Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 3414 Never mind

Georgiana once saw farmers drying millet during the non-harvest season.

Compared with countries such as North Africa, Sicily and Spain, low-lying countries are much humid, and grain must be dried in the sun at intervals to avoid mold and rodent damage.

In countries with dry climates, people will choose to store the food in a ditch or hole, laying a layer of hay and then covering it with soil.

As long as it is far away from the river, the soil will be as dry as sand, and mummies will still form mummies without the need for antiseptic measures such as sodium chloride.

As the shovel swung, yellow sand and dust formed a wall of sand, blurring her vision.

Under the power of the wind, she seemed to see a human face, just like in the movies.

However, before she could see clearly who that face looked like, the yellow sand lost its color and turned into white mist.

After a while the mist coalesced and formed a doe, who looked very much like someone's patron saint.

The deer looked at her for a long time, then walked toward the depths of the forest, where there was a large lake.

The moonlight shines on the misty lake, which looks beautiful, but Georgiana will not break through the ice and dive underwater like Harry Potter.

Somehow the mist actually formed a "water curtain movie", with many soldiers fleeing in panic.

At this time, a "cannonball" landed very close to her. The two soldiers had no time to escape, and they fell into the icy lake together.

They wanted to grab the ice and climb up, but found that they couldn't do it. Not only did the winter clothes become very heavy after absorbing water, but also because the ice would tilt up. And they didn't have "Ron" to help them. Everyone on the battlefield was run.

She raised her head and looked at the deer in the distance, and it was looking at her too.

With a loud "coaxing" sound, the ice surface where the deer was located was knocked open from bottom to top, and a huge sailboat rushed out of the water.

At first she thought the ship was Durmstrang's ship, but after closer inspection she found that it was not. It was larger and more luxurious than Durmstrang's ship. Not only did it have a beautiful poop. , exquisite wood carvings can be seen everywhere on the ship, and they are all painted gold. It is more like a palace on the sea than a warship.

She soon recognized that this ship should be Louis XIV's "Sun King". On the poop there was a relief of Apollo driving a four-horse carriage. But it should have been burned down, and even the mutilation was blown to pieces because the fire ignited the ammunition magazine. It was floating in this lake, not much bigger than the hull of a boat, and looked like it was trapped here.

However, there was obviously no wind at this time, but the boat started to move on its own. When the fog dissipated a little, she could see clearly. Hands wrapped in asphalt stretched out from the lake, pushing it forward slowly, and the waves seemed to be like... The wail of nothing floated on the lake.

"Where are you going?" she said to herself, following the giant ship.

According to Egyptian mythology, after the sun sets every day, the sun boat will carry the sun to the underworld. Not only the pharaoh's tomb, but even the farmers will bury a reed boat in their tombs.

Of course, that kind of reed boat cannot bear the weight of those "things" climbing up from the water, not even the Pharaoh's boat, because Egyptian boats are generally wide and shallow, suitable for rafting on the Nile River, and need to be guarded. Push down those "things" that try to climb up.

But the Sun King was too high, and the hands stretched out from the water could not grasp the strings of the ship and climb up. Instead, they pushed the ship forward.

As the boat approached, the fog on the lake shore dispersed, forming a road. She was about to move forward, but was grabbed by someone.

"Is your mission accomplished?" Hathor asked, her beautiful face seeming to glow in the darkness.

"You...why are you here?" Georgiana asked subconsciously.

"Where do you think this is?" Hathor asked, and with a wave of her hand, the mist-filled forest lake disappeared, replaced by a magnificent Egyptian palace.

There is a waterway in the middle of the palace, which reflects like a mirror the Dendera constellation panel on the ceiling.

"Italy," Georgiana stammered.

Hathor smiled grimly.

"Do you think you really ran that far?" Hathor said, shaking the tassels on his clothes and circling Georgiana. "I thought you were different and that your mission was completed?"

She had completely forgotten about this matter.

"You can find someone else." Georgiana said tiredly, "I don't have the ability."

"Things done out of love always happen on the other side of good and evil." Hathor suddenly said, "Don't think of yourself as a dirty river. As long as it is as wide as the ocean, even if it accommodates unclean rivers, It won’t be dirty either.”

She hadn't expected Hathor to look at Nietzsche, but at the moment she felt indifferent.

"I thought Leon would help me forget him." Georgiana said to Hathor. "I did forget him, although it was only for a while."

"Then what?" Hathor said like a close friend, after listening to her troubles.

"Which do you dislike more, the Mamluks or the French?" asked Georgiana.

"Can't a woman love a warrior?" Hathor asked with a smile.

"There are also women who love kings." Georgiana also followed Hathor's example and circled around, "like Louis XIV."

"How do you like it?"

If Richelieu was willing to ally with the Netherlands to prevent the Netherlands from plundering French ships in order to gain freedom of navigation at sea, Louis XIV's plan might be to join forces with Britain to destroy the Netherlands, and then, with the alliance between France and Britain, French ships would not be plundered when they went out to sea in the future.

This foreign policy led to the Netherlands tearing up Richelieu's Treaty of Compiègne and resuming plundering French ships until the signing of the Treaty of Utrecht. The treaty stipulated that trade should be restored as a prerequisite, but the British royal family was no longer the Stuarts when the treaty was signed.

In 1494, in addition to the Pope's arbitration of the meridian, King Charles VIII of France led 40,000 people into Italy. At the beginning of the war, Milan allied with France, and Sforza originally brought them here. Venice chose neutrality, while Florence joined the Papal States and Naples to resist France.

Lorenzo de' Medici had died at this time, and his successor was Piero de' Medici. However, the real controller of Florence at that time was Savonarola. When the French approached Florence, Piero quickly surrendered and met all of Charles' conditions without any bargaining. This result made the Florentines very angry, and the Medici family had to flee.

She didn't know whether Florence had a seawall like Amsterdam. In order to block the "Sun King" and the "Happy King", William II dug it. In fact, the flood it caused only temporarily blocked the army. For an army seeking victory, it was not an insurmountable natural barrier. It could continue to move forward after the water receded.

Digging the levee is another "scorched earth warfare". Who dared to say that Moscow was burned in normal times?

This is a "burn jade and stone" strategy. The Dutch, who were still arguing about who would steer the ship that could sink in the storm at any time, surrounded William II.

Otherwise, Florence would be burned. Savonarola had already burned a lot of "luxury things".

She was so angry that she remembered Tom Marvolo Riddle writing his name in the void with flame words, and then rearranging them to form the name "Voldemort".

Fog is like a "mirage", and water sometimes refracts colorful light like a prism.

Flames are different colors, and they will shine by themselves, illuminating the dark hole without the dazzling sun.

She raised her wand and used it as a paintbrush to change the appearance of Hathor's palace.

Hathor let her create until she finished.

"What is this place?" Hathor looked at the house that was too shabby for her.

"My home." Pomona sat on the rocking chair that Snape had sat on and closed her eyes comfortably.

This place looks narrow and has no gold powder decoration, but she doesn't need to hear others praise how great Lily is and how loyal Snape is, even though he is a Slytherin.

She was just insignificant and loved a selfish man. When the war was over, they would start a new life. He was fighting for their "future".

This abandoned house might not be as magnificent as a castle, but he used to live in a dungeon, and she lived in a cellar, just like the cook. Unlike Ravenclaw and Gryffindor who lived in a high tower, they could overlook the beautiful scenery.

Don't make an alliance with the enemy.

This is a matter of experience, and Snape is a "living" example.

"It seems that you have found the trick." Hathor said, "Congratulations."

She didn't understand what was worth congratulating? But if someone congratulated her, she would take it as a good thing.

She waved her hand comfortably, copied several glass cups, poured water of different heights into them, and knocked them with a wooden stick, making a sound like a glass harp.

Then she let the wooden stick play, and Hathor took a cup himself, turned the water in it into wine, and sat with her to enjoy it.

Even though it’s not heavenly music, it’s still music, and perfect for decorating “girlfriend time”.

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