Pliny the Elder once mentioned glass mirrors in his encyclopedia "Natural History". However, in the dark Middle Ages, the technology for making transparent glass was lost, and people have never been able to make transparent glass.

However, this did not stump the craftsmen. They found a crystal of suitable size and polished it smooth. Then they combined the smooth and flat metal and crystal to make a prototype of the glass mirror.

At the beginning of the 13th century, Italy's glass industry was very developed, and the city of Venice was famous all over the world for its glass production. In the early 14th century, Venetian glassmakers added manganese dioxide during the trial production of colorless glass to produce colorless glass. Since then, Venice has been famous for its rich mirror production.

In order to create a suitable telescope, Galileo modified the glass-making process and replaced the manganese dioxide with a plant ash. Manganese is a very reactive metal element. Although the oxide is very stable, it can easily explode once heated.

Even though one mirror sold for a high price, enough to buy three pairs of Raphael, there was still a steady stream of customers.

In addition to "mind" coming from Old English memory, recollection, the state of being remembered, thought, conscious mind, intelligence, intention", from Proto-Germanic "thought", Old English love, cherished memory, There is also the root word men-, which has the meaning of small and lonely in the Indo-European roots.

Not to mention young people, even Georgiana herself felt bored to death when listening to the vague talk of these old scholars.

Both Grindelwald and Dumbledore have "props" when expanding their "field", such as skulls and Deluminators.

It's just that Grindelwald's skull was destroyed by Leta Lestrange. Originally, in the circle of fire he created, people followed his rules and those who followed him wholeheartedly could step through the circle of fire without being harmed at all. , and those who are less determined will be burned to ashes.

The fire got bigger, even if he really put the whole of Paris in flames, it seemed that his "domain" had gotten bigger, but it was out of control.

So even if he really forced himself to cause a super storm, the wizard himself would be in trouble. The first lesson for all little wizards is the Tarantella Steps spell. There was a wizard who made Vesuvius "dance", causing the destruction of Pompeii.

It does not mean that advanced magic is ancient magic. The Tarantella Steps Spell is an "ancient magic". Mount Vesuvius erupted nearly 2,000 years ago in 79 AD. It is effective for both living and inanimate targets.

Just like when you plant a tree, even if it doesn't scream like a mandrake, you know it's alive.

Who says "hello" to a faucet? It's a faucet, and it's made of metal.

However, Harry still spoke to the faucet in a snake-like accent, and then opened the entrance to the secret room. He is not like the Gaunt family, who regard Shelao dialect as their daily language, and even use it when picking up a bowl.

He would only speak snake talk to snakes that were alive, or what he thought were living snakes.

In order to resist the harm caused by the external dementors, Sirius kept recalling his school days with James, that happy and carefree time.

Although Sirius seemed crazy, he was not completely crazy. He could still tell the difference between James and Harry, although he occasionally couldn't.

In Latin Bibles before the 14th century, the word imaginem was used in Genesis. The word had been debated as early as Augustine's time, when the scholastics considered imaginem to be some kind of "mirror image" (speculum). Spiritualists led by Pope Gregory believe that this similarity is "from the inside out". Human beings imitate the Creator because they have souls. The soul is an innate endowment, and thus human beings are placed in the world. center of.

Comics are a kind of pictures, and they also have text, although they are not as dense as those in textbooks. Readers cannot expect that the people drawn on paper will make the same sounds as the animations on TV.

And this kind of picture is different from semiotics.

Grando was also present at Chiconyara's house, working on a "reenactment" of what happened that night.

She was originally wondering why the Lyon people would choose him as their representative.

Savoy was once part of the territory of the Holy Roman Empire, and perhaps it was as keen on alchemy as some of the Holy Roman Emperors, otherwise it would not have invited Nostradamus to Turin.

When demolishing buildings in Turin, you may encounter fake curses left by charlatans, or you may encounter real trouble. If you encounter hard problems and cannot be demolished, the investment project will "come to nothing".

This was different from a haunted house. Georgiana had heard of someone trapping a haunting spirit in a stone of a house, sealing it, and then dispersing it far away from the original address of the house.

What can ghosts do? In fact, it's not the ghosts that are scary. She once had a student who was a repairman at home. A woman gave a haunted music box to his father to repair, and later he was able to see ghosts.

The whole apartment, including his parents, wanted him to stop saying he could see ghosts. At that time, another family in London was causing a fuss about hauntings.

Teenagers will always do things to get noticed, but not everyone wants to live a life of media attention.

Just like some people find it painful to live under the reputation of others, and some people find it painful to be burdened by fame.

She would not be like that annoying philosopher, telling people that you can't do this or that, it's so unfortunate, whether he is on the ship or not.

Penny was jealous of Lily because she had no magic power, and Pomona didn't want to become like Penny. She still wanted to be a lovely woman, whether anyone loved her or not.

So she locked "Heathcliff" and "Catherine" in the cabinet together.

What love and hate entanglements between them had nothing to do with her, there are many things in people's lives.

In fact, now think about it, why could Medea deceive Uncle Jason's daughters and make them believe that cutting their father into pieces and boiling them in a crucible would restore their youth?

Women actually care more about youth. Why don't daughters enjoy such a good thing first?

Their father will die before them one day. Who will they rely on to live a carefree princess life?

But if their father can return to youth, their good days can continue.

Without the protection of Dumbledore and other elders, Harry had to learn to grow up on his own. He had become a father, so how could he be a father?

Draco could still be a child. He might not have so many friends, but he had reliable elders to rely on.


When Georgiana passed by the bookshelf in the library, a young man came over with a book.

"Look at this."

Georgiana took the book. In fact, it was more like a draft. It sketched a strange place. There were very primitive reliefs on the wall and a huge sculpture of a human face.

"Where did you find this?" Georgiana asked. It did not meet Chiconyara's "taste". He always collected exquisite works of art created by unknown authors, not this kind of primitive works.

"In 'South America'." The young man said, "Do you say he is interested in the City of Gold?"

"How do I know!" She stuffed the book into the young man's arms, "Copy it and take it back."

What she didn't say was that if Chiconyara took this opportunity to run away and never came back, she would "pack up" all his collections in Milan and Ferrara.

Although he was married in name, he actually had no children and no ties. Apart from these, what else did he care about?

Georgiana looked at the scenery outside the window.

The snow on the top of the Alps had not melted yet and was still white.

When snowflakes encounter fire, they will not immediately turn into steam and disappear, but turn into a drop of water and fall on the transparent glass.

"I hate those two old guys." She couldn't help complaining and continued to wander around the manor to see if she could find some more sparks of inspiration to "break through".

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