he had completed his revenge.

The taste of revenge is so sweet, but what is after the short-lived pleasure?

Siris willingly stayed in Azkaban for 12 years and suffered torture until he saw Wormtail again in the newspaper - Wormtail turned into a mouse.

"Can I ask why you do this?" Rabastan asked.

"Muggles sometimes find these dangerous and "interesting" things." Georgiana looked at the bone flute on the table and said, "Too dangerous for them...but useful for us."

"That's not what I want to ask. "Rabastan said.

She didn't ask Rabastan what he wanted to ask?

Because his eyes had already told her the answer.

Because of the introduction of her "best friend", Georgiana understood some steps in the Eleusis Mysteries.

Agriculture is a kind of alchemy. Many people don't understand this concept, but alchemy is actually the same as agriculture. It is based on high yields. What nature takes centuries or even tens of thousands of years to do, humans can complete in an instant. By cooperating with nature, they will eventually get wealth.

The performance process of the "miracle" is that the grain grows at an ultra-fast speed, just like casting the farmer's growth spell, it only takes a short time from seed germination to maturity.

Originally, the grains that were harvested twice a year It became three or four harvests a year. Persephone is the daughter of Zeus and Demeter. Zeus represents rain and lightning. There are also elements of praying for rain in the mysteries. Everyone knows how important water is to agriculture.

But even Fitzgerald and others who mastered ancient magic can only cause "local showers".

Georgiana may make plants in a greenhouse bloom and bear fruit early, but she cannot make tens of thousands of acres of farmland mature early.

This is the difference between the power of "man" and "god".

Wizards also cannot create "from nothing". Food cannot be transformed by the Transfiguration Spell, and the same is true for potions.

Changing the rules and order of existing creations is the "domain".

Dumbledore can create a mirror world as big as a city to deceive Credence, but she can only create a mirror world as big as a small house. As for Hathor... who knows her?

The word "Image" comes from the Latin "imago", which means to copy or imitate.

The process of a painter using a brush to paint a landscape or a figure is very slow, but a camera can complete it with a single click of the shutter.

So a camera can replace a painter? Because it is good to paint images.

There is also a rumor about Mona Lisa. The person "Mona Lisa" does not actually exist, so how can a camera be used to photograph a non-existent thing?

If ghosts really exist, then they can be captured with a camera, similar to using a camera to photograph the Loch Ness Monster and UFOs, and these photos can be used as evidence.

In Genesis, God created man in his own image (image), but before that, God also said "let us make man in our image".

Around the 14th century, image had the meaning of "mirror reflection", and then in the mid-to-late 14th century, the word imagine appeared, which means "hypothesis".

The word "imaginative" is related to imagination, which means "to depict for oneself" and "to form an image".

"You have the most complete information in the world." Georgiana said slowly, "The documents of the Library of Alexandria and the Church Library are all here."

"Just because of this?" Rabastan asked, he didn't seem to believe it.

Maybe Harry was eager enough to change his fate, but it was Hermione who turned the time converter. The time she stopped because of petrification in the previous school year was "made up" in that school year.

"Remember to make a copy of all the books in the library when you leave." Georgiana stood up with a wine glass, "In addition, if there is no danger, don't touch other people's collections."

She didn't care whether Rabastan listened or not, and walked forward while drinking.

It was certainly wrong to be a robber, but she didn't need to look in the mirror to know how happy she was smiling now, because she really felt happy.

Women, you should be nice to yourself occasionally.

She thought happily and threw the empty wine glass on the ground.

When she finished the wine in the Chiconyala wine cellar, she would change to good French wine.

Although she felt that Chikonyala would not be happy with her "compensation".

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